Some of my Baltimore Pictures

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The Fly
Jun 8, 2000
Monkton, MD, USA
Follow the link. U2 Baltimore 101901. I have other U2 albums feel free to look around.


[This message has been edited by U2Byrd (edited 10-22-2001).]
Hey U2Byrd! I was there too! Bono was so beautiful! Your pics are great! Is it okay if I upload some of them so I can post them? I love them! Thank you, most of mine didn't turn out.
Originally posted by U2Kitten:
Hey U2Byrd! I was there too! Bono was so beautiful! Your pics are great! Is it okay if I upload some of them so I can post them? I love them! Thank you, most of mine didn't turn out.

No problem. I have about 70 pictures from Baltimore. I don't have that much room on my photo album. Do you live in Baltimore?
No, I had to drive over 200 miles but it was worth it! Thanks, once I upload some I will post them on this thread! Wasn't the show awesome?!

Visit my U2 webpage! <A HREF="

"Walk" TARGET=_blank>

"Walk</A> On, stay safe tonight"
Here are some of U2Byrd's pics! Bono is beautiful!



Visit my U2 webpage!

"Walk On, stay safe tonight"

[This message has been edited by U2Kitten (edited 10-23-2001).]
Here's a good one of Edge too!

He was looking fine in that royal blue shirt with gold decorations on his jeans!
As you can tell I was at the rail in front of Bono. Camping out for 20 hours was worth every minute. Thanks for putting these up. As I said I have 70 + pictures.
I would love to see them, especially closeups of Bono! So you got the main stage? That's one place I have never scored!

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