So what's the deal with Linux?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 13, 2000
The Q continuum
Right now, I've heard a lot of good things about Linux. What are the advantages of Linux over Mac or Windows? Is it user friendly for a person with 'normal' computerwisdom or is it only for computerbuffs? Does it have to change my sound- and videocards and printers and stuff for it to work? What about software, does Linux support it?

Dammit, so many questions and so little time!

Is this the right forum btw? :scratch:
This is the right forum.

All I know is it shits all over both Windows and Mac and any good geek worth their salt will get over-emotional about it. I have it on our bitch balls laptop and it works fine, we have it as a dual boot though, so you pick which OS you want to run. I'm assuming based on this you wont need to upgrade too badly if you have a fairly decent comp already. I used to know more about it, but have forgotten. Sorry!

This is as user-friendly as Linux gets. Linux software supports...well, Linux / Unix software without extensions. If you get a program like WINE, you can emulate Windows and run many (but not all) Windows programs. Hardware is a good question. Not all hardware is supported in Linux, but a lot is as well.

Generally speaking, though, Linux is for computer geeks and not the average computer user yet.


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