Stuck in a NIGHTMARE and I can't get out of it...

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Gina Marie

Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 11, 2001
Bruce's land of hope and dreams
Sorry for posting this here, since it's not U2 related, but can you guys maybe help calm me down?

My neighbor went up to get their paper this am-and guess what was in with it-some sort of POWDER!

The police claim it is nothing, but I'm sufficiently freaked out.Who wants to be in a world like this, where people would do something like this just for 'kicks'? That is, assuming it's a hoax.

I already had touched my paper by the time I found out.

*is ready to get in a bunker and not come out right now*
i know how you feel, Gina Marie, seeing that my office building was shut down for 2 hours last friday when someone received a suspicious package. there are WAY too many crazy people in this world! what kind of sicko would purposely try to freak people out for no reason??

the fact of the matter is, though, that the vast majority of Americans will never be directly affected by terrorism. however, many of us are frightened about the possibility of it- no matter how remote that possibility really is. and that's exactly what the terrorists want to accomplish- they want the entire country to be in a panic.

so my advice to you would be to *try* not to be afraid! fight the terrorists in the only way you can right now- just go about your life the way you normally would.

don't get me wrong- i am very concerned about everything that's been going on lately. (the latest news of a 7 month old baby contracting anthrax sickens me!) but i have to keep telling myself exactly what i just told you... i have to believe that somehow we will get through this!
Thanks Ally-I'm trying to do that, but it is tough.

I guess I may as well turn myself over to Bin Laden right now if I'm going to let it get to me.

It just sickens me that someone would do something like this as some sort of sick joke. I'm waiting to find out the 'truth', but who knows if I ever will.
eh...we had a scare here yesterday with the cops in and all. Think of it this way: one person has died but there are a whole lot of other people that have been infected...and there are even more people freaking out. That's why its called terrorism. Just take a breath and don't get paranoid. Out of 25 million people in this country, 8 of them contracted anthrax. [don't mean to sound insensitive but after everything I've already been through, I just don't let it affect me]

"Things will not be the same in this city for us." -Bono, Dublin, February 1980
My best friends e-mailed me yesterday. Apparently, there was a bomb threat at her University (UofT in missisauga) and it had to be shut down for the day...
where people would do something like this just for 'kicks'? [/B]

Probably is just some jerk going around with baby powder or something. Now all the wackos are coming out of the woodwork to do stupid things like this. Hope it is just nothing...keep us posted....
Originally posted by sharky:
Out of 25 million people in this country, 8 of them contracted anthrax

That's 250 Million...


MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77
Just found out that the police 'doubt' it is powder, but they are still going to test it.

They 'think it might be' shredded newspaper shavings or something like that.

I won't rest easy until I know for sure-and still, it's pretty scary.
Originally posted by TheU2:
That's 250 Million...


Eh....100 million here, 100 million there. whatever. [thanks for fixing that though

"Things will not be the same in this city for us." -Bono, Dublin, February 1980
I think you need to try and remain calm and keep things inperspective, fear and alarm is their biggest weapon right now and the best I could say to you would be one way of defeating terorrism is don't be terrorised, don't let fear rule your life, even if you are scared.
Your "weapons" are what matters to you personally whether that is music,literature,fashion, poetry, kissing in public places,food fights,movies, freedom of thought and speech, beauty,love, they are very powerful weapons you have inside, and they can be used not by making war but being unafraid in the way we choose to live.
Take Care.
Originally posted by ~unforgettableFOXfire~:

Those terrorist bastards better not fuck with anyone I know, cuz if they make this personal, they sure as hell dont wanna mess with me...

OH MY!!!

Can you come here and protect me from the anthrax?

*pictures Foxfire eliminating Bin Laden with one punch*
Originally posted by The_Sweetest_Thing:
My best friends e-mailed me yesterday. Apparently, there was a bomb threat at her University (UofT in missisauga) and it had to be shut down for the day...

My friend Natalie just told me that they found a powdery substance at the GM plant in Oshawa, where her father works, and they suspect it could be anthrax.

Those terrorist bastards better not fuck with anyone I know, cuz if they make this personal, they sure as hell dont wanna mess with me...
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