PLEASE NJ 1 photos

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Sep 8, 2002
Hi, I was outside between 3 and 4 pm for Tuesday's show with the 40 or so others waiting for them to arrive. When Bono got out of the car he came immediately to the left side of the line (if you were standing there looking at the car) and I was one of the first people whose hand he shook and he talked to me for a min. I was wearing a black 3/4 length v neck shirt and jeans and had my hair in a ponytail, medium length brown hair.

Also, Adam posed for a picture with me which someone (not to mention any names HEADACHE IN A SUITCASE) supposedly took but he pushed the wrong button so I don't have it :down: :sad: :sad: :sad:

If you see me in any of your pictures PLEASE will you send them my way?!?!?! I am desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you very much.
nj 1 photos

I was also at the show on Tuesday night, 5/17, and I was in the front row of the ellipse. It was amazing as all you there with me know!! does anyone from that night standing around that area have pics they could post?? I didn't bring my camera and regret it so much!! thanks I would appreciate it tremendously!!!!
I have 100+ pics which I will post (I was front row of ellipse right in front of Edge) when I get home on Sunday.

But I am desperate for pictures of meeting the boys which took place around 3:30!!! I have to be in SOMEONE'S pic(s)!!!!!

:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
try posting in the plebans band meetings and sightings forum

they love their pics over there
I was there, I will send you my snapfish photos- not sure if you are in any of them but you can look. :)

I only grabbed a few photos of B, as I wanted to soak him up. :wink:
Thanks for your email....I was RIGHT next to some of the people I see in the pictures but I am not in any of them. :sad:

Thanks so much though :hug:
Ooh check out Zootopia if you haven't already. Somewhere on there yesterday I found a thread w/ pictures from this meeting.
I was there. I have great pics. I think I was the first one Bono came up to, so I doubt you are in any of mine then. E-Mail me at and I'll send you my link to where I put all my pics. I was in the ellipse that night as well and got good ones inside the show.
thank you :hug: yes i think you must have been standing right next to me so sadly i am not in any.....

your pics from the show are the best i have seen so far....:drool: :up: what is your secret
Usually I take about 150 pictures and wind up with 20 or so really good ones. I only have a little digital Sony cybershot camera. Plus Meadowlands was my third show of the tour so by then I knew when the best shots were going to be and when the lighting would be best.
Re: Re: Re: PLEASE NJ 1 photos

lauren430 said:


yeah it would be even greater if I actually had the photo :sad:


i'm supposed to be in this pic... but tony screwed up when he took it and zoomed in too far... that black shoulder is mine.

:shrug: it wasn't actually my camera... mine was missing (since been found :angry: ) i swiped my mom's camera just on a whim to see if i could get any shots... thus why i wasn't handy with it. it's a bit more advanced than my digital.
thanks :up:

but I am not in that one :|


I got one today though from someone named Marie! Bono and myself! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: Too bad I look demented in it. I think I was laughing or just giddy from the excitement :banghead:
got them thanks :up:

still no pics with me in them though... looks like you were right next to me :shrug: oh well... i need to find someone who was on the side close to the ramp who snapped some pictures...
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