Star Wars: Episode VII: Revenge Of The Septuagenarian

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Holy fuck, just saw Episode 2 for the first time yesterday. What a piece of shit. Might be worse than Episode 1. I'm afraid to try Episode 3 now.

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Episode 3 is worth watching, best of the prequels by a wide margin (though thats not hard)
None of the films are consistent, but Sith does have the highest peaks dramatically.

I think I prefer the action scenes in Clones, however. Obi-Wan vs. Jango in the rain, the speeder chase through Coruscant, the asteroid field chase with those great sound effects, Anakin massacring the Tusken Raiders, Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padme vs. the creatures, Obi-Wan/Anakin vs. Dooku, and Yoda vs. Dooku.

And then there's the droid factory scene, which is absolute garbage.
I don't know how a movie I hate so much can have so many amazing scenes in it, but nearly every one you've mentioned are full franchise favorites of mine. But nearly everything with the droid factory and the scene with the monsters is trash to me and it's SO long and SO boring that it manages to ruin the rest of the film.
I love the monsters, it's like full-on space fantasy with a Harryhausen vibe. My favorite part is when Obi-Wan throws a spear at the one attacking him, it just snaps it in two, unaffected, and Obi-Wan reacts with this bug-eyed "oh shit" expression. A nice bit of levity to balance out the teen angst of the Anakin/Padme storyline.
Sith is a deeply entertaining film with great drama. Christensen was fucking horrible as always but it's not as distracting when the material is notably stronger.

1 is an embarrassment, 2 is watchable but dull. So much wasted time.
I love the monsters, it's like full-on space fantasy with a Harryhausen vibe. My favorite part is when Obi-Wan throws a spear at the one attacking him, it just snaps it in two, unaffected, and Obi-Wan reacts with this bug-eyed "oh shit" expression. A nice bit of levity to balance out the teen angst of the Anakin/Padme storyline.

I think it's the scenes that precede it that make me not enjoy the segment as much. I really get bored with the final act of that movie.
Sith is the best overall movie of the bunch, but Clones has more for me to like as a Star Wars fan as Sith had a lot of things (such as General Grievous) that I really can not give two fucks about.

None of the prequels even qualify as good films given all of their problems and they're now far outclassed by other canonical benchmarks such as the two recent television series, etc. And they're only going to seem even more pointless when they knock it out of the park with this next trilogy.

I do think we're in for some more really shitty movies though. These spinoff films are going to be awfully rushed and some of the (hacky) directors that Disney was eyeing to helm some of them makes these projects seem rather suspect. I, mean, The Phantom Menace is bad but it could be a whole lot worse and some of these names being pegged to direct the spinoff films have already done films that are truly awful.
I think I managed to grab one of these app-controlled BB-8s before Amazon sold out of them. Hasn't shipped yet but my order is still active at least.


Does Santa mind getting one of those for someone who is not a small child >_>
Anybody caught up on the entire canon now that they reset it like a year ago? I mean, plowing through the handful of novels and a bunch of comic books really wouldn't take that long...the problem is that it's a bunch of the television show episodes to slog through (and you have to see all of the Clone Wars just to read the Darth Maul spinoff comic, for example). They're both damn great, critically acclaimed animated shows, but it's like a fifty hour commitment or whatever to get through all of that.
Anybody caught up on the entire canon now that they reset it like a year ago? I mean, plowing through the handful of novels and a bunch of comic books really wouldn't take that long...the problem is that it's a bunch of the television show episodes to slog through (and you have to see all of the Clone Wars just to read the Darth Maul spinoff comic, for example). They're both damn great, critically acclaimed animated shows, but it's like a fifty hour commitment or whatever to get through all of that.

Tartakovsky's original Clone Wars series has to be canon to an extent considering the events of the last episode segue right into the beginning of Revenge Of The Sith.
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