U22 ♫ Part 2

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Is this worth downloading? I have all the live records and lots of bootlegs, so is there any reason to hear this?
Is this worth downloading? I have all the live records and lots of bootlegs, so is there any reason to hear this?

Setting aside the issue of the setlist itself, which could have been MUCH better, I think there's stuff here worth having. And I have rips of all the DVD's, and a number of sounboards from every tour. I tend to look for versions of songs that have something that seriously sets them apart from other live versions. I'm also comparing these to the versions on the Rose Bowl DVD...my feeling is that if we already have a similar version of the same song from the same tour, what's the point? The song may sound great, but if I already have a live version that sounds pretty much the same as another version I have, I see that as a wasted opportunity.

The Achtung Baby songs are all workman like...pretty by the numbers as heard on this tour, and these versions are nothing special, meaning not distinguished from other 360 versions available, and certainly nothing better than anything that's already available from previous tours. The exception here is the remix of EBTTRT, which if you're into that this version is obviously essential as the only other high quality live version of it you'll find is from Glastonbury. One has the "Hear us coming" Coda, which I love, but the rest of it is uninspired. There's a nice little Sinatra tribute in UTEOTW...though Bono's imitation is less than convincing. Again, the songs sound fine, but UV, for example, is no better or really different from the Rose Bowl version. And there's nothing here that's going to make you want to throw away your ZOOTV Sydney disc or Dublin soundboard.

Walk On, BD and Elevation are all competent versions, and the BD in particular soars in places...though like most of the ATYCLB songs on this tour, for some reason they're all pretty "loose", feel rushed, and occasionally are downright sloppy. Listening to Walk On, I finally just grew weary of the Aung San Suu Kyi stuff. Though God bless her.

Bad, All I Want Is You, and Love Rescue me are all beautiful, and a nice treat. It actually sounds like they put a lot of emotion into these songs, likely b/c they weren't played a lot on this tour. Bad soars, and is probably as good (if not as long) as any other live version out there. I these songs are the highlight of this set...though I believe Bono does leave a verse off Love Rescue me, which is a pity, as it's one of U2's best songs.

Magnificent is about the same as any other live version you've heard.

The Streets is just an OK version, though it lacks the expansiveness and roomy sound of the version on the Rose Bowl DVD. And the timing is a bit off....though what makes this nice is that Bono snippets Whole of the Moon, which I love. For that, it's worth having.

ISHFWILF is pretty representative from the tour, except that there's a nice horn section at the end, though I can't remember who's playing it (Bono mentions his name). Overall, a strong version and worth having.

The WOWY is surprisingly fresh and powerful, with what I regard as pretty moving ending.

The One Tree Hill IMO is a disappointment. I love this song, it's in my U2 Top 5, but Bono's (intentional) mangling of the lyrics really doesn't work here, despite his good intentions. But it IS a different, new version of OTH, so it's worth having for that reason alone. It's still a beautiful song here, and Edge is on fire at the end.

Zooropa, of course, is nice to have, as I believe it's the only officially released live version out there....though it's missing at least one verse I think. Still, it's cool to finally have this one live.

The MOS on here is lacking....Bono's timing is off for most of the song, and it lacks the power and magic of the Rose Bowl, and in particular the WAIE version, which in my mind is definitive. This was a bad choice for what is pretty much the best U2 song in 20 years.

The Out of Control is energetic enough, but doesn't touch the definitive Slane Castle live version. There's nothing to really set it apart. Has the version of the lyrics that I believe Bono's been using since the Elevation tour.

COBL and TUF are fine. Both are among U2's best songs, and sound great here, but nothing that really sets them apart from the Rose Bowl versions from this tour.

That's off the top of my head, I may be missing a few highlights, I've only listened closely to this thing once. The production values are good, and all the songs sound solid and well mastered...though they could have done a better job of matching the audience sounds between songs, and I think at one point you can here the audience chanting the end of Pride at the beginning of one song (MLK I think), which they should have taken care off, so that's kind of sloppy. Having said that, overall, for someone who primarily listens to U2 live recordings (and not the studio versions) and has a lot of them, I think this one is worth having...even though, again, I seriously question the song selection.
Nick, thanks for the detailed rundown. Your description is pretty close to what I thought it would be. I'll check it out and use it to compile a 360 playlist.
if I'm not mistaken, it seems that The Edge keeps all records of the band's live performances.
Why not offer fans the opportunity to download (against payment of course) concerts whole or parts of concerts from the entire collection available?
Because if U22 is a selection made on requests from fans, for me this is just a summary.
if I'm not mistaken, it seems that The Edge keeps all records of the band's live performances.
Why not offer fans the opportunity to download (against payment of course) concerts whole or parts of concerts from the entire collection available?
Because if U22 is a selection made on requests from fans, for me this is just a summary.

It would be nice, but I suspect the band would probably be hesitant to put EVERYTHING out there, warts and all. Plus, I'm sure there would be a lot of time into mixing just a few shows and making them somewhat suitable for download.

