What actor resembles Bono

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When I first saw the ZooTV tour, I couldn't believe how much Bono looked like Robin Williams (or is it Robin Williams that looks like Bono?). But, yeah, in a totally non-sexy way - I can't figure out why that is, but it just is. I wish I could be one of the people that doesn't agree with this!

Jeanne Tripplehorn is a dead ringer for Ali. I'd post pics but snapfish is giving me a hard time. :censored: snapfish.

Bono = sexy beast :up:
Everytime I see Robin Williams I think of Bono, but has anyone seen 21 Grams with Sean Penn? Looks very "manly" sexy like Bono.
I found one more really good picture of Richard Roxburgh as Dracula...

My husband always tortures me and tells me that Bono is on tv. When I come running its always Robin Williams :( There was only one picture that I admitted that Bono looked a bit like Robin. :reject: He was sitting on some steps, black suit (?maybe)and he's holding up the peace sign and he has a smirk on his face. It was taken about a year or two ago.
*prepares to be stoned* :reject:

Umm..... I find quite a resemblance between Robin Williams and Bono. And it's OK with me. Robin Williams is sexy to me, especially now that he's older. He's got the blue eyes (though not AS striking), he's got the same nose, similar chin... and he's very passionate. Nope - nothing there for me to dislike.

Now, similarties noted & my closet attraction to Robin Williams put out here in the open, let me just say this: similar or not - no one...NO ONE! - can beat Bono as the Total Package.
He's Irish
He's a one-woman man (even if that one woman isn't me)
He's got an ego yet stays grounded
His voice turns my backbone to jelly
He's a loyal friend
He's a beautiful human being - inside and out
:bono: :up: :love: :heart: :combust: :drool:

I could go on, but strangely, I'm feeling a bit light-headed & think I may need to lie down now & catch my breath! :D
LostAtMoon said:
I would never be capable of seeing Bono in Robin Williams. I can hardly believe that you’re serious!

It's but a shadow, the finest smidgen of a resemblance...Bono's features are finer and far more elegant, and better defined.

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