San Sebastián Setlist Party

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KEVIN051269 said:
Dont know if U2spain can confirm or not....but on the TVE1(?) news this morning there seemed to be a report that the pitch had been quite badly damaged??? They also showed a few concert clips from Vertigo, IWF and COBL

You are right, some parts of the pitch have beeb seriously damaged and have to be replaced ( the pitch under the stage ).

All spanish Tvs have shown clips from the same three songs ( vertigo, i will follow and city).
Axver said:

OMFZ U3 DUZN;T ROXXX!!!!!11#!!1

its the sad truth i was briefly watching my brother typing on MSN messenger this afternoon and he used the word 'Roxxx' with sincerity... :reject:
haha here is a question...would you all go to a U2 concert if they played Vertigo right up until the encore and then for the encore came out and played: Crumbs, Acrobat, MOFO, Please, Love is Blindness:wink:
EdgesMuetze said:
in times of new media no setlist reports ?! that hurts !

Apparently the cell phone network is down.

Perhaps everybody is trying to get the word out that U2 played .....
(fill in a never or rarely played and much requested song).

And it was too much.
The whole system crashed!
U2Spain said:

You are right, some parts of the pitch have beeb seriously damaged and have to be replaced ( the pitch under the stage ).

All spanish Tvs have shown clips from the same three songs ( vertigo, i will follow and city).

See??!! On top of sucking, they destroy football fields.

U2 has no shame at all. :mad:
Miringeltje said:

Apparently the cell phone network is down.

Perhaps everybody is trying to get the word out that U2 played .....
(fill in a never or rarely played and much requested song).

And it was too much.
The whole system crashed!

LJT said:
haha here is a question...would you all go to a U2 concert if they played Vertigo right up until the encore and then for the encore came out and played: Crumbs, Acrobat, MOFO, Please, Love is Blindness:wink:

yes....but then im not the one who has a problem with Vertigoo

then go but i dont know if id want to pay knowing that would happen.
LJT said:
haha here is a question...would you all go to a U2 concert if they played Vertigo right up until the encore and then for the encore came out and played: Crumbs, Acrobat, MOFO, Please, Love is Blindness:wink:

I would not hesitate :drool: :drool: :drool:
Princey said:

yes....but then im not the one who has a problem with Vertigoo

then go but i dont know if id want to pay knowing that would happen.

you would rather have the first 17 Vertigos being a surprise?:wink:
KEVIN051269 said:
:wave: Just finished unpacking from Barca.
Must say that for all my reservations about the static setlist etc this show was the best i have seen on this tour(also went to MSG, Twick 1, Chorzow).
The crowd was something to behold, such enthusiasm right up to the top tiers.Made a lot of difference that the complete show was under cover of darkness imo.
I see that the crowd was put at 80,000 i reckon the promoter may have been a bit naughty and 'produced' a few extra tickets. Never have i seen at a football stadium show the pitch so full right to the back.
Dont know if U2spain can confirm or not....but on the TVE1(?) news this morning there seemed to be a report that the pitch had been quite badly damaged??? They also showed a few concert clips from Vertigo, IWF and COBL
Vertigo x2 was excellent and always has been, its just Vertigo x1 that probably needs dropping :reject:
Off to Tescos for some much needed provisions, hope to return to the party later..........

Lucky you, my luggage is still in Barca...I went to MSG and Twickers 1 too. Barca was on a different level wasn't it??????
Diane L said:

Axver, that's brilliant! :laugh:

And this is why we keep having setlist parties...for great banter like this!!!

That is not true...we just want Avxers bed..we only pretend to like your banter Avxer tis to keep you distracted while i sneak into your house:wink:
Fat Diego says hello to all at the setlist party.

Chizip said:
i heard they snippetted electrical storm during one today

Me too!

Since the cell phone network is down, they used tambourines to communicate across the Atlantic and then lit fires from the Coast to here.
U2@NYC said:

Me too!

Since the cell phone network is down, they used tambourines to communicate across the Atlantic and then lit fires from the Coast to here.

ta ta ta... E-lec-tri-cal St-orm Pla-yed Du-ring One... ta ta ta

So.. are they playing Crumbs now that we don't know?

Wasn't there a party where we knew actually NOTHING?... it was hillarious
Princey said:

well id certainly be surprised...especially when the didnt include it in the encore...

they could start to play the various remixs of Vertigo...i happen to love the Redanka mix:wink: the Trent Reznor remix i was looking really forward to but his was the worst:madspit:
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