Random Movie Talk Twelve (no, not that horrid Schumacher movie)

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Hell yes, X-Men and Spiderman animated shows from the 90s are streaming on Netflix. No Batman, though, which would absolutely destroy any life I might have.
They are all three probably my favorite incarnations of those comic book characters. I'm not positive about that, but it's very possible.
X-Men and Batman, absolutely. The '60s Spidey series is on Instant and that's absolutely worth the watch.
Ridiculously over saturated trailer or not, I find it entertaining how surprised people were to find Scorsese's Hugo to be a worthwhile film in the end. It comes from a stunning, original type of book, in the hands of one of the greats, puts him in the sandbox of a completely new genre for his career, and gives us the opportunity to see a serious filmmaker tackle 3D in a narrative. Sure it was kind of gamble, but no one should be surprised by the result.

The title still sucks though.
Ridiculously over saturated trailer or not, I find it entertaining how surprised people were to find Scorsese's Hugo to be a worthwhile film in the end. It comes from a stunning, original type of book, in the hands of one of the greats, puts him in the sandbox of a completely new genre for his career, and gives us the opportunity to see a serious filmmaker tackle 3D in a narrative. Sure it was kind of gamble, but no one should be surprised by the result.

The title still sucks though.

People are idiots. I knew the film couldn't possibly be as bad as that trailer suggested, and this seemed like it was going to be a gem as soon as I read about the story.
People are idiots. I knew the film couldn't possibly be as bad as that trailer suggested, and this seemed like it was going to be a gem as soon as I read about the story.

Aye. The reactions from NYFF have certainly restored my faith. Sounds like a great cinematic experience.
Avengers trailer was a little long for a teaser that's light on story, but from what we see Whedon has at least managed the talent and set pieces, but left any visual flair on the sidelines. Might as well have been Louis Letterier back on set for Marvel.

I love the exchange between Tony Stark and Banner at the end though. :lol:
Most of the trailer appeared to consist of shots from ONE scene. You're drawing pretty sweeping conclusions from that.
Sure the exploding cars recurred a lot, but there were plenty of other shots. I'm making comments based on what's available, I'm not condemning it or assuming that's all there is, I'm excited either way.
I was referring more to the fact that any scene in which all of the Avengers were in the same room appeared to be from the exact same scene, or sequence at any rate.
I did see Take Shelter last night

yes, it does have a nice look to it, but the story is not that compelling at all, it does build some suspense, but the ending is not fulfilling at all.

some people did not like Meek's Cutoff because of the ending, but there is enough going on in that movie.
Finally, FINALLY, have Thor in my possession. Tonight. Blu-Ray. Let's do this shit.

Loved it. In spite of a thin plot and some horrendous CGI, it was a funny, awesome movie and I'm more pumped than ever for next...summer? Sometime next year anyways.
Javier Bardem has been cast as the next Bond villain? Is this old news, new news, not even true?

I'm down with it. He's already portrayed one of the most iconic modern screen villains, so we'll see.
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