Stupid People Suck

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War Child
Sep 2, 2000
Half a mile from what she said...
Let me put it on record that Stupid People suck.

Now, when I say Stupid People (as opposed to stupid people *lowercase*) I'm not talking about bumbling idiots, fools, awkward folks, shy folks, people who can't speak properly in public, etc.

Stupid People (*uppercase*) refers to: Morons, Jackass's, Jerks, Dicks (not people named Dick!), Assholes, Fart Smelling Cookoos, Rude abnoxious impatient ignorent cretins, and...most importantly, and I know this will offend our younger viewers...HIGHSCHOOLERS (and yes, I was one myself, so at one point in my life I'd be a cause of this rant myself

Now, why do I hate stupid people? Well, they walk around this wonderful planet called earth without EVER thinking about anyone besides themselves. And they make no effort to EVER look past themselves, they're situation, and realize what they do affects other people.

Case #1

Jackass Bitchy Ticket Lady at Gate Idunnowhat at Miami International Airport.

This lady was a comlete jackass to my Dad today. I wanted to punch her. If you ever came in contact with my Dad, you'd realize within 15 seconds that there was something not quite right with him. You might think he was slow, old whatever, buy you'd get that he was confused and not all there. Now, when you check in at the airport, they ask you if you've had your bags in your possession blah blah blah, the whole anti terrorism thing. I understand the importance of this questioning, don't get me wrong. So she asks for ID from all three of us (mom, dad and me) and my mom and I dutifully get out our driver's licenses, and then I have to turn to my Dad (who's holding up his briefcase...hhhmmm...clue number 1 maybe Lady?) and try and explain to him that he needs his drivers license. So while she stands there fuming, he gets it out slowly and holds it up, and she keeps motioning for him to get it closer to her (what, is she blind, it wasn't THAT far away) and then she doesn't say "ok" or anything, just starts asking this question about the bags while my Dad continues to hold up the license, not really knowing what's going on (clue #2), so I turn to him and tell him he can put it away, and also say "yeah, bags have been with us blah blah blah", but she, being Ms. High And Mighty, seems to need an answer from all of us, keeps asking my Dad, who's not understanding, so she looks at me and is like, in a snotty way, "you ask him" and I'm trying to ask him, which just gets him more confused 'cause he can't handle more than one person talking at a time, and the airport is confusing for him in general. So my poor Dad just isn't getting it, and I'm thinking, 'Why the FUCK can't she just give us our damn tickets? No one has EVER made a point of asking us all individually this question EVER before (and we travel A LOT! so I speak from experiance). So this bitch of a checkin lady keeps asking and getting pissy and finally my Dad understands and says "no" (duh!) and she's like, "thanks, that wasn't so hard no was it?" and I just wanted to punch her. She totally embarressed and disrespected my Dad when she should've realized that it really wasn't that big a deal to ask him personally, that I was trying to answer for him cause he has trouble with these sort of things.

Now, the lady at security, on the other hand, was so cool. My Dad was totally confused and wasn't getting what he should do...I was half-wondering if he was going to try and send himself through the x-ray machine lol! But she was awesome and helped him and didn't worry about the line or anything cause she *got* that he wasn't all there.

Case #2

Asshole Dickhead Passenger: Complained loudly while we were sitting on the plane waiting to move away from the gate on why the hell weren't we moving and how this airline sucked and jeesus can't we go I mean what the hell this is a plane and we should be flying blah blah blah.

Two words buddy: SHUT UP! nobody cares what you think, there's a million reasons why we aren't moving...have you looked outside for example...we're in the middle of a fucking disaster area this storm sucks ass....damn! I mean, yeah, sometimes you can get worked up traveling and the airline can suck and all that. But once you're on the plane and shit, unless you've been sitting there at the gate for hours, shut up. Just be thankful you haven't crashed!

Case #3

Fartnocker Highschooler Driver (was once me). This poor lost person was stopped at a red light hugging two lanes, obviously confused and not sure where to go or what to do, and this guy gets right up on his ass, and starts revving his engine real loud and creeping up on this guy. Hello? First of all, Red light. Can't go anywhere! Second, car stranded in two lanes at intersection at red light....Jeeze..ya think he might not be knowing where he's going? Give 'em a break I say...

Oh, I've got many more. But I won't bore you. I just want to make the point that I hate stupid ignorent people.

Or maybe I just needed to rant

It's not boring at all...
That asshole dickhead passenger sounds like that person I met yesterday in the bus...
I wanna add 2 of my oun exmples to jurkasses and Dickheads. First one:
I work in a shues store and this stupid family of dumm religeous people (if you wer`e an israelian you`de know what I`m talking about...) came one day to buy like ten million pares for the hole family.So i`m just all busy with other customers and trying all at the same time to help them aswell. After like ten thousand shues I showed to her dumm fat and ugly daughter and she,ofcourse, didn`t like anyone of them, I turned to the other NICER and more patient couple to help them . SO the mother... doesn`t care what I`m doing no nothing she`s like : "Are you helping us or them?" So I quetly explaned to her that we have many customers today and that she`ll have to wait for one second. And what that fucking bitch did ??? she went to my Boss and told him that I`m not working with her and that I showed absolutelly NOTHING and that i`m dissrespecting her!!! Luckelly my boss saw everything that hapened before and So I didn`t get into any trouble but still...WHAT A BITCH!!!!
the second story is abotu the Fucking asshole from the local CD shop. I just went in there about amonth ago to make sure what`s the exact date that the new REm album comes out and he`s like acting all snoby and know it all : "I belive that they woun`t have any new album in the next year... (?????)" YOU DUMM ASS!!!!! It`s all over the news and the new single`s playing on MTV!!!!
I`m being patient (still) and I go like: "well I know that they`re going to have one and MAYBE you can take my number and call me when you`ll get it". The Jerk is like :"Didn`t u hear what I said???"
That was it!!!! at that point I said :"DO yourself a favour and check on the net!!! and by the way...when it DOES come out sure I woun`t buy it HERE!!!"

