SOE 18: New Tour, New Despair...

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I wonder if they dropped it a few octaves so Bono can sing it live now.

Probably. In the article linked above, Bono talks about his 80s "big singing" in a not so great way:

"Bono also speaks about what it is like to revisit his earlier work in the article, “I can hear some artists I would’ve been listening to, whether it was Nick Cave or Echo And The Bunnymen. I can hear it in the lyrics. I can also hear it, rather annoyingly, in the singing. It’s big singing and I get that, and I get that it’s declarative and it’s open. But it slightly spoils my fun.”
I don't know. At the time when ZOO TV came out, it was amazing, fresh, new and explored the latest technology. Doing a 30 year retro show would seem kind of strange. The Joshua Tree works because its about the music only which means its style and trendiness are not tied to a particular era. I mean, would you use TV's from 1992 and the old cars and such? What would be shown the on screens? If its not a retro version of ZOO TV, something that is "updated" or contemporary to modern times, then can it still be called ZOO TV or would it be too different? CNN, Gulf War, Fall of the Berlin Wall, end of the Soviet Union, calling the White House from the stadium, other images and ideas at the time, makes it really tied to that period.

I don't think U2 will do that. I still think the only reason their doing this Joshua Tree Tour in 2017 is because they have delayed SOE and thought a good way to keep the band in people's minds or satisfy those awaiting the new album is to serve them with the JT shows on the 30th anniversary.

A full-on recreation of ZooTV with updated tech and highlighting modern media overload/current social and political issues would be the perfect example of paying tribute to the past while keeping it fresh by showing how ahead of its time/prescient the original tour was.

A full-on recreation of ZooTV with updated tech and highlighting modern media overload/current social and political issues .

A full-on recreation of ZooTV with updated tech

with updated tech

with updated tech

with updated tech

with updated tech



I think he suggested possibly updating the tech, but I can't be sure.
The RHMT single with new vocals is a crafty move. With most of the other JT tracks, we've been able to get used to the changes in Bono's voice as they've been performed over the years. Or with another rare track like Mothers, the vocals aren't as big and the difference from the original recording won't be as noticeable. By putting a new version of RHMT out before the tour starts, we can hear Bono's 2017 voice performing it ahead of time, so when people hear it at the show they won't be too shocked/disappointed.

But make no mistake about it: this is pre-emptive damage control, not some abirtrary novelty for the fans' benefit.

Not sure how excited I am about this producing choice. And it's likely the last nail in the coffin of anything remaining from Danger Mouse's work.

More lame lyrics, too:

The showman give you front row to his heart
The shaman prays that his heartache will chart
Making a spectacle of falling apart
Is the heart of the show

Congrats to Bono for outdoing himself by managing to use "heart" THREE times in one stanza. :|
The RHMT single with new vocals is a crafty move. With most of the other JT tracks, we've been able to get used to the changes in Bono's voice as they've been performed over the years. Or with another rare track like Mothers, the vocals aren't as big and the difference from the original recording won't be as noticeable. By putting a new version of RHMT out before the tour starts, we can hear Bono's 2017 voice performing it ahead of time, so when people hear it at the show they won't be too shocked/disappointed.

But make no mistake about it: this is pre-emptive damage control, not some abirtrary novelty for the fans' benefit.

well, talk about pissing on the parade!
we really want to get the mixes right. We don't want a soup. We want a consommé."

Good. Unless it's over-produced, then not good.

In cooking, a consommé is a type of clear soup made from richly flavored stock or bouillon that has been clarified, a process which uses egg whites to remove fat and sediment.
I get irritated when people judge lyrics before hearing the song. Maybe those lyrics are fantastic In the context of the song? Maybe they way Bono sings them is very moving? Or maybe it's another "freedom has a scent" type of line. We don't know.

I mean, if someone were to read some of the Beatles lyrics without hearing the song, we'd think they were written by school children.
Very strange timeline of events though. We know they are rehearsing TJT already. Either this article was written a while ago, and they have finished that work, or they are doing it in the middle of your rehearsals. They can't think they have much to do, otherwise there is no chance they finish because... u2

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But make no mistake about it: this is pre-emptive damage control, not some abirtrary novelty for the fans' benefit.

I suppose having the alternative and hearing his voice crack every time on the high notes would be for our benefit then?? :huh:

I say bring on the new version. Not everyone will like it, but hearing a new version should be interesting at the very least.

I get irritated when people judge lyrics before hearing the song. Maybe those lyrics are fantastic In the context of the song? Maybe they way Bono sings them is very moving? Or maybe it's another "freedom has a scent" type of line. We don't know.

I mean, if someone were to read some of the Beatles lyrics without hearing the song, we'd think they were written by school children.

Yep. Not everything has to sound like Shakespeare to be a decent song lyric. How does the melody go? What's the point they're trying to get across? A lot of of other things factor into it, that's for sure.
Yep. Not everything has to sound like Shakespeare to be a decent song lyric. How does the melody go? What's the point they're trying to get across? A lot of of other things factor into it, that's for sure.

