The Large Hadron Collider

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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
Anyone else slightly worried slash very interested by this topic that has come up? I tend to get sucked into what I read, so now I am of the opinion it shouldn't be turned on, because it might get out of control, and I've always suspected one day we'll kill ourselves.

But apparently this thing has the potential to explain dark matter, the big bang... immensely interesting I think. What do you all reckon? Will it cause the planet to instaneously implode in 1/20th of a second as has been reported? Or that hurricanes etc will wreak havoc? Or that we'll end up with a month left...?
Well, I have to admit the idea of immediate and complete annihilation is kind of exciting.
But I'm not losing much sleep over it.

It will be interesting to see if it can deliver on its potential.
First watch this

YouTube - Large Hadron Rap

Then read better sources, I recommend New Scientist, you can get it with a student discount.

The potential for creating a miniature black hole is similar to the potential that you will get up tomorrow morning, walk through the nearest wall and then fall through the centre of the Earth; not bloody likely.

The experiments at the LHC should shed a little more light on fundamental nature of reality, that there have been death threats against scientists involved in the project and scaremongering over it is a depressing indictment on some factions of humanity. Honest investigation through science is a fine source of truth and meaning (both how things are and where you fit) in the universe, do not allow your mind to be closed off through unjustified fear.

Also, watch this video!

Brian Cox on CERN's supercollider | Video on
Always making us feel safe thanks wanderer!

Is it true that if this goes to plan they may discover what the 95% of the universe that is currently labelled "dark matter" actually is?

I still think there's something to be said for keeping it all a mystery. One day we'll kill ourselves.
Everyone who has every played Half Life should feel a mix of excitement and fear. ;)

I don't think any of the fear mongering is valid.
Well, I have to admit the idea of immediate and complete annihilation is kind of exciting.
But I'm not losing much sleep over it.

It will be interesting to see if it can deliver on its potential.

I take comfort in the word 'immediate' in your post here, BS.

Everyone who has every played Half Life should feel a mix of excitement and fear. ;)

I don't think any of the fear mongering is valid.

:ohmy: Half Life Ep 2 is being played in the background here as I type (not by me, obviously)... What are the odds? Maybe a black hole will open in my loungeroom shortly. I will hopefully be unable to give BS an indication of what that feels like.
I say crank it up baby.

As Bela Lugosi would say as played by Martin Landau
"Let's shoot this fucker!"

Hope nothing 'disappears'
I'm disappointed, where are all the religious conservatives wailing about how we're messing with nature/God's law/yada yada..... :tsk:
I'm disappointed, where are all the religious conservatives wailing about how we're messing with nature/God's law/yada yada..... :tsk:

Are you having a state election on Saturday? I got some joyous junk mail in the letterbox from my favourite local Christian Democrat guy. He makes my heart sing, then swell, then develop blockages until I require stents. I may just ask his representatives on Saturday just how they all feel about the collider.
I may have a contact re the stents (ya know, truck, off back of... :shifty: )

No, no elections here, I even missed out on Downer's swan song :sad:
Damn you, Andrew! I had to read back and check that!


Anyhow, I've corrected myself - It's just a local erection. No need for getting too excited now. It's nothing too big, afterall.
I'm absolutely fascinated by what this collider could prove in theoretical physics, not to mention all the changes to theory that the observations will inevitably bring. This is a very big deal!
An historic moment in science.

Things are going to get really interesting when they start getting results from the LHC.
I'm absolutely fascinated by what this collider could prove in theoretical physics, not to mention all the changes to theory that the observations will inevitably bring. This is a very big deal!

Where might I read up on this. I'll admit, I have no clue what they are doing or looking to find. But I'm interested in knowing. :up:
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