Random Movie Talk thirteen (Nikki Reed was pretty hot)

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just having fun

I liked the middle part a lot, Pitt and family,
but just like Sean Penn, I don't know why the hell he was in the movie.
Yeah, it had some problems. I just felt I didn't have to get it all. For me it was like snippets from a dream, and memories, and I just rolled with it.
Still haven't seen it! Plans to see it in the theater fell through, have had it on my DVR for months because I was going to watch it the same friends who were going to see it in the theater. Maybe I'll be selfish and watch it this afternoon.

Saw The Hobbit and Bernie yesterday. Not sure what I think about The Hobbit. Similar feelings as I had with the Star Wars prequels. Lots of things I wish they wouldn't have done, but I was still really happy to be back in that "universe". Bernie was pretty great.

LA Confidential is on TV right now. One of those movies I have to watch every time it's on.
I love LA Confidential.

I didn't love The Hobbit but after seeing the LOTR films so many times over the years, it was quite nice to see some new stuff in that world. And, fuck, The Hobbit is the first book I read as a kid that I immediately wanted to re-read, so seeing it come alive had a bit of magic in it for me.
LA Confidential is on TV right now. One of those movies I have to watch every time it's on.

Rolo Tomassiiiiiiii

(To be fair, there's a real movie spoiler in there, so don't click it if you haven't seen L.A. Confidential. I was going to post and run, but I felt bad)
The Hurt Locker was a bit of a default win; doesn't seem like a passionate pick like the Academy usually resorts to.

With that precedent, it's certainly possible lightning could strike twice. ZDT is a better film, so that might help.
I want to see it and I'm going to soon see it but I do have trouble separating my desire for it to be 100% factual (which is an impossibility I suppose) for its need to be "entertaining". I guess I'll have to suspend my curiosity and just give in to whatever story is being told.

I know how I feel about torture and nothing this film or any other film depicts can sway me from that, so while I appreciate the discussion this aspect of the film has engendered, I guess I am immune to it...even if it were truly 100% propaganda supporting torture for certain means, the artist has a right to present that, and I would have the right not to consume it or consume it and think it's still heinous. This is not a specific response to you, Joyful, just a general commentary after having read what you shared with us......
Yeah, I agree with both of you. But I admire Greenwald and so unfortunately I've read that piece and it will taint how I view the film. But I will probably see it to see what the fuss is about, so I can have a first-hand opinion, and for its entertaining good film-making value. I have trouble with torture in films in general so I will have to close my eyes in those parts.

For now I'm just going to go see Les Miz.
I have yet to see ZDT either, but this seemed interesting as well

ZERO DARK THIRTY Does Not Endorse Torture | Badass Digest

The filmmakers' use of "journalism" and "based on a true story" branding seems very problematic in terms of incorporating torture into the Bin Laden hunt, but I definitely understand the desire to compress multiple threads into a single character/interrogation for the viewer to understand the totality of the program better. And on its own, I don't see why film can't both depict that literal plot point and then turn around and use mise-en-scene and pamplemoose and smart direction to emphasize the greater point that torture was counterproductive- something the Badasss Digest article seems to think.
Whatever you wind up feeling about what's depicted in ZDT, it's certainly not one-sided in terms of condoning torture as the best method for gathering information.

Some of these political writers have the inability to recognize any shade of gray with a subject like this.

The filmmakers should be applauded.

And if you think the United States government never acquired any information from anyone using extreme methods, you're a pathetic fool.
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