Vancouver #1 Setlist Party

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Can I stick my nose in and ask if we're gonna have any sort of interference meet up in Chi-town? :D

There is a FB group for the Chicago shows, meetups are planned for off days I believe. We're coming in the 24th and leaving the 26th since we arent bringing the little one (next year, FroBaby, next year...), so I'm just planning on meeting up with whoever hangs out at the arena. :up:

Send me a PM and I will get you the FB info after the show tonight or sometime tomorrow.
Looks like we might actually get the full show here.

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There is a FB group for the Chicago shows, meetups are planned for off days I believe. We're coming in the 24th and leaving the 26th since we arent bringing the little one (next year, FroBaby, next year...), so I'm just planning on meeting up with whoever hangs out at the arena. :up:

Send me a PM and I will get you the FB info after the show tonight or sometime tomorrow.

Done. Thanks, CK :D
preshow music:

cars - gary neuman
flock of seagulls - i run
joy division - love will tear us apart
the clash - should i stay or should i go
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