Spiderman Discussion - Part III

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this is one of the things that always gets me about parts of this forum, and about the people who are big Pop fans in particular.

U2 really hasn't ever been truly artsy. they've done some artsy-ish things, and they've made some weird sounds, but it's always in the service of conventional, structured rock songs. :shrug:

i'd say they are consistently as creative as anybody out there, but that's quite different from being challenging.

(and a lot of that super-alternative stuff just isn't very much fun)

Their 90s tours were super arty, so was Zooropa, Passengers and parts of Pop and UF. Pop album isn't all that great, either. I don't get why people love it so much.
Their 90s tours were super arty, so was Zooropa, Passengers and parts of Pop and UF. Pop album isn't all that great, either. I don't get why people love it so much.

i'd say they were super-creative -- i think everyone agrees that Zoo TV was one of the all-time great rock tours and an effective commentary on mass media at the same time. they got everything right. and i'd also agree that Bono's playing with characters, The Fly/Macphisto, are actually very informed commentaries on stardom and fame.

i just don't know if i'd call it super-artsy ... but that could all be a matter of perspective.

Passengers was artsy, i guess, loose and ambient, but they were very clear that it wasn't a U2 album, and for a good reason.

i never found Pop all that arty at all. it was really them trying to co-opt certain sounds and make them work in the context of rock songs. and that's cool and all, it's just very different from, say, "The National Anthem" or whatever.

i found PopMart a lot of fun and very colorful, but the message/medium were sort of half-baked. it wasn't as coherent as Zoo TV.
i'd say they were super-creative -- i think everyone agrees that Zoo TV was one of the all-time great rock tours and an effective commentary on mass media at the same time. they got everything right. and i'd also agree that Bono's playing with characters, The Fly/Macphisto, are actually very informed commentaries on stardom and fame.

i just don't know if i'd call it super-artsy ... but that could all be a matter of perspective.

Passengers was artsy, i guess, loose and ambient, but they were very clear that it wasn't a U2 album, and for a good reason.

i never found Pop all that arty at all. it was really them trying to co-opt certain sounds and make them work in the context of rock songs. and that's cool and all, it's just very different from, say, "The National Anthem" or whatever.

i found PopMart a lot of fun and very colorful, but the message/medium were sort of half-baked. it wasn't as coherent as Zoo TV.

I agree 100% :up:
this is the sort of song I think U2 do better than any other band :up:

this thread is turning into the sort of thread why this forum is a turd :down:
i'd say they were super-creative -- i think everyone agrees that Zoo TV was one of the all-time great rock tours and an effective commentary on mass media at the same time. they got everything right. and i'd also agree that Bono's playing with characters, The Fly/Macphisto, are actually very informed commentaries on stardom and fame.

i just don't know if i'd call it super-artsy ... but that could all be a matter of perspective.

Passengers was artsy, i guess, loose and ambient, but they were very clear that it wasn't a U2 album, and for a good reason.

i never found Pop all that arty at all. it was really them trying to co-opt certain sounds and make them work in the context of rock songs. and that's cool and all, it's just very different from, say, "The National Anthem" or whatever.

i found PopMart a lot of fun and very colorful, but the message/medium were sort of half-baked. it wasn't as coherent as Zoo TV.

What does artsy even mean? It's usually used as a pejorative by people who don't like to think, or know what they're talking about, which isn't you.

Their 90s tours were art projects, they had solid concepts and one was pretty fucking explicit about it's "artiness", since it was named after a movement and all.

Is anything that is not a standard rock song arty? The National Anthem is just a groove with a free jazz ending. Nothing particularly shocking, and no odder than Numb or Lemon, or Mofo.
Oh good, then my impression was spot on.

Well actually I probably could have added a little more anger... I'll work on it.

Dude, I still don't know what you're on about. I'm talking about the song and then you start being a squirt and insulting me.

If you want to have a conversation about the merits of Rise Up, let's go, otherwise go fill the ice cube tray or something.
Oh good, then my impression was spot on.

Well actually I probably could have added a little more anger... I'll work on it.

Now I get it. I was thinking of your impression of me, but you were doing an impression. I am very clear in my arguments and back everything up, unlike you, who seems to exist to doll out one-liners and piss people off. You must have been a lot of fun in elementary school.
Of the three I've visited, this seems to be the most active and most interesting, for better or worse.

