The Bono and Edge Love Thread - Reimagined!

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This one?

No, the one that is just their hands and the rose in the air between them. I think Edge has a pick in his fingers. That one's nice though.
I'm so glad neither of them ever went over the rail during a show. :uhoh:


Wait a minute... :shifty: .... :evil: ....

Ok, :wink: yes I'm still glad.

This isn't Edge-related, but it's as good a place as any to ask because I've wondered about it for some time: I think I saw a clip of one show when Bono pulled a girl up onto the bridge, just leaned over the bridge and lifted her straight out of the crowd with one hand. Maybe I'm imagining it, but I thought I saw something like that on Youtube. Does anyone know which show that might be? Granted, it's a relatively insignificant just-another-girl-on-stage moment, so it might be near impossible to find again.
But Bono tossing the flower to him was probably my favorite.


I love the close up of that someone got. I know it's been posted here, but i can't find it at the moment.

It looks like Edge is using his super levitation powers to steal the flower from Bono. :lol:
This isn't Edge-related, but it's as good a place as any to ask because I've wondered about it for some time: I think I saw a clip of one show when Bono pulled a girl up onto the bridge, just leaned over the bridge and lifted her straight out of the crowd with one hand. Maybe I'm imagining it, but I thought I saw something like that on Youtube. Does anyone know which show that might be? Granted, it's a relatively insignificant just-another-girl-on-stage moment, so it might be near impossible to find again.

This picture always cracks me up, they are just like regular guys there in the bus. I imagine myself taking the airport bus to or from my plane and suddenly B and Edge turn up like any other regular passenger. Lovely, but won't ever happen to me, I guess :lol:
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