This morning I was struck by Red Hill Mining Town, and God just spoke through it so loudly it was phenomenal!
From father to son
The blood runs thin
See faces frozen still
Against the wind
(I have gone through a recent experience of shepherding in my church...this speaks to me of wounding, and how your connection to God gets thinned because of the hurt you've experienced. Your connectedness to him lapses...your face is frozen against the wind, the wind of adversity as you seek the wind of the Spirit.)
The seam is split
The coal face cracked
The lines are long
There's no going back
Through hands of steel
And heart of stone
Our labour day
Has come and gone.
(The seam is split...your veneer of control is sundered, the coal face, the face shadowed by hurt is cracked and the lines are long. The hurt is so extensive that there is no going back. The control my former pastor tried to exercise against me has caused me to make a decision about this church...I am not going back. The hands of steel, the heart of stone...trying to obey because you have to. Because of legalism, their is no grace; the labour is of force, the heart is heavy...but now it is over; grace has come, mercy!)
Yeah you leave me holding on
In Red Hill Town
See lights go down, I'm...
Hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
I'm still waiting
I'm hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
(Holding on in Red Hill the colour of blood, the place of the cross, Calvary where grace is found. When my church did this to me, when I chose to sunder contact with them, I was left with only Jesus, hanging onto the only thing, Person, that is left.)
The glass is cut
The bottle run dry
Our love runs cold
In the caverns of the night
We're wounded by fear
Injured in doubt
I can lose myself
You I can't live without
(The glass is cut...brokenness. The bottle runs dry...emptiness. The love runs church is gone, my ties to the denomination I thought was of God. The last verses are so obvious, do I need to spell them out for you? I can lose myself, but it is Jesus I can't live without. Caverns of night, wounded by fear, injured in doubt...)
Yeah you keep me holding on
In Red Hill Town
See the lights go down on
I'm hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
I'm still waiting
Hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
Hold on to
We'll scorch the earth
Set fire to the sky
We stoop so low to reach so high
A link is lost
The chain undone
We wait all day
For night to come
And it comes
Like a hunter child
(Scorching the ending of self, destroying of all we knew...set fire to the sky...even our spiritual foundations are shattered if we rest in our denomination, our institution, instead of Jesus, the True Foundation, the Chief Cornerstone. A link is church...and now the whole chain is undone...wait all day for night to come...and it comes like a hunter child...hunting for the Truth!)
I'm hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
I'm still waiting
I'm hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
Love...slowly stripped away
Love...has seen its better day
Hanging on
The lights go out on Red Hill
The lights go down on Red Hill
Lights go down on Red Hill town
The lights go down on Red Hill
I think you can see the rest of stripped away...the love I once thought resided in my church, my Vineyard; but became control, shepherding. Love has seen its better day...but now I am left to hang on to all that is left...Jesus. Not an institution, or a denomination...but the Cross of the Red Hill.
Thought it was pretty profound. Thought I would share it.
From father to son
The blood runs thin
See faces frozen still
Against the wind
(I have gone through a recent experience of shepherding in my church...this speaks to me of wounding, and how your connection to God gets thinned because of the hurt you've experienced. Your connectedness to him lapses...your face is frozen against the wind, the wind of adversity as you seek the wind of the Spirit.)
The seam is split
The coal face cracked
The lines are long
There's no going back
Through hands of steel
And heart of stone
Our labour day
Has come and gone.
(The seam is split...your veneer of control is sundered, the coal face, the face shadowed by hurt is cracked and the lines are long. The hurt is so extensive that there is no going back. The control my former pastor tried to exercise against me has caused me to make a decision about this church...I am not going back. The hands of steel, the heart of stone...trying to obey because you have to. Because of legalism, their is no grace; the labour is of force, the heart is heavy...but now it is over; grace has come, mercy!)
Yeah you leave me holding on
In Red Hill Town
See lights go down, I'm...
Hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
I'm still waiting
I'm hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
(Holding on in Red Hill the colour of blood, the place of the cross, Calvary where grace is found. When my church did this to me, when I chose to sunder contact with them, I was left with only Jesus, hanging onto the only thing, Person, that is left.)
The glass is cut
The bottle run dry
Our love runs cold
In the caverns of the night
We're wounded by fear
Injured in doubt
I can lose myself
You I can't live without
(The glass is cut...brokenness. The bottle runs dry...emptiness. The love runs church is gone, my ties to the denomination I thought was of God. The last verses are so obvious, do I need to spell them out for you? I can lose myself, but it is Jesus I can't live without. Caverns of night, wounded by fear, injured in doubt...)
Yeah you keep me holding on
In Red Hill Town
See the lights go down on
I'm hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
I'm still waiting
Hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
Hold on to
We'll scorch the earth
Set fire to the sky
We stoop so low to reach so high
A link is lost
The chain undone
We wait all day
For night to come
And it comes
Like a hunter child
(Scorching the ending of self, destroying of all we knew...set fire to the sky...even our spiritual foundations are shattered if we rest in our denomination, our institution, instead of Jesus, the True Foundation, the Chief Cornerstone. A link is church...and now the whole chain is undone...wait all day for night to come...and it comes like a hunter child...hunting for the Truth!)
I'm hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
I'm still waiting
I'm hanging on
You're all that's left to hold on to
Love...slowly stripped away
Love...has seen its better day
Hanging on
The lights go out on Red Hill
The lights go down on Red Hill
Lights go down on Red Hill town
The lights go down on Red Hill
I think you can see the rest of stripped away...the love I once thought resided in my church, my Vineyard; but became control, shepherding. Love has seen its better day...but now I am left to hang on to all that is left...Jesus. Not an institution, or a denomination...but the Cross of the Red Hill.
Thought it was pretty profound. Thought I would share it.