I really don't care for the U2.com forums. There seems to be less discussion of stuff, just questions or general comments as a thread, and you sometimes see 8 threads about the same thing. (I really don't go there that often, so that's just my general impression of the place.) Also, I find the format hard to read, especially when people start quoting other posts.

There seems to be better general discussion of things on the @U2 forums, with less of the insanity we see around here. There are disagreements, but again, with less of the insanity that always seems to pop up in so many threads. There seems to be less nit-picking and piling on people you disagree with, so I totally understand why some people come here from other forums and are all 'holy shit, everything I've heard about this place is true. You guys are fucking insane.'

I don't know why this place is the way it is. Obviously, it has a lot of good things going for it, but the incessant nitpicky arguments is not one of them.

People may have other comments about the other forums - I haven't spent a ton of time on either, so maybe others' experiences are different. I rather like the @U2 forums, just don't spend a lot of time there. Can't really say why, either. And I haven't explored their "non-U2" parts of the forums, just the general U2 sections.

I guess this place has just sucked me in completely, for better or worse (almost always 'for better' - when I start feeling like it's 'for worse,' I know it's time to take a break. :lol: )

I came for the U2, and despite all the bullshit, stayed for the lulz and for the people.

Well. And the U2. :)
Dude, I still don't know what you're on about. I'm talking about the song and then you start being a squirt and insulting me.

If you want to have a conversation about the merits of Rise Up, let's go, otherwise go fill the ice cube tray or something.

Insulting you? I was just trying to say how Radiohead would be better. I thought you'd like that.

But if you truly want to speak about the merits of Rise Up then you first have to address the context.

This is a Broadway show about a comic book hero!!!

Have you ever seen a Broadway show?

Instrumentation in a musical is there to carry the actors, so complex or overpowering guitar lines are not going to work. And lyrics, once again it's Broadway, and it's based on a COMIC BOOK! Have you ever read a comic book or seen a movie based on a comic book?
There seems to be better general discussion of things on the @U2 forums, with less of the insanity we see around here. There are disagreements, but again, with less of the insanity that always seems to pop up in so many threads. There seems to be less nit-picking and piling on people you disagree with, so I totally understand why some people come here from other forums and are all 'holy shit, everything I've heard about this place is true. You guys are fucking insane.'

You guys are fucking insane.

... and i love you for it :hug: :wink:

By the way, whatever happened to that BoyzNDaHood guy?
Are we seriously talking about how artsy something is???? I hear that in a conversation and I just roll my eyes. I think we have a troll alert in the blue crack forest!!!! It's something new from U 1/2 and it's nice to have atleast something new to talk about you fiends! :lol:
Hmm, my opinion on this after a couple listens: it's a good song for the musical and Bono's vocal performance is spot-on.

However, this would be one of the weaker tracks on a standard U2 album like NLOTH. Not much happening with the guitar until the end.

I do like the song though and plan to buy it with a bunch of other stuff tomorrow on iTunes. :up:
If it were a U2 song more effort would go into the musicality. This song is written and arranged for broadway, epic melodies, but music that compliments the theme but lets lyric and story take the foreground.

I think the melody is extremely catchy, and it will be a great song for the show. Carney performs admirably, and it's a shame Bono isn't in the play: his voice is as strong as it has been since ZooTV
what about other forums where people talk about bands that aren't U2? do those exist? if so, what are they like?

i will say the melody to this has been caught in my head all day. all day.
This version is entertaining on a shallow level, but it totally uses every play in the Easy U2 Attention-Grabbing playbook. The one in the show had more heart, and a truckload more subtlety.

Granted I'm sure the new arrangements have made things sound better, but for the most part it's pretty obvious how they through scraps together to form this musical, and how little emotion there is in it, but again for a band that's success comes from writing earnestly from the heart perhaps a comic book character wasn't enough to properly relate to. That said, I'm sure the show's great fun if you're not a broadway snob or too much of a U2 or Spider-Man nerd haha.

Roll on 2012.
i will say the melody to this has been caught in my head all day. all day.

I've been singing it all day, too. Well, at least the "and you will rise above." That's the only part I remember.

Which is bad, because I'd love to move off that line now.

I hung out on the Murmurs.com REM forum for a while, but by the time I got around to checking it out, my crazy fan days for them were winding down.
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