The Earth of the Thousand sobs

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Manu Chao

Jun 12, 2001
Montr?al, Qu?bec, Canada
Marches of war and rallying cries
I hear you in my head
I fell in your numb thoughts
Your thoughts of ambition and blackness

Rage of sorrows and thunder
On the Earth of the Thousand sobs
Who is the responsible one
For the misery I fell for them

I was born on the Earth of the Thousand sobs
Dying of the dark and ignorant violence
Of a specie who gave birth to the corbel
From the rape of its conscience

The oceans nourish its sufferings
Its dark cancer fills the ideas of its eagles
Spitting its contaminated blood
On the innocent ones reduced to die of pain

Everything swallows me
When my eyes are closed
I'm swallowed by the depths of my sadness
Or by the love of the world with all my sufferings

My body is like a country at war
I hear the phone ringing, my friends are calling
I'd like to talk to them to calm them down

The Earth cannot turn without me
My enemy wins more and more over me
He dosen't know sorrow or pain
He works for death

I cannot agree peace with my regrets
I feel bitter about my sorrows
The history of the world my mine are both the same
Failure of anticipation

But I'm happy because I'm dying with a clear conscience
My pain cannot feel but can cry
And my last thinking goes to her
And I'm crying with her

Illusion cannot stop me now
I hear those I will join in a few minutes
Fear is nothing but a word in this last seconds
As my last breathe goes, my sorrows end

=HJ Clandestino=

Pis si ? moins y'en avait moins de pauv' cr?tins
Pr?ts ? mourir pour la Patrie
Kalishnikov et compagnie
Pour faire rouler l'?conomie
~~Cuba clandestino, Marijuana illegal~~
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