what did you say?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
aww bummer last unicorn. I am the last person who can help you with that. They should be there. I can see them sorry. I hope they appear for you.
Speaking of not being technologically minded.
Some young dude at the versace asked me if i had a mobile phone on me. I did. I had borrowed ny son's so I could ring him to come and collect me after I met U2 ( supreme optimist- worked this time) I told the fellow i didin't know how to use them. he took it off me and programmed in his number. I was so worried he might delete some of my son's important info. Tomas was already sick and tired of hearing about U2 methinks between me and cheffudge ( hola if you read this K, hugs and pats to you know who, the gang will be there tomorrow). The young dude then went off to the beach and asked me to call him when/if U2 appeared. What an impatient edjit ( 'scuse the French) I told him I had no idea what he was talking about and to ask someone else. i pressed some button when Edge appeared but I have no idea if that guy returned to the Versace. I was already stressed out to the max, I've had insomnia for a month now, so ya......short story long. I don't know why u can't see those pictures

Hey K it's scary isn't it how fast I can typoe with 2 fingers? :lmao: I really do try to be concise
I just ain't gonna happen
cool unicorn.

I have had the most extraordinary day. Early this morning the feamle presenters from my local ABC radio station talked of their excitement about seeing U2 soon in Sydney and Melbourne. They asked anyone who had seen U2 in Brisbane to please ring in...so I did.
Well that grew like topsy.
The editor of the North Coast newspaper heard it and got one of his journalists to contact me. They propose to run an article in the newspaper tomorrow about my U2 adventure.
I then had to rush off to town to set my son on his journey to Brisbane to see Pearl Jam. I was delayed in town and planned to come home via my girlfriend's house.
I arrived there at about 3:15 pm and it was pandemonium. The radio station Triple JJJ had been telephoning my husband and friend repeatedly all day, trying to contact me. I walked in her door exhausted, thirsty and surprised by all the fuss. The phone rang immediately and it was JJJ. They really caught me off guard . I spoke to them, not knowing their purpose.
When I got home I listened to Triple JJJ and was alarmed to find they were lampooning Bono. I rang their office repeatedly to stop any involvement of my words in what they were planning. I only got an answering machine and they still haven't returned my call ( rude cynical jackasses)
I am horrified how they edited and used what I had said.
I hope you folk and Bono know that my love for U2 and Bono is sincere ( I think you do) Maybe no one heard it. I sure hope so.
I feel duped and hurt by how they used me in such a way. I haven't listened to Triple JJJ for quite some time now. They usually play crap music and are very flippant about virtually everything.

I sincerely hope the local newspaper treats this with respect, especially in view of the fact that my mother will be included in the story. No one should mess with familia. I am now even more nervous about what tomorrow may bring.

I have just got back from a gig with my husband's band. Each one of the members is going through absolute crap at the moment, death of parents, divorce etc etc. I am so proud of their professionalism. I had to go and sleep in the car for a while as my post U2 jetlag really set in. I just couldn't keep my eyes open.The club they were playing in has a glass front wall . As I approached I could see the singer dancing in the crowd and felt so proud to know them.

A bit like how I feel about U2.

We listened to U2 on the way home in the car :heart: :heart: :heart: half moon hanging in the eastern sky.
ok, I finally found the right thread. I think I've connected the dots :wink:


Diehard U2 fan lives her long-held dream


Diehard U2 fan lives her long-held dreamAnd hopes the band can help as another dream shattered

A DREAM come true and another shattered — that’s been the lot of former Lennox Head woman Pam Albiston during the past few weeks.

The dream come true was meeting her music idols, U2, on the Gold Coast.

The shattered dream has been the RTA changing its mind on the Pacific Highway bypass route from near her Upper Coldstream home near Grafton, to one which now bisects her property, which she describes as a sanctuary for wildlife.

Meeting U2 and getting a ticket to the band’s Brisbane concert was no mean feat.