I wouldn't doubt them putting out more songs or shows in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath for everything, haha.
if I'm not mistaken, it seems that The Edge keeps all records of the band's live performances.
Why not offer fans the opportunity to download (against payment of course) concerts whole or parts of concerts from the entire collection available?
Because if U22 is a selection made on requests from fans, for me this is just a summary.

I'm sure a lot of those recordings will see the light of day once U2 retire from making albums and touring in the years to come. Gotta keep the cash-flow coming in somehow. Tons of fans just shelled out $40-$50 for U22 (not the website membership mind you). Imagine if they released a double live compilation from Zoo TV properly mixed/mastered with a booklet like U22?? Yeah, I'd think fans would pay.
Streets is terrible IMO. Not sure why they decided to include this version.
if I'm not mistaken, it seems that The Edge keeps all records of the band's live performances.
Why not offer fans the opportunity to download (against payment of course) concerts whole or parts of concerts from the entire collection available?
Because if U22 is a selection made on requests from fans, for me this is just a summary.

Joe O'Herlihy the bands chief sound technician archives every single show and soundcheck and has since around the War tour. Every show has been video archived since the Zoo TV tour also. Edge does not do the archiving. Obviously any member of the band can get a copy of what they want. Typically they get it during the tour to check how things are sounding, or check a specific section of a show.

Most of it will never see the light of day most likely. Even when U2 retires.

I do agree though and have advocated that. They should make every show available during the tour. Many artists do it already. At least make downloads available of each show on U2.com for purchase. Sadly, will most likely never happen.
Come on its hardly "terrible"

It's Streets, so by default, it's not going to be terrible. I don't like that they chose a version with a really short intro, and I do wish that they did something with one of the snippets leading into it, either Amazing Grace or Hallelujah, (best two IMO), since something led into it for most of the shows.

It's nitpicking, because I think that by and large, U22 is excellent, but a better version of Streets could have been picked, yeah.
It's Streets, so by default, it's not going to be terrible. I don't like that they chose a version with a really short intro, and I do wish that they did something with one of the snippets leading into it, either Amazing Grace or Hallelujah, (best two IMO), since something led into it for most of the shows.

It's nitpicking, because I think that by and large, U22 is excellent, but a better version of Streets could have been picked, yeah.
I personally think they should've put One and Streets from the same show. Then they could have an un-edited intro to Streets and most likely have a snippet in between the two. The version they picked of One was from the first leg, when it was being played AFTER Streets. I'm very happy with U22, but these 2 songs here could've benefited from a bit more thought.
Globo14 said:
I really enjoy that version of Streets, despite the timing issue.

This CD may not have had all the songs we all wanted (I think it's a madness that Hold Me Thrill Me didn't get in), but you have to admit, I the versions they picked are mostly great.

And plus, that version of The Fly is the best I've ever heard.

I personally think they should've put One and Streets from the same show. Then they could have an un-edited intro to Streets and most likely have a snippet in between the two. The version they picked of One was from the first leg, when it was being played BEFORE Streets. I'm very happy with U22, but these 2 songs here could've benefited from a bit more thought.

You mean being played after Streets, I think. But yeah, totally agree.
I've been playing it on the ipod- what a great offering u2.com. brings back great memories of 360 Tour

Just waiting now to get the cd through the post- am assuming I don't have to re-up again for this (my subs run till Jan 2013)
I've been playing it on the ipod- what a great offering u2.com. brings back great memories of 360 Tour

Just waiting now to get the cd through the post- am assuming I don't have to re-up again for this (my subs run till Jan 2013)

Did you receive the free downloads on U2.com? Unless you did, you probably will not get the cds in the mail. My subscription runs til Feb. 2013 and I was told I would NOT get it unless I resubscribed through 2014. It took many phone calls and emails for them to finally decide to mail me one.
Did you receive the free downloads on U2.com? Unless you did, you probably will not get the cds in the mail. My subscription runs til Feb. 2013 and I was told I would NOT get it unless I resubscribed through 2014. It took many phone calls and emails for them to finally decide to mail me one.

That's insane. They want you to renew your subscription for TWO YEARS so you can get the "gift" for 2012?

All these "gifts" are are extremely expensive, borderline redundant albums.
That's insane. They want you to renew your subscription for TWO YEARS so you can get the "gift" for 2012?

All these "gifts" are are extremely expensive, borderline redundant albums.

Yeah I paid for my subscription twice in one year because of their dumb error (I had to or no ticket codes for me) so although it DID extend my subscription another year, it doesn't count for the member gifts because it wasn't paid in the calendar year for that gift, according to their explanation.. :crack: (In other words, they will happily take your money to extend your subscription for the next 5 years if you wanted, but you will only get that one year's gift. :|
That's insane. They want you to renew your subscription for TWO YEARS so you can get the "gift" for 2012?

All these "gifts" are are extremely expensive, borderline redundant albums.

The whole site has been nothing but ineptitude and greed since its inception.

Fuck 'em. I only subscribe in years when I can get advance sale tickets.
Ok, so I have listend to this set through several times now. Overall a good release. However, some of the mixing is to compressed, especially EBTTRT. They basically muzzled the guitar on it and I have no idea why. I'm glad Zooropa made it but I think there are better versions they did live. I think the South American broadcast version was a better performance as one example. The Streets intro is just strange without Bono singing into the intro. I do not care for that at all. The only other complaint, which I mentioned previously, is the audience noise transition between some songs. They could have and should have done a better job with those transitions. That is a tad sloppy with the mixing IMO. Overall fairly minor complaints.

