US Politics XXV: At Least We're Not Australia

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So, then its OK for an entitled politician to get her hair done when its against the state and local regulations, and Nancy did nothing wrong....sorry, not buying that.

Doesn't matter whether the salon owner should have said no, Pelosi should have never requested to be serviced in a salon.
Its a bad look at best, its skirting the rules because of who she is at worst.
She should know better, but she doesn't cause as I stated, she's clueless. She just assumed she wouldn't get caught.

I agree. Even if the salon owner is a Trump supporter who set her up, it's Nancy's sense of entitlement and acting as if the rules don't apply to her that caused the whole situation. A D next to her name doesn't change that.

She certainly is wealthy enough to have her own private hairstylist come to her home. That's not covid responsible either, but I'm sure plenty of people are doing it and have been doing it the entire time.
She's really clueless.
And probably helping Trump's re-election campaign more than anyone on his staff.
Claims she was set up, she's even starting to sound like Trump.
She may have been setup.

She also should kinda sorta know the rules herself, as speaker of the house and all.

Looks like the owner was letting other people in during lockdown

less than two hours later, Jonathan DeNardo, the stylist

who blew out Pelosi’s hair, released a statement through an attorney contradicting Kious.

The statement says the law firm is in possession of photographs and videotape that show that Kious has been operating her salon in violation of state and local restrictions since April. The statement also says that Kious authorized Pelosi coming to the salon for her blow out, and that she was critical of the House speaker because she erroneously believed Pelosi was behind the restrictions that shut down her salon. (The rules were put in place by Gov. Gavin Newsom and San Francisco Mayor London Breed.)

“Ms. Kious has also been actively encouraging and almost forcing stylists who operate at eSalon to violate such orders for her own financial benefit in the form of receiving lease payments,” the statement says. “The fact that Ms. Kious is now objecting to Speaker Pelosi’s presence at eSalon, and from a simple surface-level review of Ms. Kious’ political leanings, it appears Ms. Kious is furthering a set-up of Speaker Pelosi for her own vain aspirations.”
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Look, whether she was or wasn't set up, the fact is that perception often matters much more than reality and somebody in Pelosi's position should be more than familiar with that.
Hearing some first reports on Biden's visit to Kenosha.

What a world we live in to see these two different candidates.

Biden actually spoke to Jacob Blake. The family poured out appreciation that someone was listening to them. Biden also reiterated that despite what Trump and Barr say, systematic racism is real and causes these incidents. Also that the officer should be charged.

Later today, Trump will most likely be urging voters in PA to commit a felony...
I'm shocked I tell you, SHOCKED!!

Like this, huh? ":ohmy:"

It just occurred to me to that Pelosi's in a high risk group - which in these past several months she hasn't been out much; mostly and only recently The Capital building again.
Most people need changes in scenery - could that unconcious urge overridden the practical 'how it would be perceived' cautiousness? Even a hair salon is a different place, and a place of care, and comfort.
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In the era of Trump, “multiple sources” doesn’t cut it. Who???

The sources, whoever they are, have now been verified by a second news organization. The reporter there is a veteran and has confirmed with his connections. Maddow said that the reporter couldn’t believe the Atlantic story, so he started to do confirmation on his own and was able to do so.

I’m not a big fan of Swalwell. But good to see we may actually have Democrats seize this opportunity to give a full, coordinated push on this.

Biden released a statement. To me it was way too long and not forceful enough. Because if you read this article a second time and let it sink in, it’s.... it’s stunning to think a person like this even exists. It’s not time to pull punches..
You’re missing the point. You’re not convincing anyone but people who have already made their minds up.

The only thing that hacks at his support are more defectors. We need names.
You’re missing the point. You’re not convincing anyone but people who have already made their minds up.

The only thing that hacks at his support are more defectors. We need names.

But these are most likely names that no one knows or would mean anything to a voter. We know it isn’t Kelly. And if it’s anyone badmouthing Trump it probably means they have been removed by now and people could more easily chalk it up to “disgruntled ex-staffers”.
It’s not about details, it’s about what this stirs in people. There is no other issue that cuts across the whole electorate, Dem, Indy and Rep. and who above all will this push to Biden. More military, more vets, more seniors, more suburbanites, hell, even working class families that make up a large part of the military.

