South Sandwich Islands Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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But seriously, what IS with the total lack of American involvement?

Seems the Temple Bar drinkers went back to their old haunt.

At least when Screwtape was around there was controversy and therefore there were postings.

Yeah, though that controversy wasn't always much fun and nearly got us shut down.

Does feel a bit dodgy that some people may have only been paying attention for the bickering. :slant:
And U2's new album isn't around yet for everyone to praise for 6 months and then shit on for ten years, and then appreciate.

And we haven't yet got a tour to argue about, demand bootlegs of, and analyse to death. OMG BONO SUNG THE WORD "HEARTLAND" IT MEENZ THEY'LL PLAY HEARTLAND!!!!!!11!!111

i'll start now: omg nloth is the best album everrrrrr!!!! sexy boots is a work of genius!

How about the new production! All those waves and chatty tourists! It's so innovative!
And we haven't yet got a tour to argue about, demand bootlegs of, and analyse to death. OMG BONO SUNG THE WORD "HEARTLAND" IT MEENZ THEY'LL PLAY HEARTLAND!!!!!!11!!111

I don't know about you, but I'm thinking one of their new songs will be Ball and Bat because Bono rhymed it with Acrobat once. :hyper:
me too. luckily i don't believe i said anything terribly embarrassing when htdaab came out. i do remember saying i liked it, but i don't think i was ever "omg it's perfect!"

At one point it was 4th for me, after TUF, TJT, and AB.
yeah, exactly. like if i see a bean burrito on the menu, i already know i won't like it because i don't like refried beans.

ooh, i know what you mean. when i worked at a fast food place and all they served was chicken, sometimes i'd work in the kitchen. in four years i did pretty much everything there. but anyway, sometimes i'd do prep work, which partially involved trimming the fat off chicken breasts. i'm sure i spent so much more time working on it than others did. i'd stand there and slice off every tiny sliver of fat.

yeah, that was odd. though it's not my fault as i was asleep! i've started getting on a sleep schedule better fit for australians!

If I see something loaded with pumpkin and zucchini, I know to stay away!

Ick, that sounds tedious. I got bored and frustrated just trimming the fat off a couple of chicken breasts! The worst part was, I bought the stuff that was ostensibly trimmed of fat already. But I'm picky with my chicken. Plus a couple of bad experiences with lumps of fat and gristle have made me a bit cautious.

See, you really should pack up and come to Melbourne. :up:
And we haven't yet got a tour to argue about, demand bootlegs of, and analyse to death. OMG BONO SUNG THE WORD "HEARTLAND" IT MEENZ THEY'LL PLAY HEARTLAND!!!!!!11!!111

How about the new production! All those waves and chatty tourists! It's so innovative!
:lol: oh, i love the crazy theories people come up with.

omg i know! waaaaay better than how to dismantle an atomic "it goes up to 11" bomb!

oh shit, i turned on something for my mom, and they're in melbourne, australia. is this a sign? :uhoh:
Hump de Bump is a terrible song, but I can't help but smile and tap my feet when it comes on.
I'm going to be very critical of this new album upon first listen.

I'm going to try to be optimistic. I already seem like enough of a critical bastard, you know? And I want to enjoy it. But I'm not getting any hopes up, because I expect I'll end up being fairly harsh anyway.

Most of all, I just want the lyrics to not suck.

I don't know about you, but I'm thinking one of their new songs will be Ball and Bat because Bono rhymed it with Acrobat once. :hyper:

No, no, the whole album will be called Ball And Bat! And the next tour's opening song will be Acrobat! U2 HAVE LISTENED TO THEIR FANS!
oh shit, i turned on something for my mom, and they're in melbourne, australia. is this a sign? :uhoh:

yeah. though now instead of having one dead thread and one hopping one, both are just semi-dead.

Yeah ... this place still does seem to be fairly moving, but it's a shame. I never quite understood what was such a big deal that caused them to bail, but apparently I'm out of the loop on what apparently ticked some folk off.

It would be nice to get some more people in here, though. I just like having a variety of cool people to talk to. It's interesting and fun, and I think it's a shame we've never had a European contingent in the Superthreads.
same here, i remember it being pretty high (though not top three) for me at first. i think it was fourth or fifth for me.

in retrospect, it's not a bad album. you just have to turn the volume down and reorder the tracks. i still like cobl.

I hate the shitty soap opera theme music piano at the beginning of COBL. And how there isn't a sweet guitar solo which goes back into the chorus of LAPOE. And how the lyrics are bad on everything. And how no matter what Peterrrrr says, Bono's voice is gone.
me too. luckily i don't believe i said anything terribly embarrassing when htdaab came out. i do remember saying i liked it, but i don't think i was ever "omg it's perfect!"

I wish I'd kept my big mouth shut in late 2004.

At one point it was 4th for me, after TUF, TJT, and AB.

I once ranked it second after UF. :reject:

Now it's in my bottom three. Talk about no staying power. Plus I think my tastes expanded and matured a lot around 2005-06.
I'm going to try to be optimistic. I already seem like enough of a critical bastard, you know? And I want to enjoy it. But I'm not getting any hopes up, because I expect I'll end up being fairly harsh anyway.

Most of all, I just want the lyrics to not suck.

Too bad the lyrics are going to suck. Seriously, from what I've heard, you have nothing to be optimistic about. Unless you've heard something different. If Bono from 1987 got into a time machine and went 20 years into the future to record about 12, and you knew about it, you'd tell me, right?
If I see something loaded with pumpkin and zucchini, I know to stay away!

Ick, that sounds tedious. I got bored and frustrated just trimming the fat off a couple of chicken breasts! The worst part was, I bought the stuff that was ostensibly trimmed of fat already. But I'm picky with my chicken. Plus a couple of bad experiences with lumps of fat and gristle have made me a bit cautious.

See, you really should pack up and come to Melbourne. :up:
ewwww, same here! i tried to like pumpkin, i really did. i made homemade pumpkin pie (which is the exact same thing as frozen pie, so don't waste the effort) and i don't like it. i can stomach like half a slice, and that's it. and i doubt i'd like it in savoury dishes either, like pumpkin rotini or whatever the hell that dish is.

it was. but the good thing is, having worked there for four years, i'm still cool going there to eat. i never saw people spit in drinks or cook food that was dropped on the floor. and besides, i wouldn't want to bite into a chunk of fat on a grilled sandwich (that's what the fat was trimmed for, it wasn't for the fried stuff).

i know! i really want to. i need to see about financial aid. how does that stuff work over there? here, you fill out a form every year (called a fafsa) and send the results to whatever colleges you specify. from there, you find out about scholarships, grants, and loans.
Yeah ... this place still does seem to be fairly moving, but it's a shame. I never quite understood what was such a big deal that caused them to bail, but apparently I'm out of the loop on what apparently ticked some folk off.

It would be nice to get some more people in here, though. I just like having a variety of cool people to talk to. It's interesting and fun, and I think it's a shame we've never had a European contingent in the Superthreads.

Is there a European contingent on this site?
I don't know about waves, but I'm a chatty tourist. :wave:


:lol: oh, i love the crazy theories people come up with.

omg i know! waaaaay better than how to dismantle an atomic "it goes up to 11" bomb!

oh shit, i turned on something for my mom, and they're in melbourne, australia. is this a sign? :uhoh:

I cannot wait for the next tour's insane theories. I loved "they're gonna play Acrobat!" and "they're gonna play A Celebration!" last time around.

Yes, yes it is. Here's another Melbourne sign:

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