shocking the French

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
so, what's your honest reaction to this anti-smoking ad from France:


does it make a mockery of child abuse? does it falsely link oral sex with smoking cigarettes? is it inappropriate? or do kids need to be shocked like this?

France wonders:

French Ad Shocks, but Will It Stop Young Smokers?

PARIS — A new French antismoking advertisement aimed at the young that plays off a pornographic stereotype has gotten more attention than even its creators intended, and critics suggest that it offends common decency and creates a false analogy between oral sex and smoking.

France has banned smoking in cafes, bars and restaurants. But smoking is still increasing among the young in France, according to the French Office for the Prevention of Smoking, prompting an antitobacco organization called Droits des Non-fumeurs, or Nonsmokers’ Rights, to create the ad.

The slogan is bland enough: “To smoke is to be a slave to tobacco.” But it accompanies photographs of an older man, his torso seen from the side, pushing down on the head of a teenage girl with a cigarette in her mouth. Her eyes are at belt level, glancing upward fearfully. The cigarette appears to emerge from the adult’s trousers.

Two other ads show young men in the same position as the girl, though the adult is wearing a suit jacket and a watch.

Marco de la Fuente, vice president of BDDP & Fils, the advertising firm that created the campaign, said the ads were not designed either “to please or to shock people, but to change, to put back into the news a topic we don’t talk about enough, which threatens young people.”

According to the French Office for the Prevention of Smoking, between 2004 and 2007, and 2008 and 2009, the percentage of daily smokers among French 14-year-olds rose to 8 percent from 5 percent; among 16-year-olds, it increased to 18 percent from 14 percent. A quarter of 18-year-olds are daily smokers.

“The younger you begin to smoke, the stronger the addiction,” Mr. de la Fuente said in an interview. “But young people think they’re invincible. They like to flirt with danger.” He added that young people saw smoking as a symbol of emancipation, a passage to adulthood and a “transgressive act.”

The ads, he said, try to convince them that smoking is “an act of naïveté and submission.”

He continued: “We can’t be tepid on this subject; we have to hit hard. We are working against years of myth on the basis of films and stars, and we fight against this with zero euros.”

But the reaction on the Web site of Droits des Non-fumeurs has been mixed. One comment read, “The campaign trivializes sexual abuse — worse, it implies guilt on the part of the abused.”

Florence Montreynaud, the president of La Meute des Chiennes de Garde, or the Pack of Female Watchdogs, which opposes symbols of sexual violence in films and advertising, called the ads “unbearable” and said “what is most shocking is the banalization of sexual violence.”

She is a feminist, she said, and a longtime member of Droits des Non-fumeurs. “But it is terrible to represent in the public space this kind of image restricted to pornography,” she added. “I’m appalled. It’s a poverty of imagination. When people have no ideas, they use female bodies.”

Nadine Morano, the secretary of state for the family, said she wanted the campaign to stop, saying she found the symbolism intolerable. “One can shock on the issue of tobacco, that doesn’t bother me, but there are other campaigns to do instead of this one,” she told Radio Monte Carlo.

The president of Droits des Non-fumeurs, Gérard Audureau, said the campaign was started after being viewed favorably by high school students. For 18 years, he said, “we did it gently, on the health aspect, with deteriorated lungs, but young people feel invincible, immortal.”

The newspaper Le Parisien quoted him as saying: “Using sex is a way to get their attention. And if it’s necessary to shock, let’s shock.”

Bertrand Dautzenberg, president of the French Office for the Prevention of Smoking, doubted the ads would work. Quoted in Le Parisien, he said, “This will shock adults while not scaring kids.”

French Ad Shocks, but Will It Stop Young Smokers? -

effective? or not?
I think if you're saying that the ads try to convince them that smoking is “an act of naïveté and submission” then it's not too far fetched that you're implying, intentionally or not, that the sexual abuse is. And it is sexual abuse because of the adults being depicted. For that reason I wouldn't just consider it to be oral sex, even though I get why it's adults being depicted..for purposes of the "analogy". But to make an analogy about sexual abuse just doesn't seem to be appropriate.

I don't know-it just makes me uncomfortable even though I do get what they're trying to do and that they want to make ads that get your attention. At a certain point the shock threshold, maybe it gets too high.
I guess I don't really get it. What does smoking have to do with sexual abuse? What does smoking have to do with oral sex? Why are the three being linked? Oral sex....good. Smoking....bad, but a personal choice. Sexual violence....very very bad.
the translation is: To smoke is to be a slave to tobacco.

they're saying that when you smoke, it's as if you're being forced to give a blow job to the companies, it's an abusive relationship where you are being exploited.
But you have a choice whether to be that slave to a tobacco co or a cigarette (smoking that first one is a choice, addiction comes later if you're addicted). You never have a choice in being a victim of sexual abuse. I think that's the problem-well, one of them.
i, for one, am going back to "freedom fries" and "freedom toast"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd say if that's supposed to be a representation of oral sex, then they're not presenting us with a very flattering representation of French men's genitalia.
I'd say if that's supposed to be a representation of oral sex, then they're not presenting us with a very flattering representation of French men's genitalia.


I don't know what to make of the ad. I agree with the others that it doesn't make much sense, and that it is all about shock.
the translation is: To smoke is to be a slave to tobacco.

they're saying that when you smoke, it's as if you're being forced to give a blow job to the companies, it's an abusive relationship where you are being exploited.

I remember the days, back in high school and earlier, when groups of kids would sneak off to some spot, huddle together, and light up some smokes as an act of defiance to authority and a demonstration of independence.

Now, fast forward several years. Those poor people are now addicted to "The Man's" cigarettes. I see them now, in the corporate world, taking their smoke breaks at the appointed time when they are permitted to do so. They huddle together outside like penguins, in freezing cold weather, at the spot that their corporate employer has designated as their permitted spot to smoke. Remarkably, I think most of them still consider it as a small measure of independence and defiance. I think that the French ad has all of this in mind.
Taxes actually work extremely well. The only reason I currently do not have a cigarette smoking habit is because of the high cost. Thank you, government, you came through for me on this one.
Taxes actually work extremely well. The only reason I currently do not have a cigarette smoking habit is because of the high cost. Thank you, government, you came through for me on this one.

So if high tobacco taxes discourage smoking and raising gasoline taxes changes driving habits... you reckon high taxes on profit and capital gains stifles economic growth and job creation?

Nahhhhh. That's crazy.
Would that be the same 12 year-olds you want to teach all about condom usage and gay penguins?

no, i'd rather they become 14 year olds who think that condoms are just going to fail anyway so they have unprotected sex and get pregnant or herpes (or maybe both), or become 15 year olds who hang themselves because they are gay and they think that they have no future.

but they should have learned about gay penguins back in Kindergarten.

i think this ad has far more going on than any sort of basic sex education.
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