I think Trump’s core base is about 36%. He’s polling around 43% And there is still around 5% undecided. That’s still about 10 to 12% that are going to make their final decision or be swayed by something disgusting like this, in the next month or two. This is a powerful subject. And one that will make Kenosha and law and order fall away by morning.
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Yeah, I don't think we need to know the names of the sources. This could be a game changer.

My grandfather served in WWII. My uncle served in Vietnam.

I would dare say there are very few who don't have a family member in the last 2 generations that have served, or died.
This isn't a right or left issue.

And we were talking about a fucking blow out at a salon this morning. JFK.
Yeah, I don't think we need to know the names of the sources. This could be a game changer.

My grandfather served in WWII. My uncle served in Vietnam.

I would dare say there are very few who don't have a family member in the last 2 generations that have served, or died.

This isn't a right or left issue.

And we were talking about a fucking blow out at a salon this morning. JFK.

Is this genuinely your best shot at “yeah I don’t think so” at me?

You clearly don’t get it dude. We have video of Donald Trump saying or doing the same or worse things. Your argument is because some military member denounced Trump, this is different this time? It’s not different this time. We’ve already proven that the assholes who vote for this guy don’t care about the military, they don’t care about black people, they don’t care about women’s rights, they don’t care about whether or not you’re gay or straight or whatever. We’ve proven that they only care about themselves, and that you giving them facts and reason and evidence and whatever is nothing more than a reason to tune you out.

How long before you catch on that Paul Eaton, the mysterious major general who is suddenly outraged at Donald Trump, is no different from the other military leaders that have denounced Trump? Oh, PS, Eaton served both the Obama and Clinton campaigns.

If Donald Trump can openly make fun of handicapped people, refer to Mexicans as rapists and murders, openly disrespect John McCain’s record in the military, openly and directly disrespect family of a dead gold star solider, blah blah blah blah blah, what, you think a mysterious source in the White House is going to suddenly change someone’s mind?

I’ll tell you what changes peoples’ minds. Covid. Being bored at home. The stock market. Not having a job. Numerous former administration officials who he appointed talking shit about him or denouncing him openly. Republicans jumping ship (and this barely does much).

It’s 2020 and it’s Donald Trump. Nobody cares what the Un identified source says. Logic doesn’t go two ways, I’m sorry. They don’t need sources on their side to make stories up, but unfortunately we need a recording of his voice with these words.
Agree. No one will care by tonight.

There’ll be another scandal. Another hoax. More death and destruction

Our soldiers have bounties on their heads, and because Trump won’t do or say anything about it, he’s put them in more danger as there’s no consequence

Nothing sticks to this administration because they don’t care and because there’s no consequence to any action.

They will cry out “Who are these sources!!?!?” And if any step forward they’ll deny they even know them. It could be his own son and Trump would say he’s a nobody.

His supporters will follow his every line.

40-44% of this country wants to be ruled by a dictator. Nothing can change that. Income, stocks, death (suppose if they die it changes)

Back to the loser story, these sources have known about this for a long time and haven’t done anything about it. Maybe even sadder than Trump saying these things is how scared and cowardly our politicians and military brass are towards him
Is this genuinely your best shot at “yeah I don’t think so” at me?

You clearly don’t get it dude. We have video of Donald Trump saying or doing the same or worse things. Your argument is because some military member denounced Trump, this is different this time? It’s not different this time. We’ve already proven that the assholes who vote for this guy don’t care about the military, they don’t care about black people, they don’t care about women’s rights, they don’t care about whether or not you’re gay or straight or whatever. We’ve proven that they only care about themselves, and that you giving them facts and reason and evidence and whatever is nothing more than a reason to tune you out.

How long before you catch on that Paul Eaton, the mysterious major general who is suddenly outraged at Donald Trump, is no different from the other military leaders that have denounced Trump? Oh, PS, Eaton served both the Obama and Clinton campaigns.

