What movie(s) do you know every line of?

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love_u2_adam said:
superbad fo sho!
ive seen it maybe half a million times

With time restraints, that is physically impossible unless you had like 500 tvs playing it at once.
elevated_u2_fan said:

I always considered Life Of Brian to be Superior to both of them...

Centurion: What's this, then? "Romanes eunt domus"? People called Romanes, they go, the house?

Brian: It says, "Romans go home. "

Centurion: No it doesn't ! What's the latin for "Roman"? Come on, come on !

Brian: Er, "Romanus" !

Centurion: Vocative plural of "Romanus" is?

Do you find it funny that my friend is named Biggus Dickus?
Now, back to the knowing most of the lines to a movie, I am now interested in knowing how close you could come to reciting a movie, line for line, without the movie playing, off the top of your head.

Props for whoever gets furtherst.
I'll be the first to admit that I can only do this if the movie is actually playing....
COBL_04 said:
Now, back to the knowing most of the lines to a movie, I am now interested in knowing how close you could come to reciting a movie, line for line, without the movie playing, off the top of your head.

Props for whoever gets furtherst.

I accept the challenge!
Here is a bit of Jaws right off the top of my head (bearing in mind I'm in my office....)

*puts hand on bible*....and I am NOT using any aids such as Youtube or google or anything else....this is STRICTLY from memory:


This is the scene that first introduces Quint:

"You all know me, know how I earn a livin'. I'll catch this bird for you but it ain't gonna be easy...bad fish...not like going after blue gills and tommycats. This shark? would swallow you whole....a little shaking, tenderizing, down you go.....".(there's a bit more but I forgot)

"......gotta bring back the tourists....put your business back on a paying basis. But it's not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than 3,000 bucks chief! I'll FIND him for 3, but I'll catch him and kill him for 10....
I don't want no mates there's too many captains on this island. 10,000 dollars for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail....the whole damm thing!."

Whew!!....that was HARD!

I'm sure I missed a word here or there but there you go.....
NO! We're the People's Front of Judea. Judean People's Front. Pfft.

By the way, I want to be a woman.

These lines make want to watch it again, might have to get all the dust off.
sweetie said:
Blazing Saddles

Dag i woz born here, i waz raaaayz heer, and dag gon it im guna die heer.
And hasbuck tailswig cragger krugger, is gunway piss an cutter!!

I'm going to punch you in the ovary. Right in the babymaker.

What's that? You ate a whole wheel of cheese? Wow. That's amazing. I'm not even angry.
I used to know all the lines to The Lion King when I was a kid. I could play the movie in my mind if I wanted to. I've forgotten most of it now.
Top Gun
16 Candles
Ferris Buller
Love Actually
Life of Brian
When Harry Met Sally
Princess Bride
A Midsummer Night's Dream (ALMOST all, c'mon it's SHAKESPEARE!!)

(can you tell I grew up in the 80's?)
Love some of the movies that have been posted. I knew I guy who could recite all of star wars a new hope (episode IV, from 1977). It was pretty amazing.

I can't quite do that but......

Back to the Future
Ferris Bueller
The Princess Bride
the original star wars trillogy (for the most part)

and any disney movie

my siblings play this disney game where we quote from a random disney movie and take turns guessing which one. Kinda lame but I like it

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