PLEBA Girls (and the rest of the U2 world), UNITE!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


The Fly
Aug 3, 2001
Flower Mound, TX, USA
Ok, I've tried to post this before, but I don't think it went through. So, assuming it didn't work because it was too long, I'm taking my original post and chopping it into two or three sections, and posting them in order. Here goes.


So, tell me what you guys think about this plan.

I've been going to conventions with my friends for years: Anime, J-Rock (Japanese music), even Sherlock Holmes with my uncle. And I think it's about time we have a U2 convention.

I've "got the hookup" here in Dallas, where we could actually rent a hotel to use at our discretion. (sp? not that it matters...
) This is what they did with A-Kon and AnimeFEST (two anime conventions) in Dallas, and I just keep getting more and more ideas.

People would come from wherever they are to go to a convention. I think I can safely assume the Dallasites on here would go if it *is* in Dallas.

It would last an entire weekend, probably an extended one like Memorial or Labor Day weekend. Something like that. But it would definitely be in 2002, giving enough time to set it all up.

I can rent us a hotel, make a website for this, and give information to everybody. However, if someone's willing to help me in any aspect of the arrangement of this whole ordeal (should we decide to go with it), ALL HELP IS WELCOME!

Hell, I'll even contact Principle Management and see what they can do for us. I do have their phone numbers... Maybe get at least Ellen Darst or somebody to come.
(Free U2 show? Wouldn't THAT rock!)

(End of part 1. Part 2 soon to follow.)
YAY! IT WORKED! Finally! ...Begin part 2.


At all the other conventions I've been to, there's a Dealer Room where you can buy stuff going with the general theme, so I'm thinking about having people man some bootleg stations. I know I'd buy some!

There will be a fee to get in, but you can get a one day or a weekend pass to wear around your neck or clip somewhere on you that'll say that, yes, you belong here.

(This is about the point where I get insanely excited. "...While visions of U2 Cons danced in her head...")

So, the reason I'm posting this on PLEBA before anywhere else is because... Well, I figure the PLEBAians are generally going to be the most rabid of the fans. Yes? I know I am.

This is probably going to be one of those long posts that no one reads. And I'm terrible at coming up with catchy thread titles that'll make people click and read. I could just put "NUDE LARRY AND BONO PHOTOS" up and people would probably click, but then be sadly disappointed.

Yes, I know I ramble. I'm quite notorious for that.

(End of part 2. Part 3 coming sooner than you think.)
Enter part three, being the last. (with a picture, too!)

Anyway, who here would come? Anybody think they would? The general price range for a hotel room renal is around $50 a night, and a weekend pass would probably run around $30 or so. And, y'know, you don't HAVE to sleep; we can show concerts and random videos all night! Who wouldn't go for some R&H Bad at 2 AM? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. ("...While visions of sweaty Bonos danced in her head...")

I'm sorry, I have to do this.

Much better. Okay.

Let me know what you guys think about this whole U2 convention thing. Can anybody come up with a more creative title than I could? 'Cuz this could be quite a good thing for the U2 realm. Get to meet PLEBA peoples, #U2 people, people with no knowledge (Everything You Know Is Wrong), Wirelings, Rewirelings, Boy-Girls....I don't know any more big mailing lists/chats/mb's.... But, uh, yeah. Looking for some feedback here.

...Y'know, I *JUST* got why they call this section of Interference "Feedback". The early name for the band. ::slaps forehead, bows head:: If I only...had a brain........

OK! PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! TOO MANY OF MY POSTS HAVE GONE COMPLETELY IGNORED! REPLY NOW, PEOPLE! Or I shall be forced to sic my minions on you. And that would not be a pretty sight. ("Go get 'er, Bono!" "WOOO HOO! WOOOOOO HOO HOO! WOOOO HOO!...." ::bad PLEBAian drops dead:: "Good boy." :

I'm leaving now, I promise.

"I want to at least see Bono in my lifetime. Any of them, really. I want rock star cooties."

NO FB++++ N+++ C~# L+++ O++ CV++ UB4, UF7, JT10, ZO1, PO5
That sounds very tempting...very tempting.....but ya better make that 2003.... after this fall leg I'll be lucky if I can afford to feed myself let alone plan a trip to Dallas!!!

It sounds like a blast though......
biggrin.gif that sounds rather interesting, BoomCha!!!
*ponders* I have never been to any convention (I tend to be something of a *purist* in that you'll never see me at a Star Trek or other convention cos it bugs me to see people dressed up like them!) but certainly would be a fun thing to check out...

Soooo...any chance of getting any special GUESTS to appear at the first annual???
It would be so cool to have even someone from Principle or Ellen or...OOHH!! How about DALLAS SCHOO in Dallas, Texas!?!? How fun would that be?! (he's so adorable, I think he should have his own fanclub)

Sounds like fun!!

I think this is a very interesting idea! You know, I am surprised there is no north american "U2 CON" at all! I think there is a version of a convention in Europe ( I may be mistaken..)
I mean, what better time than when the band is together, most people don't do this until after a group splits up.
This would also be a great time to swap stories, meet fellow fans and possibly swap collectibles & the like. What a wonderful idea Boomcha, of course it will take alot of planning, I am all for it!! Count me in!

"Bass players attract the weirdest fans..." --Edge

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

Soooo...any chance of getting any special GUESTS to appear at the first annual???

That would rock. But first I'd have to see if anybody would actually *come* to this shindig.
As for Dallas in Dallas... That would be awesome. I wonder if we *could* get him... Hmmm.... How would we go about contacting him? Anybody got "connections"?

I'd have him sign my shoes.
My Dallas shoes. lol. He's got such a cool name.

Any other thoughts on this so far, guys?


NO FB++++ N+++ C~# L+++ O++ CV++ UB4, UF7, JT10, ZO1, PO5
hmmm...not a bad idea at all. I would certainly be tempted. Even if noone from PM/U2 turned up themselves (which, to be honest, I'd be very surprised at) it would be nice to meet a ton of other U2 fans.

A weekend-long U2 love-fest would be cool

I'd offer to help to organise things but I can't organise myself let alone anything ask Sula when she gets back

Might be able to help out on the web site though (I pretend to be a web developer mondays-fridays)
Well I'm glad at least some people are interested.
Could you guys all do me a big favor and try to get this word around? See how many people you can get interested in it. I'll give you all my e-mail address if there are any questions or anything.

I'm about to leave for work in a couple minutes (this is how addicted I am to PLEBA -- I go in to work at 10, but I wake up at 7 so I can have time to read this!), and directly after work I have a concert to go to... Any other Dallasites here going to it? It's the one with Blues Traveler, Josh Joplin Group, Carey Pierce and Chomsky. I'll be the one in the U2 shirt.

...Oh yeah, I was saying something. I won't have too much time tonight, but when I get home from the concert I'll try to work on getting an outline of everything down to post here and on the web and so people who decide to be my nice little minions passing around the word can have something to send to interested parties. Let's get this word out, I'm getting excited about it already!


NO FB++++ N+++ C~# L+++ O++ CV++ UB4, UF7, JT10, ZO1, PO5
But...I'm really too far from Dallas...I' live in Italy!!

However...let's organize all...I think it would be good:)

(I'll go away from home during the night...I'll take the first fly for in the films on tv!).
Originally posted by browneyedgirl:
That sounds very tempting...very tempting.....but ya better make that 2003.... after this fall leg I'll be lucky if I can afford to feed myself let alone plan a trip to Dallas!!!

It sounds like a blast though......

It is Indeed but better make it 2004 even 2005...I have an Army to finish!

But It`s a balst! I`ll deffenatelly be there...
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