Random Music Talk LXXXVII: Which one of you called my church?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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It's the phenomena where if you're not having certain songs or bands shoved down your throat 20 times a day, you don't find them anywhere near as unbearable. Like how many '90's and 00's "alternative / indie rock" loving Americans loved / still love Brit Pop bands that were essentially the British equivalent of Matchbox 20.

This is true. And it's a big part of why the radio sucks and ruins everything.

I will continue to be baffled, though, by the fact that the sublime cover band in 2013 is still a bigger draw at particular local-ish establishments than some of the other actual bands I've seen at the same places.
Ashley is that Sublime who sang that "early in the morning, rising to my feet..." tune? I love that song, it was on Dave Mirra BMX on PS1.

Love that song.

Am excited to see the band, too. Fuck da h8rs

I've never heard any of their other songs. I just have cool memories of doing tricks on Dave Mirra BMX to What I Got.

There's no way you don't know Santeria.
Sublime and their ilk (Pepper) are some of the most godawful popular music ever.
I've got one of those friends that shits on the modern music I listen to, yet he's stuck in the 90s. 2 years ago, he went and saw a 'sublime' concert..... 2 years ago. went and saw a sublime concert. 2 years ago. shits on the music I listen to.
Right now I should be putting on cologne in preparation for the big date, but instead I'm not doing that because I got stood up
I was also all like "Oh, I know, I'll go watch Monday Night Football". Then I realized how you guys on the west coast get shafted for that sort of thing
Any of you know a thing or two about computers? I'm pretty sure my MacBook pro just died (blaming nsw). I was online, then I got funny pink horizontal lines everywhere on the screen. I did a hard shut down, now it boots to a "you need to shut down your computer" kernel panic screen. It won't boot to safe mode either, but does seem to boot to the hard disc storage mode (not sure what it's called). I have no way to test if that mode works, however.
Am I screwed?
LemonMelon said:
I'm not agreeing with Scumbo here btw

Good bands don't start being shitty, they just become a less appealing shade of good.

Ah, I take that back
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