Random Facts and Confessions #9

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Sorry Rachel!:hug: It sucks to be treated in such a disrespectful manner! I hope you find a job you love soon!:D
Usually at this time on a Sunday night, I am all tense and stressed because of going back to work on Monday. But I early-retired from the university last week, and I never have to go there again--and I am so rested and relaxed! :D
Happy retirement!:hyper: I remember you mentioning it a while back!:cute:

Enjoy it! :hug:
:hug: That's a crock! I believe that things happen for a reason, and I'm glad you will now have a chance to do something else, something you will like better! Still, it's rotten, having to deal with people like that. :angry:

I agree, things do happen for a reason. I needed some motivation to move on and get a better job, and now I have it. It's still upsetting and shocking to lose a job that suddenly; that's never happened to me before.

Sorry Rachel!:hug: It sucks to be treated in such a disrespectful manner! I hope you find a job you love soon!:D

Thanks. :hug: I still feel anxious and tense tonight but I'm planning to go look for a job tomorrow before the weather gets bad again.
shiiiiiiit wow

a girl i went to school with (i would have last seen her almost six years ago) died in thailand in the last few days due to food poisoning. i genuinely would not have known or cared had i not seen the thumbnail image of her face on a news site and opened the story having barely recognised her.

after some facebook sleuthing, it's her. i didn't know her....but fuck me it's weird knowing someone i somewhat knew is dead.

:love: sending you buckets and buckets of :heart: and :loveshower: ~ enjoy beautiful lady :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks, Lovely! So far it has been recovery and celebration--sleeping 10 hours a night! MrPurrl says that I'm "getting some color back to my face", that I'd been very, very pale for quite a while. No wonder!

Now I need to figure out what the new "normal" is. But that will be a joy, too! :love:
thanks guys.

i probably never said a word to her...but fuck it's weird. i'm 20-something. having at least two people i know so far dying is just fucked. i always knew shit was going to happen to people i know, but i was hoping it wouldn't be in 2011.

seriously weird. i'm not upset as such...it just makes you appreciate what you have and how lucky you are to have a future.

That hits really close to home, when someone your age passes away. It makes you realize just how fragile life really is!:hug: I remember someone from my high school dying just after we graduated. We didn't really know each other, but you feel almost invinceable at that age.
Sorry to hear that coolian. I know how you feel and it can be very sad. I had a similar thing happen years ago but I never forget it and still think about it often. When I was in my late twenties and had my first kid I decided to sell Avon for a while to pick up a little extra money. I started visiting houses in the neighborhood I grew up in and one day I was in the living room of a lady I'd never met and there was a senior photo of a guy I went to school with. He was a great guy, so funny, and just everyone liked him. I was so excited to see it and said oh my gosh are you his mom?! She said yes and asked how I knew him. I was anxious to hear what he'd been doing since we graduated. And then she told me he was killed on graduation night by a drunk driver. Definitely one of those moments in life that hits you hard. :(
on graduation night? ouch, that's awful. :(

so far i can think of two people i know around my age that have died. strangely though i think they both happened before i was 18 (one classmate committed suicide when he was 14, and a former coworker died in a car crash, i think it was). like een said it just makes you appreciative, or it makes me anyway.
Usually at this time on a Sunday night, I am all tense and stressed because of going back to work on Monday. But I early-retired from the university last week, and I never have to go there again--and I am so rested and relaxed! :D

Congrats and enjoy your much desevrved stress free time! :hug:

Coolian sorry to hear. It is a scary thing when something like that happens. Makes me appreciate each day I have with family and friends. Life is just too short and sometimes we don't even relize it.
on graduation night? ouch, that's awful. :(

so far i can think of two people i know around my age that have died. strangely though i think they both happened before i was 18 (one classmate committed suicide when he was 14, and a former coworker died in a car crash, i think it was). like een said it just makes you appreciative, or it makes me anyway.

