U2 at school

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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New Yorker
Aug 28, 2002
Denver, Colorado
Early midterms have kept me away from the forums lately and brings up a question...

How many of you have used U2 as a subject, or inspiration for a school assignment?

I've titled a few papers after U2 songs...in a paper about the IRA I quoted The Edge...in a paper defining love I quoted Bono...and in public speaking, I had to give a tribute speech and I paid tribute to Bono the humanitarian. (And got marked down because I didn't tell what the guy meant to *me*...I was going for a world view, but whatever!)

Anyone else? Or am I just a geek? :der:

I have used U2 for many school projects. :)

~In my networking class, I convinced my group to let us name our server BONO.

~I did a Powerpoint presentation on the Elevation Tour.

~I gave an informative speech about Bono.

~I recited all of the lyrics to JT for my English class.

~I dressed up as The Fly and did a pantomime performance of "Mysterious Ways" (I got all into it and was jumpin' on desks and stuff :hyper: ).

~We had to write a blues song, so I wrote "The Bon Blues" and sang it for my class.

~We had to write our own obituary for an English class, so I said my cause of death was Bono losing his grip on my hand as he was pulling me up onstage, causing me to fall and crack my head open.

~We had to write a fake news article, so I wrote about Bono and I getting engaged.

~During a test about apartheid, I convinced my teacher to let us listen to "Silver and Gold".

~During a Powerpoint presentation about television advertising, I played "Zooropa" in the background.

That's all I can think of...for now...;)
Lessme see!

In 8th gr: I had to do a poetry project and all of the poems where by U2 or by me!

In Drama: I did a presentation on U2!

My Soph yr of High school: Another Poetry project and essay with U2 in them

Senior yr in High school: Poetry project/ info on poet/ whats you fave poem/song used AIWIY and ISHFWILF

Freshmen yr in College: Powerpoint presentation on U2

and to be continued since im still in school!

:cool: :happy:
In English class about 2 weeks ago we had to write 5 essays and come up with original titles for them. Mine were:

- Three Chords and the Truth (About my guitar-playing experiences) (From All Along the Watchtower, R&H)

- As the Room Spins Around (About my dad's job at a liquor store) (From Hawkmoon 269, R&H)

- True Colours Fly In Blue And Black (I had to write a half-true story) (From Bad, UF)

- They Got The Airport (About my first flight) (Fron New York, ATYCLB)

And the best one, by far...
- In The Name Of Love (I had to write about my favorite band, U2 :wink: ) (From Pride, UF)

The marks for all 5 were averaged out for a total make and I got 19 out of 20. :D
You are totally not a geek! Off the top of my head, here's some U2-related stuff I have done for school...

-In my speech class sophomore year of high school, I invented a 3D tv and then I was taken to a U2 concert and I played WOWY live (from the Please single) during class. :happy:

-I wrote two poems about U2 during my junior year of high school for English class.

-That same year, I wrote a paper about the word "idealism" using U2 as an example.

-Right now I'm working on a paper for my Writing With Style class about getting my U2 tattoo!

And I'm sure there's plenty of other stuff I'm leaving out here.
Two things:

~My junior year, Art: I wrote out the lyrics to "Beautiful Day" for a calligraphy project

~My senior year, Composition: I wrote a paper about "Walk On" and what the song meant to me (I should post it sometime, though there's some really dorky things I wrote in it, got an A anyways)
I used War as an example of a study of The Other in pop music, and how it was radically different from the other music of the time. Actually, come to think of it, Achtung Baby would've been a better choice. I'm waiting for the paper to come back, so I'm not sure what grade I got.
Well , on the other side of the coin, as a teacher I leap at the chance to use U2 in the classroom. My office has 2 U2 posters which impresses the students no end.
"wow, your cool miss!" etc A student in one of my study classes was explaining how he was studying the drums in music, so I gave him October to take home and listen to. He came back genuinly amazed. I dont think he had heard anything like it.
I also mention Bono quite often with the Social Justice Group and have shown a few videos with Bono being interviewed.
Its amazing how you can use U2 at school - also very useful in English and Religion!

I've done a lot of speeches on U2, and I've usually use U2 songs if I have to recite a poem or if I have to do a song interperatation. I've done speeches/papers on Bono as someone I admire.
I usually get an "A" and a "I can see you're very passionate about your topic."

Passionate, indeed. :)
I did a PowerPoint presentation on U2 at my school where I learned office skills. It was titled U2 Through The Years. I got an A. I believe it had about 8 slides but I still like to add on to it once in a while. I just learned how to put sound to it, so the only thing I'm thinking is which song do I add. I'm still adding on to my presentation as something I want to improve on.
Everytime I wanted to do something U2 related in school, I wasn't allowed to use them. :mad:
Bonochick said:

~We had to write our own obituary for an English class, so I said my cause of death was Bono losing his grip on my hand as he was pulling me up onstage, causing me to fall and crack my head open.


For my 9th grade state test writing prompt, we had to write about who we thought deserved getting the Lifetime Achievement Award.. I wrote about U2 and got an A. It took forever to write but it was worth it. :bono: :edge: :larry: :adam: :cute:
I have used U2 in many school projects starting in high school and through college (I am a senior). Most memorable is probaby a paper from freshman year of college where we had to define love and then talk about our romance with something. My definition was made entirely of U2 lyrics and the romance I wrote about was between me and U2 music.
Also I have ended almost every paper I have written since about sophomore year in high school with a fitting U2 quote. It never ends ;)
Of COurse I have used U2 at school. Once in my senior year speech class, I gave a brief speech onthe histry of the band. It crossed my mind to dress as The Mirror Ball Man, but I chickened out! One other time my junior year of college is an Essay clas. we had to write on an obsesion. Whaddya think I picked?! I took the angle of U2's, especially Bono's Christianity. My group enjoyed i very much and asked me all sorts of questions about them. I am now waiting for the next class to mention them in!
In one of my art appreciation classes, I did a paper on Roy Lichtenstein, and I mentioned how his work was animated on the Popmart tour screen for the band's show...
I did a monologue in drama class based on Walk to the Water.

In OAC art the class put on an art show and every student had to choose a theme. My theme was visual representations of U2 songs. I did paintings of Bad, Running to stand Still, WTSHNN, Please, Mothers of the Disappeared, and Bullet the Blue Sky. The class voted my painting of BTBS as the best work of the entire show. I will try and get some pictures online for those who haven't seen them yet.
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Woohoo! I love U2 in school! Although, it was a lot easier for me to work U2 into high school assignments than it has been in college. I'm guessing being a biomed major could have something to do with it... ;)

I did a multi genre research paper on Bono in composition which included the following:

Informative piece on the beginnings of the band
Letter from Bono to his dad
Personal narrative from Darren Hayes' (of Savage Garden) point of view based on one of his experiences
Definition paper defining "reincarnation",
Lyrical analysis of "Mysterious Ways" and "When I Look at the World"
Interview that Chris Martin (of Coldplay) conducted w/ Bono
Collage of quotes about Bono
Exposition from Ali's point of view
Magazine article about Bono's humanitarian work

I've also written an album review for Best Of 1980-1990 and I've included Bono quotes in a lot of my papers, including one lyrical analysis I wrote on the boon Trinity by Leon Uris. I've used U2 album art as subjects for a few of my art projects too.

Right now I'm working on a paper for my anthropology class. I have to find a popular song that relates to at least three anthropological concepts and dicuss why it is related to these concepts. I'm not sure which song I'm going to use yet. Any suggestions anyone?
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