Stuck in a moment.

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Nov 19, 2003
Counting the hairs on Bono's chest.
Ok, just a small request here. I'm feeling so low and depressed w/everything just now :sad: and I wondered if anyone out there had any 'Bad Boy' pix to share, cos I so could do with cheering up.

Anything featuring the guys looking mean and moody, sullen and dark. Any age, any era, any location. Pretty odd request really, I guess, but I just need some hot 'masculine' pix to lighten an otherwise shitty day, actually shitty week...







:confused: Pics like these? ^^'
youvedonewhat said:
Ok, just a small request here. I'm feeling so low and depressed w/everything just now :sad: and I wondered if anyone out there had any 'Bad Boy' pix to share, cos I so could do with cheering up.

Anything featuring the guys looking mean and moody, sullen and dark. Any age, any era, any location. Pretty odd request really, I guess, but I just need some hot 'masculine' pix to lighten an otherwise shitty day, actually shitty week...



Did you say you needed cheering up? Check out here:
ok that didnt make sence

the pic was i think taken from a uk tv documentery filmed on the opening night at manchester in june last year if its the one im thinking of i was below the box waiting for the concert to start
Not_Worthy_Edge said:
ok that didnt make sence

the pic was i think taken from a uk tv documentery filmed on the opening night at manchester in june last year if its the one im thinking of i was below the box waiting for the concert to start

I think you think of the same...
it's from BBC Culture Show.. from the opening night of the 2nd leg, in Brussels :)
I can uplopad that if you'd like ^^

Thankyou, Please video :)
Its not the one i was thinking of
the one im thinking of was june 14th 2005 and was hosted my cat deley
but would be nice to see the it's from BBC Culture Show.. from the opening night of the 2nd leg, in Brussels

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