If Donald Trump can openly make fun of handicapped people, refer to Mexicans as rapists and murders, openly disrespect John McCain’s record in the military, openly and directly disrespect family of a dead gold star solider, blah blah blah blah blah, what, you think a mysterious source in the White House is going to suddenly change someone’s mind?

I’ll tell you what changes peoples’ minds. Covid. Being bored at home. The stock market. Not having a job. Numerous former administration officials who he appointed talking shit about him or denouncing him openly. Republicans jumping ship (and this barely does much).

It’s 2020 and it’s Donald Trump. Nobody cares what the Un identified source says. Logic doesn’t go two ways, I’m sorry. They don’t need sources on their side to make stories up, but unfortunately we need a recording of his voice with these words.

And even a recording of his own voice saying shit like this wouldn’t be enough to change a trump supporters mind! I always thought trump could murder trump supporter’s mothers and they STILL would make up some stupid excuse to justify what he did! Totally agree with LN7, it’s sadly going to take a lot more to hurt trump. In a normal world, this would be HUGE news about any president, but sadly we don’t live in a normal world under a normal administration anymore! It’s disgusting!
On behalf of my Father who died in July, US Army veteran. Recipient of two Purple Heart medals and numerous other medals.

You know why no one will care by tonight?

Because of people that say - yeah, it's the worst thing I've ever heard, but no one will care by tonight.

speak up, call your congressperson or senator or if you are a military family, write something to your local paper, speak up on social media, whatever. Things stay in the news when they receive lots of feedback and interest in the stories.
You’re missing the point. You’re not convincing anyone but people who have already made their minds up.

The only thing that hacks at his support are more defectors. We need names.

I don't even think that we need names.

Nothing will change - as he said, he can shoot somebody on 5th Ave and still his supporters would vote for him.

If we had names they would say (i) these people worked in the Obama administration, (ii) they are lifelong democrats/socialists, (iii) they are liars, (iv) this is a setup by the deep state and on and on.
On behalf of my Father who died in July, US Army veteran. Recipient of two Purple Heart medals and numerous other medals.


wow. I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing ok. I can't imagine the bravery of a double purple heart recipient. Stay proud of him. Stay angry.
I don't even think that we need names.

Nothing will change - as he said, he can shoot somebody on 5th Ave and still his supporters would vote for him.

If we had names they would say (i) these people worked in the Obama administration, (ii) they are lifelong democrats/socialists, (iii) they are liars, (iv) this is a setup by the deep state and on and on.

the key word is "his supporters". Yes, they will. Trump could drop his pants during the debates and pee on the moderator, and they could watch it live and call it fake news. I get that.

That's why I said, there are still probably 10% of voters that are going to finally make up there mind. That number may be a little high, but even if its 8 or 6%. Every vote matters this time, every percentage point that Biden can eek out in the swing states matters more than ever.

And while we knew some shades of these stories before. These details are really way beyond what we've heard. I think at the very very least it gets people who were leaning Biden to get more strongly behind him, and I think it may sway more independents his way as well. I also think it could help in AZ where Biden seems to be surging already.

And you're absolutely right about the names. It just sets up a built in excuse, and doesn't change the facts the of the story. Having 4 or maybe more now, corroborating witnesses is about as solid as you get.

Just an example. On MSNBC this morning. A person on the panel said they were talking to a friend that worked in govt in DC, a very conservative person who she knew almost certainly voted for Trump in 16. She said that she started choking up when they were talking about this story, because her friend couldn't believe that Trump didn't have any notion of what "service" meant. Those people are going to be the ones that Trump loses here.
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It should be clear to everyone with a brain that Trump holds all people who are socioeconomically beneath him in utter contempt. He thinks that everyone who isn't extremely wealthy is a loser - if they weren't a loser then they'd be rich! Obviously (to him). The military falls under that same umbrella, he sees them as suckers for going to die in some shithole country (western Europe apparently included) and for barely any money. This man has never gone to get out his own groceries, he was born with a silver spoon up his ass and has only had to interact with "suckers" to the extent that they were employed by his companies to serve his needs. That's it.

