Rate The Album Covers

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War Child
Nov 18, 2006
BonoVoxSuperstar came up with the idea for this topic over on another thread, so I thought I'd follow up on his suggestion.

1. JT: Still so recognisable after all these years and the sprawling, earthy landscape reflects the quality of the music on the album.

2. AB: I was unsure about this when I first saw it, but it really works with the music. That clash of images sum's up AB's confusion and disorientation as well the light and shade of its themes.

3. Pop: Could be alone in putting this one so high, but I still love it and feel it stands up really well over 10 years on, it could have been released yesterday. It's reminiscent of Let It Be and I find both the colours and the images of the guys eye-catching.

4. Boy: Simple and stark but it really compliments the unadorned and earnest nature of the songs.

5. War: I think Boy just has the edge over this one, I think it has a little more impact, but I like the way it works as a companion peice to the first album, giving us a glimpse of the boy a few years on and how his innocence has turned to world-weariness and fear.

6. ATYCLB: Not the band's most impactful cover IMO and I can't help thinking that as this was the album to herald their big comeback after Pop, it should have had a more arresting image, but I enjoy its clarity and simplicity. I always really liked the heart in a suitcase motif too, works well with the album title.

This is where it get's tricky. :wink:

7. UF: Love the the photograph of the castle, the rich red and the elegant font, this is one of U2's most lavish covers.

8. R&H: Like the moody spotlight shot, but coming straight after JT it feels a bit small-scale for me.

9. Zooropa: The albums great, but the sleeve has never really sat well with me. I think maybe they were going for something otherworldly and strange to reflect the nature of ZOO TV, but I've never really 'got' it.

10. HTDAAB: Feels a bit cramped and lacklustre this cover, not much inspiration IMO and it doesn't really conjure up any thoughts as to what the music will be like.

11. October: Actually I've grown fond of this cover over the years, just for how unselfconscious it all is and Adam's bushy blonde hair is quite endearing. The band would never care less about their personal appearance than they did in 82.

That's actually harder than it looks and one or two could still swap places. I wonder how you'll rate the album covers. :hmm:
1) Achtung
2) Joshua
3) TUF
4) Zooropa!
5) Pop
7) OS1
8) Boy
9) War
10) R&H
11) October
12) Bomb
Thanks, DevilsShoes...

1. Joshua Tree - it was beautiful in long box form...

2. Achtung Baby

3. Rattle & Hum

4. War

5. Pop

6. Boy

7. Under a Blood Red Sky


9. Unforgettable Fire

10. Zooropa

11. Bomb

12. October

Passengers is an embarrasing album cover. Both GH covers were pretty good, really capture the time, although 90's lacked a little I really thought they would have continued their squares theme. And last but not least U218 is just :doh:
Which cover of Boy are we using? I'll use both...

1) All That You Can't Leave Behind
2) Pop
3) The Joshua Tree
4) Rattle And Hum
5) Achtung Baby
5) War
6) How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
7) Boy (with Peter Rowan)
8) Zooropa
10) Boy (with band image)
11) The Unforgettable Fire
12) October
War are the two greats
Rattle and Hum
and worst: October/Bomb
ATYCLB's cover would be somewhere in the middle for me but I thought the mimimalist, clean, crisp approach worked well with their stated goal to go back to basics and strip away some of the experimental extravagance that went into the mid-to-late 90's productions.
The Joshua Tree
All That You Can't Leave Behind
The Unforgettable Fire
Rattle & Hum
Achtung Baby
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
01) AB
02) WAR
03) TJT
04) Zooropa
05) R&H
06) TUF
07) BOY
08) POP
09) OST 1
11) October
1. Achtung Baby (love the colours)
2. The Unforgettable fire (classic!)
3. The Joshua tree (classic!)
4. War (classic!)
5. Zooropa (fine it's not the band on cover!)
6. Pop
7. Best of 80-90/Best of 90-00 (fine design)
8. Boy (War is better)
9. Under a blood red sky (love the blurry image)
10. Rattle and hum (to make the top ten full)

ATYCLB and HTDAAB are very poor, especially the last one mentioned...
1. Achtung Baby
2. Joshua Tree
3. Zooropa
4. Unforgettable Fire
5. Pop
7. Rattle And Hum
8. Boy
9. War
10. Passengers: OS1
11. Bomb
12. October
1. achtung baby
2. passengers
3. zooropa
4. joshua tree
5. unforgettable fire
6. pop
7. atyclb
8. boy (original cover)
9. war
10. october
11. hutdab
12. boy (ugly us cover)

i think that's right :hmm:
I think it's clear that The Joshua Tree is the best, isn't it? It works equally well on the large vinyl and on CD -- the colors and the style are timeless, and the image matches the music.