The money for the ticket was a promised gift from her parents — Albert and Lillian Bettens, who live at Lennox Head — five years ago on Pam’s 40th birthday.
Five years later, U2 announced the Australian leg of its tour and Albert and Lillian came good with the money.

To get a ticket Pam had to buy it from an outlet in Lismore, but she couldn’t make it early enough to join what was going to be a long queue.

So her parents drove to Lismore and queued from 7am, getting her a ticket. When U2 arrived on the Gold Coast this week Pam went to the coast and stayed with her children, hoping to catch a glimpse of the band.

On November 4 she lined up with other fans outside the hotel U2 was staying in. It rained so much that day that the lads stayed indoors and Pam’s three-hour wait in pouring rain was in vain.

Undaunted, Pam returned the next day, and this time, U2 delivered.

Pam finally got to meet her idol Bono, telling him he is ‘a ray of light in a dark world’. She gave him a package containing a note outlining her RTA woes, along with the RTA’s route map.

Does she think he can help save her property?

Meeting him was a dream come true, so why can’t another dream be- come a reality?
So nobody knows what Bono is doing in that photo eh?
Once again I had an extraordinary day, full of highs and lows. I went to a garage sale and bought some terrific books, one a big b&w photographic book about the Hawaiin hula, sublime, If I'd have had it last week I'd have given it to U2.
I talked to several people and they had heard me on the local ABC radio. I got lots of positive feedback which was so nice.
Funnily enough along with the article about me being a diehard U2 fan, there is also a position vacant ad for an Admin. Assistant at the RTA in Grafton. Man I sure am looking forward to applying for that :D
don't let the bastards grind you down and if you can't beat them...join them. the system seems to function on cronieism and corruption so I'm prepared to join the dark side on this one.

My sister-in-law just safely returned from taking a school excursion to Vietnam. The girls helped build houses in a hill village. She said it is a magical place and she could ahppily live there. I am open to possibilities of a new home.
Sadly her husband has severely broken his leg and it is not healing very well. Also got the devastating news my husband's old dad, who I am very fond of, has emphysema. I am in shock over that as I know it is an awfully painful way to die. Maybe I'll go and live with him if the RTA destroy my home. I love quoting him. Last time we met and as usual they were discussing politics at full tilt, he said , "it's like Louis Armstrong's left testicle...it's not right and it's not fair!"
maybe it's a bit unPC, but I did so laugh.
Another of his ,"nothing ending in "i.n.g" is good for you.
Bono love...please give up the fags, the death sticks, the smelly things they be.

I also just got a pile of really friendly emails from people I met at the Versace. I have sent them the photos in which they appear. I don't suppose he willmind if I share this bit. I hope not. From one of the security guards at the Versace....

"Thanks very much for the photos. They look great.

Hope you had a great experience down the Gold Coast and also at the
concert :))

We had a great day looking after you all and then followed it up with
what is probably the best concert I have seen or work at. We saw a
number of fans who were down the coast Sunday at the concert and we
were lucky to also be in the Elipse section of the front barrier
directly in front of stage.

I hope the experience has left you with some lasting memories as it
has with me, as the fans at the signings made it so easy and also the
band appreciated the fact that they were so well behaved."

awwwwwwww how cool :sad:

U2 sure do know how cheer a person up

It was Armistice Day yesterday.
I made new friends
My mum is pretending she's not stoked to be in the newspaper :)
It was so sad to read that Rove's wife lost her fight for life.
I was instantly reminded of the words Rhett Hutchence wrote about Ali Hewson and how much she helped his father when Michael died. I am sure U2 will aid Rove where they can, even if it just is with the choice of the right words in his darkest hour.

U2 eh?
my girlfriend told me soemthing rather unexpected yesterday. She said that she read in a newspaper Bono had called the frist Sydeny audience "eventgoers" did anyone read that> I'd love to know which newspaper it is in.
My program here has gone haywire again.I can't make corrections.I think my poor old mouse is on it's last legs.
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