Yeah grad night, as awful as it already is, somehow that makes it seem worse. :( Even though he wasn't a close friend, it was really one of those surreal moments that hit you hard. He was really awesome, the class clown, but so smart and funny, so much ahead of him. It had been 10 years since we graduated. The fact that he'd missed out on his life for nothing was just devastating.
On grad night, damn that's cruel faith. That's what I hate so much about drunk drivers. They ruin so much, kill people or animals or whatever, and themselves? They usually don't even have a bloody scratch! If you wanna be an asshole idiot and drunk drive, don't go crash into a tree or something, not into a human! :doh:
thanks guys.

i probably never said a word to her...but fuck it's weird. i'm 20-something. having at least two people i know so far dying is just fucked. i always knew shit was going to happen to people i know, but i was hoping it wouldn't be in 2011.

seriously weird. i'm not upset as such...it just makes you appreciate what you have and how lucky you are to have a future.


This↑ :up:

Sorry to hear that coolian. I know how you feel and it can be very sad. I had a similar thing happen years ago but I never forget it and still think about it often. When I was in my late twenties and had my first kid I decided to sell Avon for a while to pick up a little extra money. I started visiting houses in the neighborhood I grew up in and one day I was in the living room of a lady I'd never met and there was a senior photo of a guy I went to school with. He was a great guy, so funny, and just everyone liked him. I was so excited to see it and said oh my gosh are you his mom?! She said yes and asked how I knew him. I was anxious to hear what he'd been doing since we graduated. And then she told me he was killed on graduation night by a drunk driver. Definitely one of those moments in life that hits you hard. :(

Wow :sigh: And especially on grad night. How tragic. :sad:

I remember back in high school - I must have been about 14-15 years old. The principal came on the PA to make an announcement to all the classes. Apparently this girl (Lindsay) on the volleyball team passed away in her sleep over the weekend. No apparent cause of death. I still remember her. We weren't friends, but I knew her name, and she sat near me in a class I believe. Freaky to say the least. :(
yeah, they announced my classmate's death over the pa as well, though i wanna say i found out first when i was in said class. the one thing i remember was the funeral was on a school day and our principal wasn't going to allow anyone to leave school to go to it since it was a suicide. :| i didn't know the guy very well so it's not like i wanted to go, but he had a lot of friends and it's just...ugh. she was a major bitch so it wasn't a huge surprise (the last school she'd been at wrote an article where the first letter of each paragraph was basically a dig at her) but still.
:sad: . . . and as for the teacher Khan :sigh: . . . a few years ago a girl at the College I now work at took her own life, she was only 14 :(; I don't know why and I did not know her. My daughter knew of her, and most of the girls at the College were extremely upset by the whole affair. Thankfully, the Principal at the time was much more sympathetic and encouraged the girls to mourn her loss, and also to celebrate the time they had with her; he gave them time to share their stories / memories of her and reflect . . . there was a special mass held for all the students the day before the girls funeral and on the day of the funeral, any student who wished too was allowed to attend . . . in the end nearly the whole school went and they formed a guard of honour as she was taken from the church; it was a touching moment to witness and one that the poor girls mother still holds dear to this day.
i've been studying and working whole week in a row and haven't done anything else! well done, I think! i haven't had that much concentration in a long time! i intend to keep it for a while, hopefully :D
hate the lack of sleep and tired eyes though...
They say life doesn't give you more than you can handle. Well life, here is a news flash. I'VE HAD ENOUGH!:|
lost count of the amount of times i've watched that film clip.

- picking up my bro from school the other day, the first teacher i ran into of course was my Lit teacher for Year 11. and i am still in love with her. i don't think i'm even joking. we get along so well. and she's so hot. :heart: damn husband.
So you know how I said I lost my job? Well, it turns out my former boss owes me unemployment and that's why she was trying to get me to say that I quit. If you get fired for a non-grievous offense, then you're eligible for unemployment, but not if you quit. I had to get a lawyer to send her a letter, and if she refuses to give me what she owes, then there's going to be a hearing.

I remember telling her on the phone that I can't quit because she already fired me, but she was trying to say that I wasn't fired; I don't think I actually said "I quit," but now I'm worried that she might have recorded our conversation. I don't think I said anything that could be used against me, but I was really mad and I don't remember everything.

She said, "You don't want a firing on your record, do you?" Now I know that she wasn't concerned about my record, she was just looking out for herself.

I'm almost scared to look for another job. What kind of nutcase will I find next?
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