Random Facts and Confessions #9

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So you know how I said I lost my job? Well, it turns out my former boss owes me unemployment and that's why she was trying to get me to say that I quit. If you get fired for a non-grievous offense, then you're eligible for unemployment, but not if you quit. I had to get a lawyer to send her a letter, and if she refuses to give me what she owes, then there's going to be a hearing.

I remember telling her on the phone that I can't quit because she already fired me, but she was trying to say that I wasn't fired; I don't think I actually said "I quit," but now I'm worried that she might have recorded our conversation. I don't think I said anything that could be used against me, but I was really mad and I don't remember everything.

She said, "You don't want a firing on your record, do you?" Now I know that she wasn't concerned about my record, she was just looking out for herself.

I'm almost scared to look for another job. What kind of nutcase will I find next?

That really bites! I'm convinced that there must be a better situation for you out there. Good luck with the nut-job! :hug:
from a distance i saw a ghost from my past... just saw, didn't talk (was busy dragging VERY HEAVY shopping bags with my mom and fully wrapped against cold, -20C today! otherwise i might have) and now i don't know how i feel about it.... :rolleyes:
i felt a tiny bit of anger and a tiny bit of excitement together, I guess..
there was never a closure to things between us... and me with a broken heart (hah, i still don't know what expectations I had in the first place...), so this was almost like ripping up a stitch.
A whole 3,5 years has passed in a meanwhile... and he has now moved into the same town with me at least, so maybe now's a good time to try to find this closure, cause i know that meeting him some day in the future is inevitable anyway, but to avoid this awkward moment then, maybe it's better to try and contact him now at least. :hmm: i had that plan anyway...
:hug: for all having tough times. (and to those that aren't, too)

I am not suicidal. I forgot how this felt. Knowing soul-sucking sadness can pass. Even if I fall in again, I know I had this moment.

:happydance: :loveshower:
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the other day i saw a car pull into the driveway of my old house. i came so close to pulling over and saying "i used to live here". but i didn't.
I had so much fun this week and was busier than ever despite being unemployed. If I wasn't so financially insecure, I might be really having a ball! :wink: But I've been painting like crazy and sleeping better at night, so maybe getting fired has made me more productive. When God closes a door...
So i seen Thin Lizzy on Wedensday Night, met Scott Gorham (guitarist) after, such a rocking night!!!!
I had so much fun this week and was busier than ever despite being unemployed. If I wasn't so financially insecure, I might be really having a ball! :wink: But I've been painting like crazy and sleeping better at night, so maybe getting fired has made me more productive. When God closes a door...

This is wonderful! :hug:
I had so much fun this week and was busier than ever despite being unemployed. If I wasn't so financially insecure, I might be really having a ball! :wink: But I've been painting like crazy and sleeping better at night, so maybe getting fired has made me more productive. When God closes a door...

Thanks, I do hope so too. It would be quite a change to finally find someone who genuinely likes me. I've been alone for far too long.
I'm not entirely sure as I don't know him that well, but he did get cuddly after a bunch of beers at uni thursday eve. Plus he loves gaming as much as I do, does the same study and he does martial arts as well, so we at least got a couple of things in common.
I was in Washington, DC for the first time in my life this week. I had the choice of checking out some iconic places in my country's capital or hanging out with a friend in his (very posh) hotel suite while he did an interview and then yoga.

...my friend looks mighty fine in his skivvies and is very flexible.

I was in Washington, DC for the first time in my life this week. I had the choice of checking out some iconic places in my country's capital or hanging out with a friend in his (very posh) hotel suite while he did an interview and then yoga.

...my friend looks mighty fine in his skivvies and is very flexible.


Good choice!:shifty:
I was in Washington, DC for the first time in my life this week. I had the choice of checking out some iconic places in my country's capital or hanging out with a friend in his (very posh) hotel suite while he did an interview and then yoga.

...my friend looks mighty fine in his skivvies and is very flexible.


Like! :love:
so everyone has started wearing those flat peak baseball/basketball/football caps backwards lately, and i want in, and since i love Outkast, i'm going to buy an Atlanta cap, instead of a NY one like everyone else.
I was in Washington, DC for the first time in my life this week. I had the choice of checking out some iconic places in my country's capital or hanging out with a friend in his (very posh) hotel suite while he did an interview and then yoga.

...my friend looks mighty fine in his skivvies and is very flexible.

Groupie!!! :D
I'm not entirely sure as I don't know him that well, but he did get cuddly after a bunch of beers at uni thursday eve. Plus he loves gaming as much as I do, does the same study and he does martial arts as well, so we at least got a couple of things in common.

Best of Luck Galeongirl! With having several things in common is a good start.

Is missing someone special today...
I'm starting to hope that the old "boys tease girls when they like them" saying is true...

aww...:) so it's the end for the prettyboy now that the new one is on sight? :up:
*fingers crossed*
good that you two have mutual interests :)

Is missing someone special today...

:hug: sucks when you miss someone so badly but they are not around/you just can't be with them for some reason...

:sad: I caved in. The pressure got too much. I had no choice. They kept talking me into it.

:wink: I now have a facebook account.

:lol::lol: didn't you just mention to me once to stay strong???
i'm saying - they have a whole army of headhunters for FB! aim is to get EVERYONE in there... evil system!
well, i might stalk you too :) luckily i'm still not a very active user, but i have at least done a little something in my profile... which remembers me - i still haven't added cute guy, must do that, soon!
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