I would say October and Pop are clearly the worst. The former is butt-ugly with horrible poses (though it's cute in retrospect); the latter is a bad idea -- anytime you show 4 guys on a grid in close-up it comes off as a parody of Let It Be. Also, the general digital-style images on Pop look bad, and the colors are horrible.

Few people seem to notice the grid-layout used on three albums in a row that seem to be of a piece: Achtung, Zooropa, and Pop. Seems to suggest some lineage of these albums (other than the obvious -- they're all 90s). Of these three grid-styles, I think Zooropa is the best. Achtung is all right, but the images are awfully small on CD.

Other than JT, I think the best are War (in addition to the photo, the lettering is very effective), and maybe Unforgettable Fire, but the shrinkage on CD hurts it a lot.

I've always thought that the Rattle & Hum cover reflects that period well -- a live photo of Bono and Edge (and only them) hamming on stage. The two U2-leaders had egos a bit out of control circa 1988, and this cover only confirms it!
I like the WAR album cover best.

JT, AB, UF, Boy, Zooropa, POP, and ATYCLB are cool,too.

The HTDAAB image is pretty fuckin stale and so was October.
The Joshua Tree
All That You Can't Leave Behind
Rattle & Hum
The Unforgettable Fire
Achtung Baby
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb

I find that the busy, collage style of the 90s albums doesn't really appeal to me, and HTDAAB cover really has no excuse for being as awful as it is.
the most beautiful and iconic album cover is definitely Under A Blood Red Sky, followed by Rattle and Hum. The whole list:


2 The Joshua Tree
The Unforgettable Fire
All That You Can't Leave Behind

3 Boy

4 Achtung Baby
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb

5 Pop
Let`s see ,

01 JT
02 UF
03 AB
04 War
05 Zooropa
06 Boy
07 Pop
09 R&H
10 October

Cheers ,

1 Achtung Baby

2 The Unforgettabe Fire

3 Joshua Tree

4 Boy

5 War

6 Rattle and Hum

7 Zooropa

8 All That You Can't...

9 Under a Blood red Sky

10 Pop

11 October

12 Passengers


The cover is the only thing I don't like about Passengers, the HTDAAB is just plain shit.
I think it's clear that The Joshua Tree is the best, isn't it?
It may be the number 1 by the majority, but that doesn't make it clearly the best.

I would say October and Pop are clearly the worst. The former is butt-ugly with horrible poses (though it's cute in retrospect); the latter is a bad idea -- anytime you show 4 guys on a grid in close-up it comes off as a parody of Let It Be. Also, the general digital-style images on Pop look bad, and the colors are horrible.
I think you missed the whole point of the Pop cover: the "digital-style", the four squares, the colors; it's suppose to remind you of pop art, i.e. a Warhol. Hence the name and everything else about the pop era.

Few people seem to notice the grid-layout used on three albums in a row
I think most of us in here noticed that, in fact many of us commented on the fact that the 90's GH album should have been the grid-layout, there was even fake artwork that a fan did that people fell for until the actual artwork was released.
Achtung Baby
The Joshua Tree
All That You Can't Leave Behind
The Unforgettable Fire
Rattle and Hum
How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
1. Zooropa (interesting, because I don't like the album)
2. The Joshua Tree
3. Boy
4. Achtung Baby
5. The Unforgettable Fire
6. War
7. Original Soundtracks 1
8. All That You Can't Leave Behind
9. Pop
10. Rattle and Hum
11. October
12. How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

HTDAAB is one of the worst album covers ever, in my opinion. Also one of the worst titles.
I think you missed the whole point of the Pop cover: the "digital-style", the four squares, the colors; it's suppose to remind you of pop art, i.e. a Warhol. Hence the name and everything else about the pop era.

Reminding me of pop-art is one thing; being aesthetically unpleasant to look at is a larger and quite problematic thing. (Besides, I think Andy Warhol is crap.) I think the Pop album is rather good, but the sleeve turns me off.

I think most of us in here noticed that, in fact many of us commented on the fact that the 90's GH album should have been the grid-layout, there was even fake artwork that a fan did that people fell for until the actual artwork was released.

Then I stand corrected. Wasn't trying to insult the long-term faithful; just pointing it out as a matter of interest. I've never seen it mentioned on this forum, but then again I don't live on here like some people.
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