More 5G Than Man
Pretty good band, by my estimation. I'm relatively new to their music. Whilst perusing Pitchfork, hoping to uncover some information regarding Can's landmark Liechtenstein gig (recorded with a speak & spell on January 11th, 1979), I came across their Most Overrated Populist Schmuck Bands list. In the #1 slot was Bon Jovi, but placed at a deliciously ironic #62 was The Beatles (I had never actually heard anything by them at that point, as I had my head so far up my indietastic posterior that commercialism of any kind could not reach my ears; Pitchfork claimed it was ironic, and I accepted this as gospel, as is required). I found the name to be particularly obtuse, but my interest was piqued by the postmodern industrial polyrhythms of "Revolution #9". As it turns out, I was just hearing a truck backing up. However, the actual track turned out to be only a small step down in quality.
I sauntered over to my local Starbucks and discussed my findings with Stephen, a goatee-wearing entrepreneur who claimed to have been in a school play with Connor Oberst in 1984, which gave him just enough street cred that he should be respected, but not so much that he shouldn't be approached by mortals such as myself. After purchasing a bag of Decaf Caffe Verona grounds and a paperback copy of The Kite Runner, he recommended that I purchase a copy of The White Album at a local music establishment which was, coincidentally, owned by the man as well.
Following a mugging in the streets, I still had enough Euro to barter with, as those fools only made off with the $20 I had in the front pocket of my skinny jeans. They will regret their shortsightedness in the coming years! I was amazed by the superb selection of this local indie record shop; they carried a total of three Beatles albums, one of which was, to my detached amusement, a used vinyl copy of The White Album. Parting with the equivalent of 48 American dollars, I waved my friend Stephen farewell, who had helped me out so much that day, asking for nothing in return.
Arriving at my loft, I placed the onyx-tinted wax onto the turntable, and dropped the needle down with the greatest of care. My ears were greeted by the derivative Brian Wilson-aping of "Back In The USSR". However, said aping was done with the greatest of irony and postmodern sensibility, so I deemed it a classic for the ages. "Wild Honey Pie" was no less brilliant, pairing inspired lyricism with vaudeville joviality to create a masterful composition.
I look forward to discovering more about this group. Their insight on the common man and the lives of raccoons is nothing short of superlative.
I sauntered over to my local Starbucks and discussed my findings with Stephen, a goatee-wearing entrepreneur who claimed to have been in a school play with Connor Oberst in 1984, which gave him just enough street cred that he should be respected, but not so much that he shouldn't be approached by mortals such as myself. After purchasing a bag of Decaf Caffe Verona grounds and a paperback copy of The Kite Runner, he recommended that I purchase a copy of The White Album at a local music establishment which was, coincidentally, owned by the man as well.
Following a mugging in the streets, I still had enough Euro to barter with, as those fools only made off with the $20 I had in the front pocket of my skinny jeans. They will regret their shortsightedness in the coming years! I was amazed by the superb selection of this local indie record shop; they carried a total of three Beatles albums, one of which was, to my detached amusement, a used vinyl copy of The White Album. Parting with the equivalent of 48 American dollars, I waved my friend Stephen farewell, who had helped me out so much that day, asking for nothing in return.
Arriving at my loft, I placed the onyx-tinted wax onto the turntable, and dropped the needle down with the greatest of care. My ears were greeted by the derivative Brian Wilson-aping of "Back In The USSR". However, said aping was done with the greatest of irony and postmodern sensibility, so I deemed it a classic for the ages. "Wild Honey Pie" was no less brilliant, pairing inspired lyricism with vaudeville joviality to create a masterful composition.
I look forward to discovering more about this group. Their insight on the common man and the lives of raccoons is nothing short of superlative.