So it's 100% believable that he said all those things and 150% believable that he said the things about John McCain - I almost think he'd even admit to the latter. It's as if he takes it as a point of pride. McCain is a loser who was captured and a loser who couldn't win the presidency and a loser who was willing to work with the other side on occasion. LOSER all around in other words.

My big thing is that there aren't many undecided voters. You'd almost be brain-dead. And to the extent that they ARE undecided what we're really talking about is reluctant Trump voters who find him gross but probably won't vote for Biden and our best hope is they just decide to sit this one out.

The most votes to be found are among people who as a matter of course never vote. Does this inspire them to get out and vote? I don't know.
What a bullshit story. There’s not one person who’s believed Donald Trump respects anyone other than himself.

Sounds more like they’re trying to reconcile with the fact they’re a horrible person for supporting him.

Nearly have this country is a death cult. Trump could have ICE execute the children in those camps down at the border and they would celebrate in the streets.

A underage kid, unlawfully with a assault rifle killed two people and wounded a third and this cult has turned him into a hero. A Christian foundation has raised over $400,000 in his name for legal funds etc.

A society can only function if it’s populace follows basic norms and laws. We now have a party and almost half country of trolls.

There is nothing Trump can do to lose this base. Nothing. Anyone on the fence, if there are any, are more concerned with getting caught voting for him than any moral or ethical reasoning.

We have to vote in such large numbers to have any chance to temporarily halt this madness. And it may not be enough.

A buddy of mine thinks all of this goes away if Biden wins. That the militias, Qs, and GOP go back in hiding and as long as we don’t poke the bear with any sort of attack on 2A, life returns to normal.

Maybe he’s right (tho it solves nothing) but i worth that we’ll see something like the IRA in Northern Ireland. Sporadic terrorist attacks on government and/or liberal establishments.

I just don’t see how all of this anger and fever go away. Especially since the right will attack Biden on the debt and deficit immediately and blame him for the economic troubles still to come.

What a fucking mess
It should be clear to everyone with a brain that Trump holds all people who are socioeconomically beneath him in utter contempt. He thinks that everyone who isn't extremely wealthy is a loser - if they weren't a loser then they'd be rich! Obviously (to him). The military falls under that same umbrella, he sees them as suckers for going to die in some shithole country (western Europe apparently included) and for barely any money. This man has never gone to get out his own groceries, he was born with a silver spoon up his ass and has only had to interact with "suckers" to the extent that they were employed by his companies to serve his needs. That's it.

So it's 100% believable that he said all those things and 150% believable that he said the things about John McCain - I almost think he'd even admit to the latter. It's as if he takes it as a point of pride. McCain is a loser who was captured and a loser who couldn't win the presidency and a loser who was willing to work with the other side on occasion. LOSER all around in other words.

My big thing is that there aren't many undecided voters. You'd almost be brain-dead. And to the extent that they ARE undecided what we're really talking about is reluctant Trump voters who find him gross but probably won't vote for Biden and our best hope is they just decide to sit this one out.

The most votes to be found are among people who as a matter of course never vote. Does this inspire them to get out and vote? I don't know.

Good post. Yeah, I think my anger is just spilling over right now. I can't imagine having a kid enlisted right now and hearing this. But your point about the undecideds is probably true.

The data points a bit in the other direction. Voters that don't like either candidate are breaking to Biden by over 20 points if they are asked "if they HAD to choose". But, that was a month or more ago. My guess is now that undecided are down to about 5%, That they are the ones that really want to vote Trump but are just not sure they should.

This is why it's natural for races to tighten as we get closer to the election. Biden is probably a little closer to his ceiling which looks to be about 52ish%, and Trump at 42ish% probably will pick up the 2/3rds of that 5% undecided, leaving us at around Biden at 53 and Trump at 47 - a 6 point race.
Hopefully stories like this chip away at those undecideds, and even better they continue to split more for Biden.
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