Random Music Talk XCIII: IN-VIII-SI-COCK!

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What's important about the lyric is that it isn't just a remembrance of his father along the lines of SYCMIOYO, which already addressed their arguments. More importantly, it's about Bono's self-actualization and his determination to make himself seen (literally with that title refrain), make himself heard, make his mark.

In essence, this is the genesis of the band's raison d'être or ethos or some other, less fancy term. And perhaps that's why this is so major to my ears. There's no reason thIs can't resonate with younger listeners, if it gets radio play alongside the current rock acts.

Yep :up:

(Altho if you hang out in any of the 10 threads devoted to discussing the thing right now Over There, you'll be convinced in no time that Bono has no idea what it is he's singing about)
The tune of Edge's little guitar solo right after the second chorus sounds exactly like the "My weakness caused you pain..." bridge in Britney's "Everytime". Exactly the same.
Yep :up:

(Altho if you hang out in any of the 10 threads devoted to discussing the thing right now Over There, you'll be convinced in no time that Bono has no idea what it is he's singing about)

That whole discussion boggled me. :doh:
Let me say that this song got even better after my drive to and from work today.

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It sounds really good in the car. I think I've done that about three times now (maybe singing rather loudly along with by the second time :reject:)
Let me say that this song got even better after my drive to and from work today.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using U2 Interference mobile app

This is something I've noticed from U2. They have always made music that gets better when it gets buried in your short-term memory and completely processed.

It's like the brain needs to approach it by different angles to finally "get it".
The smoke filled waiting room from WHEN I LOOK AT THE WORLD has cleared and now Bono can see on INVISIBLE.

I haven't listened to it since Saturday night! I'm a bad fan.

I listened to it twice when I downloaded it, and that was it. That was enough for it to stick in my head, which is a good thing.

So yeah, stand up comedy is awful. Breathe and Moment of Surrender were the only things on no line I think I ever need to hear again, the rest was boring as all hell.
The razor noise is fucking awesome; it gives you this sense that you're flying along at some obscene speed on a mountain road somewhere.

And yeah, there's no way that the title track is boring.
Fez would have been a great tour opener.

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Is it possible to have a food hangover? if so, I have one. Blah.

Listened to the two songs Sun Kil Moon has released for this new album, didn't exactly love them, but I guess I'll check the album out on Spotify this week or something.

That Ben's My Friend song is pretty sweet. The album just got a 9.2 from Pitchfork. Never heard their/his music, but might have to peep this one.
I love Fez/BB. It's a song, imo, that sounds like the U2 of old, in spirit. I listen to it, and I can hear the sense of adventure that used to permeate so much of their pre-2000 work. To me, it's one of their two or three best songs of the 00s.

And I agree with ElMel, the title track kicks ass. Probably one of the highlights of the 360 show I was at.

I enjoy that whole album though.
Fez, Cedars, the title track, White as Snow boring? :crack:

Not really a stretch for some people to find White As Snow boring.

But agree with everyone else: the title track has a lot of energy, and if you can't hang with that song you should probably just give up because you've failed at life.
Yeah, I guess disliking some songs I find to be fairly forgettable is grounds for suicide. I suppose I should just go kill myself now, since invisible is probably going to be the only song off the new one (if it ever comes out) that I like. That seems appropriate.
Did anyone notice that Pitchfork hasn't had one news item about the commercial or the single?

They did feel it necessary to post a link to Bob Dylan's Chrysler commercial, however. Guess they're more interested in helping to sell cars than bring more attention to AIDS relief.
They couldn't write anything about U2 without being self-satisfied, snarky, smug arseholes.

I say, as I check/read Pitchfork for the third time today...
The release of Invisible made me listen to NLOTH in full today for the first time in ages. I'm still angry at how the album quickly goes downhill starting with the chorus in Unknown Caller. By the time SUC ends (is that the worst song they've ever recorded?), the album is basically ruined. As good as Fez and Cedars are, the middle of the album is too low a point for it to recover.

I also hate that on the vinyl, Crazy Tonight is the last song in side B, and Fez is the last song in side C. I wish they had kept the nightmare trio together in side C so that I could skip it altogether.

Fez has been my favorite NLOTH song since the album was released, and I still love it. There's urgency there, as namkcur said, and it's new ground for them. Those guitars are really pretty. I wish they had explored that sound more. The title song is also great - I love how claustrophobic the production makes it sound.

In other news, Invisible is a great running song.
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