the malaise here that goes by the name...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Jul 25, 2000
Whatever happened to the loving peace
That existed before this?
They say the greater fool is the one that follows
Rather than the one that leads
Should we feign surprise at discovering our soul is a collection of blistered videos?

Whatever happened to the malady
That existed before this?
They say a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing
So what killed the heavenly commodity?
So do we begin a new round each time we hear a bell ring?

Whoever destroyed this childish boy
That existed before this?
They say everything we do is trite and futile
So who raped the innocent joy?
Should we really turn into the enemy spewing out vicious bile?
umm... i'm sort of speech less heree, this is by far one of the best poems i've read in a long, long time, hope you don't mind if i use it in my collection!!???

--Whatever happened to the malady
That existed before this?
They say a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing
So what killed the heavenly commodity?
So do we begin a new round each time we hear a bell ring?--

"The inner-self is true self, the very essence of who I am. The impulse that drives the vessel. The motive and the reason." - peter j. koskela
Just doing my smiley thing
I love your poetry, bat

it's very...thoughtful? i hate describing poetry; can't be done except by writing another poem

Just the bang and the clatter
As an angel runs to ground...
Wonderful, frogbat!

**Still looking for the
face I had before the
world was made....**

**Work like you don't
need money, love like
you've never been hurt,
and dance like no
one's watching.**
kudos brettig

(and the bat who created this one)

Shake it, shake it, shake it
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