SOE 34: If there is a leak, don't let it go unheard

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The other rip sounds like it was submerged in water compared to this. Loving the production so far. Larry sounds incredible.
The toms rumble/ key change/"Free yourself to be yourself" sequence is majorly badass at CDQ.
Book of Your Heart is blooming powerful. There's going to be Crystal Ballroom debate here.

Love the James Bond production on Lights of Home String Version.
I wanna get a room with this album... treat it nice, meet its parents.... maybe introduce it to mine
What’s the best way to listen if I only have an iPhone on me? Think I’m ready to cave now that the higher quality version is out.
Okay, I know I risk hyperbole. Best album of the 2000 era? Yes. Late period classic? It will be in the discussion. Not for me to answer now.
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