Random Music Talk CXXI: Not this time, Crappy

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Carrying over from last thread:

Yeah you gotta get ahold of Ovo, by any means necessary.
Sorry Mofo
Lot of good stuff on there.

As for powerfully moving stuff on Us, don't forget Washing Of The Water. What a vocal by PG. :sad:

I'm assuming you've seen the Secret World live DVD, yeah? I have so much regret not being able to see *that* tour live.

Though I remember something really funny from the behind the scenes of the tree that popped up in the middle of the stage for Shaking the Tree. Apparently he was expecting like a big lush tree, and the thing was pretty small in the end. He said it was his own personal Stonehenge moment.
Haha, oh well. Yeah, watch the DVD it's really great. Plus the performance of Come Talk to Me is really great.

He also mentions in the behind the scenes how he had wanted to do this whole big production with TV screens and everything and he had the whole idea mapped out and then U2 launched the ZooTV tour and he was like..."Whelp! Neeeever mind that one."
Come Talk to Me from the Secret World live CD is one of my favorite musical things ever. Ugh, so good.

Ashley! :wave: Hope things are on the upswing now and you can start being less stressed.
I need to check out more of Peter Gabriel's albums. I've got So, and that's it.

Love the songs I've heard by him over the years, though.

Also, in regards to the last thread, :hug: to you, Ashley, and to LM as well. I feel for you guys with all the stress and whatnot you've been dealing with lately, and wish you the best of luck going forward with your jobs and everything. It's good to see you here :).
Thanks everyone. Happy to be back :)

Especially for Random Gabriel Talk.
When I saw PG and Sting the other year, PG played a bunch of songs I liked but wasn't familiar with. Bummed his music isn't on streaming, because I'd love to check it out. So is the earliest album I'm familiar with.

And speaking of him, I breezed through Phil Collins' memoir recently and it made me go check out some of the early Genesis stuff.

Nope. I can't. Give me the poppier stuff. Sorry, ol' Petey.
When I saw PG and Sting the other year, PG played a bunch of songs I liked but wasn't familiar with. Bummed his music isn't on streaming, because I'd love to check it out. So is the earliest album I'm familiar with.

And speaking of him, I breezed through Phil Collins' memoir recently and it made me go check out some of the early Genesis stuff.

Nope. I can't. Give me the poppier stuff. Sorry, ol' Petey.
I'll hook you up with 3 and 4 when I get home tonight.
I've only seen him live once, but at least it was on the So anniversary tour.

Broke my heart to miss him and Sting, though. I can't express how upset I was at missing that.
Plus, PG was way hot in the 80s. I have to go look up the video I'm thinking of.

(Found it: I Don't Remember)

Semi-related: the Sun City album still kicks all kind of ass, and the Peter Gabriel track is really good when it's really loud and there's a desert interstate under your wheels.

I can't figure out how to spoiler on my stupid phone, but I'm very happy to see you back, Ashley dear.

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really, all that effort to shitpost the last thread into oblivion and this is the new thread title? :tsk:

Me and Ax have talked about this, there is this bewildering obsession with me and RMT threads, I would wager a pretty significant percentage now refer to me in some way. :lol: and I really don't care
Plus, PG was way hot in the 80s. I have to go look up the video I'm thinking of.

(Found it: I Don't Remember)

Semi-related: the Sun City album still kicks all kind of ass, and the Peter Gabriel track is really good when it's really loud and there's a desert interstate under your wheels.

I can't figure out how to spoiler on my stupid phone, but I'm very happy to see you back, Ashley dear.

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The tour video for So, POV, needs to get a blu-ray release, stat. Prime hottie Gabriel right there and all I have is a VHS copy. [emoji38]

Glad to be back :)
I had that one on my DI7 list, so maybe you heard it a long while back. Don't know if you were participating back then.

The first three Suede albums are essential.
Peter Gabriel's III - IV - So stretch is one of the best of the 80s. And the Passion soundtrack that followed is damn good too.
And I'm going to repost this from the last thread because both of these acts definitely deserve attention and neither of them are shoegaze or atmospheric black metal or any of my usual Axvercore shit.

There are some bloody good albums coming from New Zealand this year. I've already banged on about Fazerdaze, whose star is definitely on the rise:

And Mermaidens just put out an excellent album last week. They play these great psychedelic jams with sinister undercurrents, like if Esben and the Witch had the compositional ethos of Warpaint. I love the music video for "Satsuma", a surrealist nightmare of 1970s New Zealand.

I am going to back up Axver who posted this in the Aussie thread


A group of Indigenous women making beats. This song fucking rules. Listen immediately. Wow.

:up: :up:

They managed to successfully crowdsource the funds to get to Bigsound in Brisbane, so hopefully they'll be in a position to tour the capital cities soon and really get their music out there. The Aussie scene really needs stuff like this, and I'm sure there'll be a promoter willing to back it.
The last few Animal Collective solo efforts - Deakin's Sleep Cycle and Avey Tare's Eucalyptus - are both better than anything the main band has done in a long time.
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