WHY WHY WHY peole must be such asses ????????????
Originally posted by MEMHPIS-EVE 007:
I wanna add 2 of my oun exmples to jurkasses and Dickheads. First one:
I work in a shues store and this stupid family of dumm religeous people (if you wer`e an israelian you`de know what I`m talking about...) came one day to buy like ten million pares for the hole family.So i`m just all busy with other customers and trying all at the same time to help them aswell. After like ten thousand shues I showed to her dumm fat and ugly daughter and she,ofcourse, didn`t like anyone of them, I turned to the other NICER and more patient couple to help them . SO the mother... doesn`t care what I`m doing no nothing she`s like : "Are you helping us or them?" So I quetly explaned to her that we have many customers today and that she`ll have to wait for one second. And what that fucking bitch did ??? she went to my Boss and told him that I`m not working with her and that I showed absolutelly NOTHING and that i`m dissrespecting her!!! Luckelly my boss saw everything that hapened before and So I didn`t get into any trouble but still...WHAT A BITCH!!!!

Wow, I can relate! I used to work in a shoe store too, and I had many similiar experiences! Sucks, eh?

"I Can Lose Myself, You I Can't Live Without"
This is a long one,but since everyone else is ranting,I might as well too
.A while back,I was searching for my biological father,and had heard that he had released a cd with a song on it that was made to me.So,I was looking around my local music store,hoping that I could find the cd and listen to the song,and then hopefully find my dad.Anyway,I went to the music store,and had them check for the band name.They said that they would order the cd for me and that I would have it in about two weeks.I came back two weeks later,but they said that the order was delayed,and for me to come back in another week.So I did,and it was still delayed!So,I came back again,and guess what...THEY TOLD ME THAT THE COMPANY THAT THEY ORDERED FROM DIDN'T HAVE THE CD! The stupid fucksticks placed an order for a cd that they didn't have!And here I am agonizing over when I was gonna get the damn thing! So,finally I ordered the only cd available at Tower records,and I got it right on time.And I got to hear the song,and am now reunited with me dad
Originally posted by NightShade:
This is a long one,but since everyone else is ranting,I might as well too
.A while back,I was searching for my biological father,and had heard that he had released a cd with a song on it that was made to me.So,I was looking around my local music store,hoping that I could find the cd and listen to the song,and then hopefully find my dad.Anyway,I went to the music store,and had them check for the band name.They said that they would order the cd for me and that I would have it in about two weeks.I came back two weeks later,but they said that the order was delayed,and for me to come back in another week.So I did,and it was still delayed!So,I came back again,and guess what...THEY TOLD ME THAT THE COMPANY THAT THEY ORDERED FROM DIDN'T HAVE THE CD! The stupid fucksticks placed an order for a cd that they didn't have!And here I am agonizing over when I was gonna get the damn thing! So,finally I ordered the only cd available at Tower records,and I got it right on time.And I got to hear the song,and am now reunited with me dad

That sounds like a good story with a nice ending...I`m very happy 4 U!
I guess I can relate too.....I'm the ASSHOLE

You can read Willie's thoughts, you must have The Shinning!

Don't you mean The Shining?

No, Shinning, you wanna get sued!
Originally posted by Bill the Butcher:
popkid, your remark about high schoolers being "Stupid People" is very condescending and you really should be ashamed of yourself.


Well, maybe not *all* highschoolers.......

point taken.

No Miss, I didn't....never even crossed my mind really. Oh well, she'll get what she deserves someday I'm sure.
LMAO,Martha!! I know!! And around here they have litters of kids!!

God Save Planet Earth!

PopKid...If it happens again or if you caught her name, I would still report her. If you dont she will just do it to someone else.
As one who has regretfully been, and most likely will be yet again, on occasion, a "stupid person", I can't really "pick up, or cast, a stone".
You're either going to let these people "win" by letting them get to you... or just let it go and try not to be like them.


I have a heart, a heart that's beating inside
When I was three I thought the world revolved around me
I was wrong
And so I sing along
And if you dance, then dance with me.

That was not boring! I enjoyed reading it. I can relate on how stupid people can be!
But the whole thing and the lady treating your dad that way was just so WRONG! I hate people are so damn rude. I swear if they can't handle working with people on an everyday basis (like her job requires her to do) then maybe they are in the wrong job/business.
SOME PEOPLE I tell yeah!

~*Dream Out loud*~

[This message has been edited by SweetOnU2 (edited 06-01-2001).]
Case 1:
Ok this chick at my work irritates the FUCK outta me. I work in a law office and nobrains we'll call her, has worked there for a year. She's 19 and actually is taking classes to get a Bachelor degree in engineering, ok. One day the receptionist was sick so she had to sit at her desk..she asked me "WHERE DO I GET THE LETTERS FROM?" And I thought.. wait are you serious? You cant remember that Microsoft Word is the program that we use for our standard letters? HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED HERE? And the fact that she not only couldnt remember what program we use, but where to find it on someone else's computer! HELLO!!!!!

Case 2
The office was sent an email to vote on changing the hours at the office. There were two boxes [] and by each one said AGREE or DISAGREE. The instructions were to send the email to a third party with our response. She opened up the original email and asked me WHY SHE COULDNT CLICK AN X ON THE AGREE BOX. OMG hello... FORWARD THE EMAIL FIRST THEN CLICK THE BOX. And you are going to school, working on a computer ALL DAY emailing ALL DAY and you dont fucking know how to email????

I have no one to share my frustrations with so I thought I'd share.


~On your knees boy~

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