US Politics XXV: At Least We're Not Australia

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I'm curious if court packing will now become a mainstream position shared by most Democrats. Overtuning Roe is such a huge rallying cry for Democrats that I find it impossible that even such a shy party even when it is in power would not use the nuclear option. Like, Republicans would likely get away with it if Roe wasn't on the table - and Dems would allow the Court to gradually keep destroying voting rights, protect big corporations, gerrymandering, etc. But the threat of overturning Roe, combined with the knowledge that Democrats need 6-7% landslides to win the Senate, puts all options on the table in my view.
I'm curious if court packing will now become a mainstream position shared by most Democrats. Overtuning Roe is such a huge rallying cry for Democrats that I find it impossible that even such a shy party even when it is in power would not use the nuclear option. Like, Republicans would likely get away with it if Roe wasn't on the table - and Dems would allow the Court to gradually keep destroying voting rights, protect big corporations, gerrymandering, etc. But the threat of overturning Roe, combined with the knowledge that Democrats need 6-7% landslides to win the Senate, puts all options on the table in my view.

If the Democrats do miraculously manage to win in November, I think we also need to do everything we can to ensure that Roe vs. Wade can't ever be overturned or chipped away at in any way, shape, or form ever again. Make it so that the GOP never gets a chance to even get at it.

Oh, hell...

2020, can you just fucking STOP already, goddamn?
It’s also that Democratic voters have not been driven by SCOTUS composition as a major issue the way Republicans have. They have been single issue voters on this for decades.

If this lights a fire under the left’s ass, the GOP will be in massive trouble. But we’ll still have to live with McTurtle’s hypocrisy.

If Trump wins, and we move further into punitive minortiy rule, they will come for me.

I might. It be first in line, and they may not succeed. Political unpopularity does t matter when the system is rigged to reward rural voters.

I will be in their crosshairs.


As someone retired on SS, with Medicare, and Medicaid it'll be a few years later.
Two polls out this morning - GA tied and the highly regarded, sometimes conservative Seltzer poll has IA tied.

The world where Biden's basically tied in GA/TX/IA/OH but can't claim a clear 5 point lead in PA/FL averages is one *really* easy for the race to either turn into a total blowout or a highly competitive contest, with a big popular vote-Electoral College gap

A different way to think about it:
--If Biden outperforms the polls by 2, he's the winner on 11/3 with a FL call at 8PM and--no joke--a TX call possibly making Biden pres-elect.
--If Trump outperforms by 2, we've got to wait days for Biden to squeak out PA/MI/WI w mail votes
Even mitt Romney is on board! This proves that not a single republican has a spine! Everyone of them is a hypocrite coward! All talk talk talk to look good but no action! Trump will get his wish (yet again!)

They have every right to do this.

What they didn't have a right to do was block Garland. That was the crime, and the Democrats didn't fight it harder because they just assumed Clinton was going to win.

And so many voted third party or sat it out in 2016 because oh golly gee they're both the same and Clinton's going to win anyways so what does it matter?

So here we are.
Romney's spine only goes so far, it seems.

The only silver lining I see here is that they are going to try and do this before the election. I don't understand why they would go this route, but it looks like they are.

Already Dems are more motivated by this as seen by unprecedented fundraising in the moments after RGB's death. Public opinion is firmly against this happening, even 50% of republicans.

The seat was going to filled either way, before or after the election. Doing it before, pretty much kicks an already furious hornets nest of Dem voters. And I think you said something a couple days ago that makes sense. If the seat is filled, then what is the incentive for Reps to be fired up and elect Trump?

This pretty much will seal the fate of Gardner, McSally, Tillis, Collins, and most likely Ernst, and could very well be the thing that gives Dems the win in MT and both GA races and give Lady G the boot. Beyond that it looks like Alaska's Senate seat is now neck and neck and Cornyn is weakening in TX.

So if we lose Doug Jones, - defeat Gardner, McSally, Tillis, Collins, that gives 50-50 Senate with hopefully Dems being the decider with a Dem presidency.

Say Dems get just a quarter of the other close races, picking up 2 more seats, we would have 52-48. And I think that is looking quite likely, if not more.

Beyond that, this will also effect Congressional and state level races.
Of course it is worth it to them even if they have to sacrifice the Senate.

They will have a 6-3 majority. Meaning that even if Biden "packs" the court, he can't get a majority unless he adds FOUR more seats. Two gets him nowhere.

Things are really, really dire.
of course not. but you said *he* was paying the poll tax for people. he's not doing that. it's not his own money. it's an important distinction in this particular context.

i'm not saying he shouldn't be doing this (i agree it's a good thing, the poll tax is absolute bullshit), but let's not give him undue credit as if the money is coming out of his bank account.
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of course not. but you said *he* was paying the poll tax for people. he's not doing that. it's not his own money. it's an important distinction in this particular context.

i'm not saying he shouldn't be doing this (i agree it's a good thing, the poll tax is absolute bullshit), but let's not give him undue credit as if the money is coming out of his bank account.

Yeah, I just saw that. I had said a few weeks ago that this is where his money would be best spent in FL. Instead of 16 million for 32,000 people. Would be better to take another chunk of that 100 million and hit another 50,000 or so ex-felons.

But it's still going to help. Every little bit.

Just some math. If you had 80-90% of ex-felons that got their bill paid vote Dem, and they did it for lets say 50,000 people (25 million dollars). Your return would be around 42,500. If you spend 25 million in ads in South FL, you may get a 2-3% return in swaying Cuban Americans to switch to Biden.
So for 25 million you may get around 28,000 votes. And obviously the more you spend on the court fees will pay off much more directly, than hoping your ads actually make a difference.
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Of course it is worth it to them even if they have to sacrifice the Senate.

They will have a 6-3 majority. Meaning that even if Biden "packs" the court, he can't get a majority unless he adds FOUR more seats. Two gets him nowhere.

Things are really, really dire.

Correct. We are moving into dark ages no matter what. It’s just how dark is the question
Maine has now decided to use ranked choice voting, pretty much guaranteeing that Biden will win ME-2. That along with NE-2 will be critical if this is a very close election.
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