Shuttlecock XII - u wish Cobbler would Stay (Faraway, not Close!) from making threads

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I don't know if anyone ever heard this before, but apparently this was a Bono quote from some radio interview back in 2009:

"We see get on your boots as a kind of, folk version of Eagles of Death Metal"

And I found an interview with EODM's Jesse Hughes about it:

Q: I heard that you personally were the inspiration for the U2 track ‘Put on you Boots’. How d’you feel about that? I wondered where you were when you found that out? That’s got to be pretty flattering?

A: Dude honestly…and I’m not just saying this. I really look up to U2. The Edge…he just makes them so badass. As a person, I’m very politically involved, but I make a rule never to involve my politics in my music. Bono is the only dude that even if I don’t agree with him, I respect the way he always handles it. So to have that happen, in fact, for anyone to write a song about me is pretty bitchin’. A bunch of our fans started going on our site and asking me to listen to the interview on the BBC. When I was listening to the interview and I was like ‘NO WAY’, and then I thought about it for a minute and I thought ‘why not?’. I mean, have you ever seen my moustache…Heeeellllooooo. I felt like someone had turned me into a thousand dollar bill, and then wrapped me in a hundred dollar bill.
Apparently the guys tried to get The Eagles of Death Metal a flight out of Paris the night of the attacks but couldn't get a hold of them. (This was probably mentioned already)

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I was watching an obscure Japanese movie at a film festival today, and WOWY of all songs was played over the end credits. It was a very good fit. Every now and then I can forget how overplayed it's been and just lose myself in it.
So just posted a (very brief) article that Eagles of Death Metal are NOT tonight's surprise guest - somebody else is. Interesting.

U2 > News > Paris
I have no idea who/what you guys are talking about with this Leo shit all the time.
I wonder if the EODM thing was just an unfounded rumor, or if they decided they weren't up for it? Or other logistical things?

Definitely going to listen to the stream today. And I'm always cool with Patti Smith showing up.
Yeah, they killed that cover last time on the musical end.

However, that doesn't necessarily mean it's Patti who will be there. Could be any big name, no? The message of that song is likely why they want to play it again.
I mean it's certainly a likelihood. She was in town a couple days ago.

One wonders if there's only one guest showing up, seems like a much bigger occasion that could attract multiple guests. Flea and Thom Yorke were performing People Have The Power with her as well, though I would be a little shocked if the latter would damage his indie cred by appearing with U2. I'd be down with Flea showing up, he's always a good time.
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27 songs performed tonight. They've done that many before, right?

Yeah, it's an equal record with Cologne 2 (which goes to 28 if you count Happy Birthday) and Glasgow 2 (which drops to 26 if you don't count Bono singing along live with The Fly intermission).
Not necessarily.

But hey, at least they didn't do a truncated show like Paris 1, when people (yes, including me, I freely admit it now) freaked out that they were altering the show for the broadcast (no #2 song, e stage set different).

They could still change it, I suppose, but if this was a dry run, tomorrow should be similar, at least for those things.
But hey, at least they didn't do a truncated show like Paris 1, when people (yes, including me, I freely admit it now) freaked out that they were altering the show for the broadcast (no #2 song, e stage set different).

You? You were the calm voice in that particular freak-out!
I think as the day went on, I was freaking out a little more.

It may have been an internal freakout. :lol:
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