U2 dreams

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The Fly
Nov 30, 2004
So, does anyone have dreams about U2 or Bono or their favie? :p

Last night, I suppose in anticipation of the announcement, I had a SAWEET dream. I was at the concert with my best friend and it was a small venue, like a studio concert. There had to be only 200 people there, max. Switchfoot was chosen for the opener and randomly (because they werent even on the list at all) Relient K did an intermission thing. Bono was singing and he came out into the audience and sang to me while holding my hand and then sat near me for the intermission. He liked me! He signed me stuff and wrote me a letter and at the end of the concert I got to go up on stage and hug everyone. Now that's a sweet dream!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love:
aww...wish it was real right! :happy: I know i would...gawd, to get to go up on stage and have him hold your hand!!!! :drool: ahhhhh so, so, great, i think i'd die then and there, when it was over, if he had me go up on stage with him! umm..wonder what u2 dreams await me tonight....if so i never wanna wake up!!:no: :laugh:


Unfortunately not......you're so lucky to dream of U2

My dreams are highly prophetic type....basically deal with future occurrences...


I had a really strange dream once that featured U2 playing in this really small school gym kind of setup... It was Elevation era U2, so I was inside the heart... but I sat down and fell asleep (why, I don't know). When I woke up, U2 were still playing, but they had strangely gotten a lot younger! Everyone in the band was in their late teens, except for Larry, who looked about 7. The show promptly ended soon after, however - Bono threw Larry's drums off the stage, and they hit me in the head. :huh:
Omgosh, GibsonGirl your dream made me laugh! I love it!!!

Hey guys - I said any dreams not just about Bono. BrightestStar, do you not like Bono or you just dont feel that lucky? Hahaha this is so fun. :wink:
i am pretty sure this thread is on its way to ZC, but what the hell. a couple of weeks back i dreamt about the band, but they were not only a rock band in my dream, they were also a football team. bono was a striker. pretty damn strange :huh:
I had a doozie last week. In my dream I called up a friend to tell her I had cheated on my husband! :bono: I didn't feel too terribly guilty either. He even came to my house in a big SUV and had Jordan with him. VERY VERY Bizarre.......
I once had a dream that I was going to be playing bass guitar with U2 onstage for Where The Streets Have No Name and was extremely nervous because while I know the song on guitar, I don't know it on bass.
to tell you the truth, i had a dream last night (first u2 dream ever!).. dreamt that i was walking down the street in downtown toronto, and managed to spot some of u2's equipment on a flatbed truck, and saw bono walking into a hotel, and i said hi to him and told him that i think hes a great person not because i love u2, but because of what he does with his celebrity.. and he said thank you.. and then i walked away and tried to figure out what was happening and aparently u2 was going to do a rooftop concert (on the roof of the hotel) but you had to pay $200 to get in, and i was thinking do i really want to spend the money when i'm going to see them anyways @ ACC?.. then the dream ended :sad:
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I have a re-occuring dream, of Bono turning up on my doorstep, needing a place to crash for the weekend.
We go for a couple of pints down the local, play footy on the sunday afternoon......:drool:
I always have dreams about new albums before they come out - usually when it's announced the band is in the studio.

In my dream before Achtung Baby the album was called "Lithium Palatable" and had some really edgy songs.

In 1996 I dreamt the new album (Pop) was called "Principally This" and featured an awesome Hansa tapes version of Wake Up Dead Man. But the album felt more like R&H than Pop.

Before ATYCLB I dreamt the album was called "Sliver" and had a lot of orchestration. Sort of rock/symphony but not cheesy.

HTDAAB was like a Joshua Tree part 2 in my dream last year but was called "Eleven".
I dreamt that me and Edge were doing charity work together.....funny i would have thought Bono would be more likely to appear in that particular dream.

Also, the strangest one was Adam hitting on this girl i liked:shocked:
I've had my share of U2 dreams, but a few nights ago, after spending wayyy too much time here, I dreamt I was working on the tour and got sent to the hospital after being trampled/mauled by fans when I made the mistake of standing between them and Bono... (Must've been PLEBAns) of course, later Larry made up for it with a kiss which is really weird cuz everyone knows I'm all about Adam.
I once dreamed that I was on a small U2 consert (about 50 people was there), and the strange thing was that U2 were fat!! They were wearing fat-suits... Like the muscle-shirt they weared at pop mart!! And Adam were braging about that he looked best as fat..... wierd!!:huh:

mine i think was metaphorical... for what, im not sure...

but bono was staying at this hotel room that used to be the home of some famous american writer.... he (bono) kept a fish in his jacket which eventually exploded

other bono dreams:

#2: bono singing "like a virgin" rolling around on the floor a la madonna's performance on the mtv music awards (he was not wearing a wedding dress)

#3: me being homeless, bono walking out into the street handing me a warm coat

#4: getting to hug bono for emm about 40 seconds (that's a lot of seconds)

there more i cant think of right now
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Sad_Girl said:
I've had my share of U2 dreams, but a few nights ago, after spending wayyy too much time here, I dreamt I was working on the tour and got sent to the hospital after being trampled/mauled by fans when I made the mistake of standing between them and Bono... (Must've been PLEBAns) of course, later Larry made up for it with a kiss which is really weird cuz everyone knows I'm all about Adam.


Well...be careful it doesn't come true....:laugh:
~BrightestStar~ said:


Well...be careful it doesn't come true....:laugh:

I don't know, it wouldn't be THAT bad to kiss Larry :wink:

I'll definitely know better than to stand between a crowd of wild fans and any of them after THAT dream, let me tell you!
I had a dream once that I joined U2 on stage at a gig at my diddy teams footie ground. And the tune in my dream was a beautiful song which sadly i cant remember.It wasnt a real one..... apart from in my dream.

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