Swampy Summit, Otago Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I just saw Val Adams in an ad for Air NZ.

On screen does absolutely no justice for how huge that woman is. I saw her once out for a walk when I was leaving my brother's place back when she lived here.

She's in amazing shape but it's just amazing how physically huge she is. I honestly think she could throw me 20 metres.
My friends who are into it are just over it. I decided there was no need to go.

A bit like if I'd heard about Lost three seasons in. Since I was there from day one, I clung on insanely until the end.

Nah, most people seem to agree that this season is one of the better ones.
Jesus fuck.

Should we redo the Kunstmuseum? Like nobody's going to notice.

And you've identified the problem. We could try to fuck shit up and the first person to notice would be a week late.
When was the last time somebody was even banned, though? Forum drama at an all time low.

OK I should sleep since I want to run in the morning. Though the forecasts of rain are not encouraging... half tempted to have more wine instead. But no.
If I wake up and can hear rain, let me tell you I'll roll over and go right the fuck back to sleep.
You want to know why the forum is dying? Because U2's slow decline has weeded out so many great, perceptive, wise, fans, and left fucking hacks, fucking cyborg hacks. Seriously, who would have the time or energy to dominate the U2 sections of a forum like this in 2016? One-note, cyborg hacks.

As for the other parts of the forum, there's some ok folk, you're all ok. Some of you are more ok than others, but whatever. There is a circling of the wagons though. I wouldn't bother starting a thread in Bang and Clatter now. Why bother? I've got better things to do than listen to pointless snark from the gatekeepers.

And if I seriously engaged in FYM, it would probably mean I'm now unemployed. That's the kind of time and energy I'd need. Which is slightly ironic as I'm led to understand regulars earn well above the average.
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As for the other parts of the forum, there's some ok folk, you're all ok. Some of you are more ok than others, but whatever. There is a circling of the wagons though. I wouldn't bother starting a thread in Bang and Clatter now. Why bother? I've got better things to do than listen to pointless snark from the gatekeepers.

I'll count myself as the less ok.

But I wouldn't have touched Bang and Clatter fucking eight years ago. I made up a Desert Island playlist by taking songs from the most popular threads on the forum, threw it together without listening to a thing and got well reviewed.

Remainder of your points all absolutely correct.
i mean, who the fuck really likes White Sox?
And if I seriously engaged in FYM, it would probably mean I'm now unemployed. That's the kind of time and energy I'd need. Which is slightly ironic as I'm led to understand regulars earn well above the average.

But still can't afford an apartment in a major metropolitan centre.

Really this could be renamed "People who have a passing interest in U2 come to this website to talk about anything but U2"

Pretty much this.

Oops, no multiquote in the Superthread was a standing rule from back in the penis 15'd days wasn't it?
omg why does it have to be the same food delivery person every week

i have a life i swear, just no car!

I'm not sure what it says that at one of my local pubs, my mate and I can walk in there and a couple of the usual staff can just say "pint of pale ale and a parma? Yep? Good."

Personally I like it. Efficient.
I'll count myself as the less ok.

But I wouldn't have touched Bang and Clatter fucking eight years ago. I made up a Desert Island playlist by taking songs from the most popular threads on the forum, threw it together without listening to a thing and got well reviewed.

Remainder of your points all absolutely correct.

I realise how that maybe came out sounding; I was hedging my bets as I don't necessarily know everyone who hangs out in this thread, terribly well. So you know, just in case one of you happened to be, in cobl4's charming parlance, a cunt, I was covering all bases.

I just kind of gave up after I started a thread about the B52's and got some crap from Lazarus about misspelling their name (their name has changed spelling several times, and who gives a shit anyway? I guess I must not be a real fan).
I actually have tried because my high school forced me to. but I can't really drive well, not well enough to have a license, it seems.
I'm not sure what it says that at one of my local pubs, my mate and I can walk in there and a couple of the usual staff can just say "pint of pale ale and a parma? Yep? Good."

Personally I like it. Efficient.
that's awesome. strangely though even though i'm technically downtown i believe, the only places within walking distance are a couple fast food places, a barbecue restaurant, a thai place (which is so yummy but also pricy so i can't go there too often), and an overpriced, pretentious bar.

i guess if i really wanted to hoof it i could go into the real downtown where there's lots more. but laziness and my love of chinese food (of which there are no places within walking distance, only delivery) wins if i'm not making my own food or actually going out.
I just kind of gave up after I started a thread about the B52's and got some crap from Lazarus about misspelling their name (their name has changed spelling several times, and who gives a shit anyway? I guess I must not be a real fan).
let me preface this by saying god i hope i didn't fuck up this thread somehow. i'm on the app and twice i tried quoting this and got a "forum is closed" error and i was like, but i didn't press to close anything wtf!

anyway, that doesn't surprise me. that kind of silly pedantry shits me because it really doesn't matter. not to mention it is possible to not let everything consume your soul and just be a casual fan (i say this since for most things i like i'm firmly in the former group, but for the b-52s? yeah it's the latter; i've seen them live a couple times and stuff but am clearly not the kind of fan laz is.)
that's awesome. strangely though even though i'm technically downtown i believe, the only places within walking distance are a couple fast food places, a barbecue restaurant, a thai place (which is so yummy but also pricy so i can't go there too often), and an overpriced, pretentious bar.

i guess if i really wanted to hoof it i could go into the real downtown where there's lots more. but laziness and my love of chinese food (of which there are no places within walking distance, only delivery) wins if i'm not making my own food or actually going out.

This is why I love inner north Melbourne. I live within a short walk of a truly fantastic pub and an only slightly longer walk to a whole bunch. I work literally next door to one and within a short walk of more. And there are plenty of other places to eat and drink.

I've said before, if I die destitute and obese, it's Melbourne's fault.
let me preface this by saying god i hope i didn't fuck up this thread somehow. i'm on the app and twice i tried quoting this and got a "forum is closed" error and i was like, but i didn't press to close anything wtf!

anyway, that doesn't surprise me. that kind of silly pedantry shits me because it really doesn't matter. not to mention it is possible to not let everything consume your soul and just be a casual fan (i say this since for most things i like i'm firmly in the former group, but for the b-52s? yeah it's the latter; i've seen them live a couple times and stuff but am clearly not the kind of fan laz is.)

I don't think he's a fan of them at all; I think he was just being a prick. Roving hall monitor.
This is why I love inner north Melbourne. I live within a short walk of a truly fantastic pub and an only slightly longer walk to a whole bunch. I work literally next door to one and within a short walk of more. And there are plenty of other places to eat and drink.

I've said before, if I die destitute and obese, it's Melbourne's fault.
oh yeah, i'm jealous. although to be fair, melbourne is also way bigger than huntsville.

I don't think he's a fan of them at all; I think he was just being a prick. Roving hall monitor.
haha definitely, i was being sarcastic in my last bit.
One university to which I'm applying for a job is in a town of about 20,000 people. I seriously don't know how I'd survive living there.
My dad and I walked into our usual today. Better part of six hours there, lunch, my brother and his partner came over.

The tab was easily half what it ought to have been.

This is why being a regular is good.
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