PLEBAn Girls Party: No Eyeliner on the Horizon!

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The snippet that's floating around YouTube isn't the new single... but I've been good and haven't listened to it, nor to anything else... I'm waiting (im)patiently for Monday ;)
that isnt the snippet on youtube that she posted there.
its from this radio station person's blog. its GOYB....and its real :)
Hey girls :wave:

Busy weekend here... was out last night, going out tonight and probably tomorrow... need to go out soon and find a birthday card.


We're still looking for a new rental house... we might have to move further from the city if we want a nice house in our price range. Ah well.

I don't think now is a good time to move to the UK... well, I'm putting my move off, anyway. You probably would find it a lot easier to find work than I would, though, Zooey! Good luck with it :hug:

And hello to Harley.GirlU2 and EITS (whose name I can't remember :reject: ) :wave:
Hey girls :wave:

Busy weekend here... was out last night, going out tonight and probably tomorrow... need to go out soon and find a birthday card.


We're still looking for a new rental house... we might have to move further from the city if we want a nice house in our price range. Ah well.

I don't think now is a good time to move to the UK... well, I'm putting my move off, anyway. You probably would find it a lot easier to find work than I would, though, Zooey! Good luck with it :hug:

And hello to Harley.GirlU2 and EITS (whose name I can't remember :reject: ) :wave:

hi there! u can call me Ali :)lol:)
and good luck with finding a nice house :wave:
Hey girls :wave:

Busy weekend here... was out last night, going out tonight and probably tomorrow... need to go out soon and find a birthday card.


We're still looking for a new rental house... we might have to move further from the city if we want a nice house in our price range. Ah well.

I don't think now is a good time to move to the UK... well, I'm putting my move off, anyway. You probably would find it a lot easier to find work than I would, though, Zooey! Good luck with it :hug:

And hello to Harley.GirlU2 and EITS (whose name I can't remember :reject: ) :wave:

haha its ok!
Adrienne but call me Adge :D
:hug: Here's a pic of him I took as a sorta consolation prize


i remember that day :heart:

Meeting you girls and the awesome gig. Very Happy memories :heart:

I have fleas in my bed.

I cannot sleep.

Mr G is away tonight.

I'm hearing noises that aren't there.

Moral of the story?? De-flea your house in the summer ,and don't drink Coke before bed.


HEY THERE PLEBANS!!!!!! :hyper: :wave: :hug: :kiss:
Gluey!!!! :hug::hug:

Fleas?! :yikes:

I'm all hyper on chocolate... we had dinner for a friend's birthday and went to one of these fancy chocolate boutique cafe things for dessert... omg... :drool: :hyper:
never came in here before but the teen thread is kinda dead..

This place has been a little slow lately too. :shrug:

The snippet that's floating around YouTube isn't the new single... but I've been good and haven't listened to it, nor to anything else... I'm waiting (im)patiently for Monday ;)

me too. It's hard though, with that link right up there on the very page I'm on.

Busy weekend here... was out last night, going out tonight and probably tomorrow... need to go out soon and find a birthday card.


We're still looking for a new rental house... we might have to move further from the city if we want a nice house in our price range. Ah well.

I don't think now is a good time to move to the UK... well, I'm putting my move off, anyway. You probably would find it a lot easier to find work than I would, though, Zooey! Good luck with it

And hello to Harley.GirlU2 and EITS (whose name I can't remember :reject: ) :wave:

You're such a partysaurus, Ali! I'm probably going out tonight since the boys will be gone.
The whole point of us selling our house was to move farther away from the city center to get a bigger house so I know what you mean. But I think it's different when you're younger and unattached, as opposed to having a kid and looking for the good schools and a yard to play in and all. :rolleyes:

I hope that didn't come off as a 'Smug Married' as Bridget Jones would say :lol:

And we too have put off our UK/Ireland plans for a couple years. To wait til the boy's a little older, mainly.


I have fleas in my bed.

I cannot sleep.

Mr G is away tonight.

I'm hearing noises that aren't there.

Moral of the story?? De-flea your house in the summer ,and don't drink Coke before bed.
:huh: bummer :huh:

I'm sooo stupid... I've never realized we have an arcade with games :reject:

I played Simon Says twice and ended up second on the score board :D Yay me! :Yippie:

Oh, and the guy... I spoke to his little sister, as I said before, we used to be really tight friends, and it's kind of fun that we're at least talking again. She said that the guy I'm talking to is pretty much the only one who hasn't gone mental since they moved. So, even if he IS flirting, which I still don't know if he is, I think I'm gonna pass. I know how his mother is, I met her several times, and her daughter told me she's gone worse. Remember Monster-In-Law, only without the happy ending... :yuck:

Anyway, I'm off to bed! :wave: :hug:

:cute: You gamenerd you!

:lol: Oooookay, that sounds like a family you shoudl avoid. Perhaps run off with him to a deserted tropical island and spend your days doing the hula and foraging for fruits?
Hey Weldy. :wave: How are you, apart from cold.

At least its a bit better. I can not imagine living in that cold.

I can't imagine you pushing anyone out of the way. It certainly doesnt look like it from your picture. :)

I'm doing fine :D

Trust's really bad out here in the Chicagoland area :tsk:

I felt like I was accidently pushing one person out of the way....but that's just me :shrug:
I've been ill the past 2 days. :grumpy: I felt so awful yesterday at work. Really painful sore throat and ears, temperature but feeling cold, feeling sick. It sucked. I work on the phones all day so asked to do clerical work and got asked if i could go back on the phone and i felt so awful my throat killed, it literally hurt to say more than a few words, so i was like no i cant.I wanted to ask to go home but apparently i got told last time i went home early that too many people from my room are going home half way through the day so i thought even though my boyfriend and friend at work kept telling me to ask to go home it wasn't worth the grief of asking, though i felt shitty and just wanted my bed. The temperature and sore throat were killing me and craig told me today i looked like shit yesterday so i stayed in bed to rest today. Gonna rest for the rest of the weekend and hopefully will feel better by monday. :)

/end essay. ;)

:uhoh: Sounds like you got the flu Jem! Go to bed!

I have fleas in my bed.

I cannot sleep.

Mr G is away tonight.

I'm hearing noises that aren't there.

Moral of the story?? De-flea your house in the summer ,and don't drink Coke before bed.


HEY THERE PLEBANS!!!!!! :hyper: :wave: :hug: :kiss:


You never fail to make me laugh!

What on earth was in that coke? :eyebrow: Coke?
i remember that day :heart :

Meeting you girls and the awesome gig. Very Happy memories :heart:

QFT. Toronto, Chicago and Boston:memories::heart:

:crack :

I have fleas in my bed.

I cannot sleep.

Mr G is away tonight.

I'm hearing noises that aren't there.

Moral of the story?? De-flea your house in the summer ,and don't drink Coke before bed.


HEY THERE PLEBANS!!!!!! :hyper : :wave : :hug : :kiss :


I'm all hyper on chocolate... we had dinner for a friend's birthday and went to one of these fancy chocolate boutique cafe things for dessert... omg... :drool : :hyper :

OMG that boutique/chocolate thing sounds awesome. :drool:

I'm doing fine : D

Trust's really bad out here in the Chicagoland area :tsk :

I felt like I was accidently pushing one person out of the way....but that's just me :shrug :

If it was an accident you can't help that, so don't feel bad. :)

:uhoh: Sounds like you got the flu Jem! Go to bed!


Thats where i am now, in bed with heated blanket and hot water bottle! My thraot hurts like a mofo and my ears, started with a runny nose now. :crack: Still got a bit of a temprature aswell. Beechams is my friend. :heart:
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