September 17th, 2009: Toronto (show 2)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Anyway. The band was great, and that's what really matters. I lined up since 8:30 am the day of the show and my number was276.
Here is the best pic I could get of the show.

Great pic! You were right across from me on the ramp. I am behind Adam's leg next to the blonde girl and wearing a red shirt. I was wondering if you have any pics of me in the background.

Are you in this pic?
Location, location, location!!!

This is what you get from a $2M condo facing northeast in TO. :heart:

YouTube - U2 Concert in Toronto 2009

That was so amazing. I wondered what it looked and sounded like from the condos above. I saw people at their windows and on their balconies both nights. One guy was flashing his living room lights on and off through all of Sunday Bloody Sunday and another group of people were holding up lighters on their balcony during Moment Of Surrender.
my friends were freaking out when the lights from those condos went on and off. great shows and kudos to bono and co. for expanding the audience to well over 70K by demanding that the roof be open.

I had 7 bevies for night 2, but i am a big boy and can hold my liquor - one pee break for me during SBS, but I only missed 1 verse how close the washrooms were. i thought i lost my new shirt though, only to discover it a foot away from me. thanks for the flashlight behind me.

:hyper: :drunk:
Great pic! You were right across from me on the ramp. I am behind Adam's leg next to the blonde girl and wearing a red shirt. I was wondering if you have any pics of me in the background.

Are you in this pic?

Yes I am! I'm the ash blonde in between the 2 tall guys and on the left of the woman who is looking at you in this pic.
I was wondering about the whole roof thing! It was said on the news the day before the show that the roof would be closed. I though :down: I mean, no rain in the forecast.... and the sound is normally shit with the roof closed, so WTF?! Later on that same afternoon my friends and i were talking to Brian Murphy (while waiting for Bono to arrive for the scheduled interview) and the topic of the roof came up. We shared our disappointment with him and we jokingly asked him to tell Bono to do something about it... we figured if Bono wanted the roof to be open, it was going to be open. How great it was to come to Roger's Centre the following day and see the roof opened. With the CN tower right beside it and the light show that was happening, it would have been a pitty having the roof closed. Just didn't think the guys would have to pay that amount of money to have the roof opened...
The roof is typically closed, I think only one other time in history has it been opened for a concert. It wasn't decided last minute, imo, as from what I heard they were not able to mount the top of the spire until they had opened the roof. Also from what I heard U2 had insisted the roof be open unless there was a solid forecast of rain. This makes sense because the next morning the roof was closed and the spire was down, even though the claw was still erect.
Yeah, there was an e-mail sent out, plus a notice on the Rogers website a few days before the show that the roof would be open. It was after that that City tv started reporting it'd be closed. I figured all along that if anyone would know for sure, it'd be Rogers.
It was my first U2 show and magical :) And I guess I was one of those obnoxious fans who jumped up and down and screamed the whole time...though in my defense, I am a good singer :D
It was my first U2 show and magical :) And I guess I was one of those obnoxious fans who jumped up and down and screamed the whole time...though in my defense, I am a good singer :D

Almost everyone on Show 2 was jumping, singing, and clapping. The atmosphere was fantastic. Show 1 is another story.
I'm all for screaming and shouting between songs. That's totally fine. I just want to hear and see the performance fully, you know?

I'm afraid that being GA at a U2 concert is not the right place for that- may be in the seats.

Whilst I totally get your perspective (the camera thing can get annoying and the talking on mobile phone drives me insane)- it is a rock concert not Barbara Streisand- and mmm in all likelihood people will be jumping up and down and singing along with the songs- not just politely applauding between songs

and from my experience I could always clearly see and hear everything even know I'm one of those people who jumps and sings through all the songs
I was really close, like the second row of the pit close to Bono, but was surrounded by non U2freaks. I didn't care and still went crazy (and people around me looked at me like I was a weirdo but clearly I had no shame :p). There was a guy dressed as MacPhisto by where I was and the non U2freaks in front of me had noidea what he was. I had to explain it to them!
Yeah, there was an e-mail sent out, plus a notice on the Rogers website a few days before the show that the roof would be open. It was after that that City tv started reporting it'd be closed. I figured all along that if anyone would know for sure, it'd be Rogers.

Oh, it was CityTV? Figures. Ever noticed how they are so goddamned doom and gloom about the weather nowadays? I'm not the only one who notices it, by the looks of the comments on local blogs. Wasted a few great days this summer not doing stuff because of their "forecasting". :angry:
Yeah, there was an e-mail sent out, plus a notice on the Rogers website a few days before the show that the roof would be open. It was after that that City tv started reporting it'd be closed. I figured all along that if anyone would know for sure, it'd be Rogers.
and given City tv is a subsidiary of Rogers, i guess they too should have put some effort in...they actually created the doubt...loozers..
Yes I am! I'm the ash blonde in between the 2 tall guys and on the left of the woman who is looking at you in this pic.