All I Want Is You with Love Rescue Me (which lets face it, they gave us two songs for one here, it is no clip or add on to AIWIY) is probably the highlight of the whole thing for me. I have never been a huge fan of Love Rescue Me, but I think this version is a good one. I think they should play it as a stand alone song next tour. Maybe we will get a Rattle And Hum remaster (it needs it) before the next tour? A setlist with Love Rescue Me played like this and with God Part II??? :drool: Lets just hope Dallas puts a huge bug in Edge's ear during rehearsals for the next tour and we finally get God Part II live again.

Artwork and photos are great. They did an excellent job there also.
Setting aside the issue of the setlist itself, which could have been MUCH better, I think there's stuff here worth having. And I have rips of all the DVD's, and a number of sounboards from every tour. I tend to look for versions of songs that have something that seriously sets them apart from other live versions. I'm also comparing these to the versions on the Rose Bowl DVD...my feeling is that if we already have a similar version of the same song from the same tour, what's the point? The song may sound great, but if I already have a live version that sounds pretty much the same as another version I have, I see that as a wasted opportunity.

The Achtung Baby songs are all workman like...pretty by the numbers as heard on this tour, and these versions are nothing special, meaning not distinguished from other 360 versions available, and certainly nothing better than anything that's already available from previous tours. The exception here is the remix of EBTTRT, which if you're into that this version is obviously essential as the only other high quality live version of it you'll find is from Glastonbury. One has the "Hear us coming" Coda, which I love, but the rest of it is uninspired. There's a nice little Sinatra tribute in UTEOTW...though Bono's imitation is less than convincing. Again, the songs sound fine, but UV, for example, is no better or really different from the Rose Bowl version. And there's nothing here that's going to make you want to throw away your ZOOTV Sydney disc or Dublin soundboard.

Walk On, BD and Elevation are all competent versions, and the BD in particular soars in places...though like most of the ATYCLB songs on this tour, for some reason they're all pretty "loose", feel rushed, and occasionally are downright sloppy. Listening to Walk On, I finally just grew weary of the Aung San Suu Kyi stuff. Though God bless her.

Bad, All I Want Is You, and Love Rescue me are all beautiful, and a nice treat. It actually sounds like they put a lot of emotion into these songs, likely b/c they weren't played a lot on this tour. Bad soars, and is probably as good (if not as long) as any other live version out there. I these songs are the highlight of this set...though I believe Bono does leave a verse off Love Rescue me, which is a pity, as it's one of U2's best songs.

Magnificent is about the same as any other live version you've heard.

The Streets is just an OK version, though it lacks the expansiveness and roomy sound of the version on the Rose Bowl DVD. And the timing is a bit off....though what makes this nice is that Bono snippets Whole of the Moon, which I love. For that, it's worth having.

ISHFWILF is pretty representative from the tour, except that there's a nice horn section at the end, though I can't remember who's playing it (Bono mentions his name). Overall, a strong version and worth having.

The WOWY is surprisingly fresh and powerful, with what I regard as pretty moving ending.

The One Tree Hill IMO is a disappointment. I love this song, it's in my U2 Top 5, but Bono's (intentional) mangling of the lyrics really doesn't work here, despite his good intentions. But it IS a different, new version of OTH, so it's worth having for that reason alone. It's still a beautiful song here, and Edge is on fire at the end.

Zooropa, of course, is nice to have, as I believe it's the only officially released live version out there....though it's missing at least one verse I think. Still, it's cool to finally have this one live.

The MOS on here is lacking....Bono's timing is off for most of the song, and it lacks the power and magic of the Rose Bowl, and in particular the WAIE version, which in my mind is definitive. This was a bad choice for what is pretty much the best U2 song in 20 years.

The Out of Control is energetic enough, but doesn't touch the definitive Slane Castle live version. There's nothing to really set it apart. Has the version of the lyrics that I believe Bono's been using since the Elevation tour.

COBL and TUF are fine. Both are among U2's best songs, and sound great here, but nothing that really sets them apart from the Rose Bowl versions from this tour.

That's off the top of my head, I may be missing a few highlights, I've only listened closely to this thing once. The production values are good, and all the songs sound solid and well mastered...though they could have done a better job of matching the audience sounds between songs, and I think at one point you can here the audience chanting the end of Pride at the beginning of one song (MLK I think), which they should have taken care off, so that's kind of sloppy. Having said that, overall, for someone who primarily listens to U2 live recordings (and not the studio versions) and has a lot of them, I think this one is worth having...even though, again, I seriously question the song selection.

I listened to every song once and I agree 100%! :)
Did you receive the free downloads on U2.com? Unless you did, you probably will not get the cds in the mail. My subscription runs til Feb. 2013 and I was told I would NOT get it unless I resubscribed through 2014. It took many phone calls and emails for them to finally decide to mail me one.

yes I got all the free downloads fine
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