Sicy thinks I'm nuts, but seriously... I need a new name for my fish!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
May 22, 2000
Orange County, CA
and Otto just called her 'dinner'...

so help name my fish

(She's back...)

call her jackknifed juggernaut.

dammit, I keep forgetting its a girl. I just cant see a fish being a 'girl'.

[This message has been edited by Deathbear's Fly Girl (edited 01-13-2002).]
Originally posted by Deathbear's Fly Girl:
call her jackknifed juggernaut.

dammit, I keep forgetting its a girl. I just cant see a fish being a 'girl'.

Well... I only know its a SHE cuz she used to lay eggs
good clue ya think?

Dinnerella was a joke. But Aretha. I mean it. I mean, look at her. If it wasn't for all that water, I bet she could SING.



| "Rock 'n' roll will be gone by June." - 'Variety', 1955
| Otto Kitsinger | <>
| 40 U2 shows, 1 camera:
Rin Tin Finn?
She's beautiful E.

I think I'd vote for Wanda so far, although like Monty the python, there are probably a million fish called Wanda already. Don't get me started on gropers.....

PS: I hope you are familiar with diatonic scales, otherwise Diatonic will seem an odd choice. I also like Gloria from the list below. Then you have 2 choices,Glooooooooooooria or G.L.O.R.I.A.(that is presuming you sing to your animals.... doesn't everybody sing to their animals?)

[This message has been edited by cass (edited 01-14-2002).]
Ah, yeah... two or three people have beaten me to it, but definitely Wanda.

"It's K-K-K-Ken! Coming to k-k-k-k-kill me, K-K-K-K-K-Ken?"
PS: if ever I do get to Ireland I am making a beeline to the sea aquarium at Dingle, th I saw it on the "Voyage" TV series.
First ones that pop into my head:

Beautiful fish, BTW.

"Baby...can we still be friends?"
Wild Monkey?

the possibilities seem endless...

[This message has been edited by brettig (edited 01-14-2002).]
My sister has named all of her goldfish after characters on friends. She has Pheobe, Chandler, Ursala, and Gunther. I think that she said that she is naming her next one "Ugly Naked Guy", but that would be mean to the fish!!!

Chandler lived to be 2 1/2 years old, which is super long for a goldfish!

Official Dog-Walker of the ScottPhisto Society

I don't mean to be arrogant, but ...I do feel that we are meant to be one of the great groups. - Bono, Rolling Stone, 1981

[This message has been edited by Arun V (edited 01-14-2002).]
Hmm, how about Priscilla?

Or Lisa Marie.

Um, eww, maybe not. Stick with Priscilla.

- nan
MacPhisto made me do it

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