Some Feedback needed

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


The Fly
Jul 26, 2002
on a beach, dressed as mermaid...waiting for Larry
i decided to separate my personal website from my u2 fansite. i finished the layout and everything but right now i'd like some *feedback*( ;) ) about how it looks so far. it has some pictures of bono from his boyhood because, after all, this is just my first attempt at this new site and i thought the pix were appropriate =)

anyway, i feel like it's missing something. maybe someone could help pinpoint something i'm overlooking? right now there really isn't anything up. i just want someone to look at the layout and tell me what they think. (perhaps it needs more bono?? :evil: )


(edited because i'm a moron)

oops...forgot to put the addy!
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I only had time to skim it but I like the layout a lot! Very very good! The Bono pics are great! CONGRATS on getting ur driver's license too! Don't go too crazy on the streets now!
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I really like the layout. The pics are great.

Re: Your drivers test.
In Spain we wrote 'Two Lanes Merge as One' as a commentary on their driving.

I'm sure we could add a verse for you.

Hey, great design and layout. I had trouble scroll down in the blog section, it's probably because I have a Mac. :eyebrow:
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