Song at beginning of Under a Blood Red Sky?

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Jan 16, 2002
Does anyone know the song that plays over the opening of the Under A Blood Red Sky video? It's simply beautiful.

- Adam
It's "Theme from Harry's Game" by Clannad.

C ya!


People criticize me but I know it's not the end
I try to kick the truth, not just to make friends

Spearhead - People In Tha Middle
it?s a beautiful song!

I'm a bass player. That's a "singer" question. Lord Adam Clayton

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
Originally posted by RufusYoungblood:
Originally posted by Hewson:
Enya was a member of Clannad.
I didn't know that. Makes sense though...

She was, but only for 2 albums in the early 80's. The lead singer of Clannad, Maire Brennan, is Enya's sister.

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