Yeah, I remember you guys. You were hanging out in line with the couple in front of us. You were dancing to one of the intro songs and we asked you what the name of the song was, you guys didn't know.
So, I'm behind on reporting in, but here I am. :hyper:

We lined up around 7am for the show, and were 124 & 125. Shortly after our arrival the line started growing quickly. We were surrounded by out of town-ers in the line. The guys in front of us had driven straight through from Ottawa the night before and lined up around 2am. There was a girl behind us from Montreal. All were quite friendly, and good company for the day.
It sucked that security had us cleaning up our chairs and such at 1am. But we survived.

We didn't sprint in, but we ended up just right of center (Adam's side) on the back rail, which was an awesome view. Cept for those few times when a tall dude wandered in front of me, or this guy taking video would hold his camera *exactly* where I was looking. Overall, the GA experience (my second GA ev-ah) was good. People around us were totally chill - one dude was from Norway!- and we all saved eachother's spots when we went to the bathroom. Norway guy (who was tall) was even so nice, we would duck so us shorter people behind him could see better. Extra bonus points to him.
[I'd just like to note that when we got in there, despite being so early in the line, the rails had filled up fast and the front was already a few people deep]

The low point of the evening was probably when one dude who was plastered, after making a sorry attempt to take a washroom break came back, and tried to pee in his beer cup, instead washing out the floor and people around him. Thanks a lot buddy. Hope you enjoyed paying the money to come, to pee, and to leave.
Security gets a thumbs up for heeding my call to bring something to throw on the floor for those stuck standing in/near it.

The show was awesome. :love:
My comrade, who is not a huge U2 fan, admitted it was fantastic and totally impressive. We took tons of pics, will post when we get them sorted.

If anyone was on the outside rail and has pics of a tall brown dude in glasses standing next to a ginger in a white t-shirt. Please post. :hyper:

Kaf, Mia and Bomac, I'll have to see if you're in any of our pics. I spotted you guys on the outside rail, a lil down from us.

I was really close, like the second row of the pit close to Bono, but was surrounded by non U2freaks. I didn't care and still went crazy (and people around me looked at me like I was a weirdo but clearly I had no shame :p). There was a guy dressed as MacPhisto by where I was and the non U2freaks in front of me had noidea what he was. I had to explain it to them!

I saw that dude!

That was so amazing. I wondered what it looked and sounded like from the condos above. I saw people at their windows and on their balconies both nights. One guy was flashing his living room lights on and off through all of Sunday Bloody Sunday and another group of people were holding up lighters on their balcony during Moment Of Surrender.

I loved when he called up to them. And I can only imagine the excitement up there when they flashed their lights - the whole stadium was screaming for them.

Almost everyone on Show 2 was jumping, singing, and clapping. The atmosphere was fantastic. Show 1 is another story.

I heard that too, that show 1 was pretty quiet. Looks to me that TO2 was the place to be, cause it got LOUD :rockon:
This was the best U2 concert I've ever seen! I was 2nd row along the stage, right behind the tallest dude in the place. :)| His hair is in almost every photo I took. The %*#(%& camera going back and forth along the stage was a pain in the ass too. I was #96 in line, got there at 4AM. I kinda literally passed out during Ultraviolet, no sleep for 36 hours, nothing to drink after I arrived at 4AM so I didn't have to pee. I started to get real hot and dizzy and before you know it I was on the ground. The security guard in front of me got me a gatorade and made me sit for a few minutes. But by the time I stood up, UV was nearly over.

You weren't the girl who got carried over the back rail were you, with a couple of guys?
A girl in front of us passed out around the same time as you're describing.

If it was you....well, you won't remember me but we totally met. :happy:

You were tapped not to videotape ? every other brother is videotaping so what's the point of tapping you ?

The guy in front of me was told a few times to stop taping. I didn't care except when he kept blocking my view.

RE: the Canadian asbestos - are you sure it's not just snow? They look similar, you know.

The low point of the evening was probably when one dude who was plastered, after making a sorry attempt to take a washroom break came back, and tried to pee in his beer cup, instead washing out the floor and people around him. Thanks a lot buddy. Hope you enjoyed paying the money to come, to pee, and to leave.
Security gets a thumbs up for heeding my call to bring something to throw on the floor for those stuck standing in/near it.

From our place on the outer rail, we saw all of this going on, but we weren't sure what had happened. One woman was escorted out, so we had assumed she vomitted. Shortly afterwards, another guy was asked to leave, and we assumed that he was her boyfriend / husband / spouse / friend / relative. When the security brought over the cardboard, we assumed it was to cover any left over vomit. I guess we were wrong. But why did the other two people leave?
Oh, it was CityTV? Figures. Ever noticed how they are so goddamned doom and gloom about the weather nowadays? I'm not the only one who notices it, by the looks of the comments on local blogs. Wasted a few great days this summer not doing stuff because of their "forecasting". :angry:

The only forecast you should ever pay attention to:

Toronto, Ontario - 7 Day Forecast - Environment Canada

You're welcome. ;)

I thought it was City wrongly reporting on the roof, at least that's what I think people were saying in one of the threads here.

I read last night on Alan Cross' blog that Sloan were playing a free show outside of the ACC on Wed night, right about the time our GA line was going in. Not that I would have left GA for it or anything, but I like Sloan a lot, and that would have been cool, had it been at any other time.
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