Quiz: Which AIM smiley are you?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Giant Lemon

Rock n' Roll Doggie
Apr 4, 2001
out in the slipstream


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Nobody believes for a second that you're an angel. Shoot, AIM doesn't even believe it. They just included this smiley because they didn't have any other ideas. LIAR!
I got

Embarassed? Blushing? Nobody is really sure what this one is for. Do people not understand you? Are you confused? Try again and change an answer. Maybe you'll get a smiley people understand

Can you say middle of the road? It's neither a smile nor a frown. You're what we like to call average. Got it? Nothing special....go one way or the other for Pete's sake!!!

ah fuck i'm BORING! *thinks: just a stupid internet quiz, just a stupid internet quiz*


Your secret's safe with me. Kinda like a black hole, everything goes in....nothing comes out. Not exactly a bad thing but cracking a smile every now and then probably wouldn't hurt. Give it a shot.

LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:


oops, wrong thread, thank god 98% of you have no clue what that was about:angel:

:eyebrow: :shifty: yeah i'm kind of scared now...
AngelofLarrydom said:

Flexible, huh? You might not always say the right thing at the right time,
but you can put your foot in your mouth which is pretty cool all by itself.
Now if you could juggle with your foot in your mouth,
you could be a clown in the circus. Sound fun?


hehehe i still think that one looks like it's mouth was stepped on


You can't buy happiness. You can however go out and buy toys which will make you happy. Try Silly String. Shoot it at unsuspecting old ladies in the grocery store parking lot. When that's boring buy candy and get a sugar buzz.

Scared ya, didn't I? Never fear...being scared of your own shadow isn't a bad thing. Unless you're a shadow. Then...umm...see where I'm going with that? My suggestion: Stay in a very dark room. It won't help your tan, but you won't see your shadow either.

You can't buy happiness. You can however go out and buy toys which will make you happy. Try Silly String. Shoot it at unsuspecting old ladies in the grocery store parking lot. When that's boring buy candy and get a sugar buzz.

AIM smilies suck anyway
AngelofLarrydom said:
IWasBored said:


hehehe i still think that one looks like it's mouth was stepped on

You know I just notice that it's a foot imprint!!!

Bwah! So did I... :shifty:

You have noooo idea how long I've wondered what the hell that smiley was. I sorta always thought he had a cigar in his mouth. :der:

Btw, apparently I'm boring too. :grumpy:

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You are the


Embarassed? Blushing? Nobody is really sure what this one is for. Do people not understand you? Are you confused? Try again and change an answer. Maybe you'll get a smiley people understand

What a crappy smilie!:madspit:
I'm the ;)<BR><A HREF="http://www.imaddict.com/survey-smiley.php">Which smiley are you?</A>

Slim Shady is your name. Keeping secrets is your game. Everyone knows you've got the info and they know you'll share...but only if the price is right. This is called a business opportunity

yeh, what-evah ;)

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