:up: it's all in the delivery... especially when i think about some of my other fave bands'/singers' lyrics, like Radiohead, Kate Bush - some are quite out there haha
The other similar example I think of is when song titles leak or come out. Sometimes there's a few where I look at them and think, "What a goofy name for a song." Then a lot of the time, they become my favorites from that album! :lol:

Nice example. Lennon/McCartney deliberately describing the mundane morning activities of a drone. Compared to Bono's typical overwriting as well as the ridiculous overuse of a word he's already run into the ground. :rolleyes:

I suppose having the alternative and hearing his voice crack every time on the high notes would be for our benefit then?? :huh:

I say bring on the new version. Not everyone will like it, but hearing a new version should be interesting at the very least.

You seem to be missing my point; no one is arguing against the necessity for a version in a different key. Because it's a necessity--there's no way he can do the original.

All I'm pointing out is that the only reason they are releasing this single is to familiarize people with this difference before they come to the show, diverting attention away from the truth about Bono's diminished range. If you've already heard him sing it that way you won't be so taken aback. And since the new version will sound different musically as well (the addition of the brass), all the attention won't be on Bono when people hear the recorded version, either. It's quite a savvy move.

The other similar example I think of is when song titles leak or come out. Sometimes there's a few where I look at them and think, "What a goofy name for a song." Then a lot of the time, they become my favorites from that album! :lol:

Or they're as awful as one suspected in the first place; e.g. I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight.
I can see them returning to Europe next year for SOE with only 8 cities for this year, but in the U.S??
They are basically" bleeding" the market this year with 18 cities with a stadium tour.Whats kind of a demand will be left for next year,even with SOE?
I can't help but cringe at Bono saying that Red Flat Day and Summer Of Love are about the Refugee crisis. I would like to know is it really I mean really about it or the band just need to tie into stuff like this to feel relevant.
Encouraging regarding SOE. I'm still skeptical that we actually ever see it but it's better than the "we've written 1,673 new songs and are lost in the music" quote I've been expecting.
I can't help but cringe at Bono saying that Red Flat Day and Summer Of Love are about the Refugee crisis. I would like to know is it really I mean really about it or the band just need to tie into stuff like this to feel relevant.

Gonna be a lot more flags during the intro to Streets next tour...

Nice example. Lennon/McCartney deliberately describing the mundane morning activities of a drone. Compared to Bono's typical overwriting as well as the ridiculous overuse of a word he's already run into the ground. :rolleyes:

Bono's an ENFJ. He's going to be talking about hearts. :heart:

ENFJs are driven by a deep sense of altruism and empathy for other people. They have an intuitive sense of the emotions of others, and often act as an emotional barometer for the people around them. However, their compassion not reserved for the people close to them: they are often humanitarian in nature, and may feel genuine concern for the ills of the entire human race. They tend to personally experience the feelings of others, and feel compelled to act when they see people suffering.

Their top function is Fe (Feeling extraversion) which is about social acceptability and external harmony. Their second function is Ni (Intuition Introversion) which is about a singular vision. Sounds a lot like the song One. "One vision of harmony".

Intuition Introversion is like taking in lots of opinions and synthesizing it into some dreamlike symbols and visions of a possible future. This can often be narrow. The shadow of this is Intuition Extraversion which is more like brainstorming and can add variety, but it's in the shadow so it's ignored. Bono wants everyone to get along and we have a happy Christian :heart: heaven planet. He may shoot his mouth off at his enemies, which is not harmonious, but it's all in the service of everyone finally agreeing on what's good for all.

I think ENFJ's secretly which to have endless harmonious interactions with people with no conflict and lots of love and peace where the self bleeds into a Christian heaven of oxytocin.

it's better than the "we've written 1,673 new songs and are lost in the music" quote I've been expecting.

Not sure how excited I am about this producing choice. And it's likely the last nail in the coffin of anything remaining from Danger Mouse's work.

More lame lyrics, too:

The showman give you front row to his heart
The shaman prays that his heartache will chart
Making a spectacle of falling apart
Is the heart of the show

Congrats to Bono for outdoing himself by managing to use "heart" THREE times in one stanza. :|

Oh boy I can't wait for the next verse with "soul" three times.
I can see them returning to Europe next year for SOE with only 8 cities for this year, but in the U.S??
They are basically" bleeding" the market this year with 18 cities with a stadium tour.Whats kind of a demand will be left for next year,even with SOE?

I think they'll focus on the rest of the world in 2018, and return to the U.S. in 2019.

They left off plenty of locations that they would normally play on a tour. Provided they don't put 6 shows in Pittsburgh they'll be fine.
Joshua Tree's Bono's vocal stylings were awesome!!! His range was great. Bono has to feel some regret...

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Bono' s voice RHMT 1987 version can't be topped. His voice on this original makes this song so special.
I think we get a kind of the reworked EBW-version of the song. I hope not!
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