Please - Chapter 23

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Aaand, Larry was about to have another go. You know, when I see it like this, it sounds like a very shitty fic.
The cancer scare was in Adrift which sort of turned me on to Bono. MW had Gloria who was like a press agent on the 360 tour. She'd had an affair with Bono during Zoo, Larry at the end of Vertigo then wound back with Bono during 360. Wow, she kind of sounds like a slut when I write it out like that. :lol:
Ha, I remembered all that. :shifty: Please finish this story even if you don't like it or want to... I'm still attracted! Although Please is miles better.
Zoo Bono... we could use some of that. :D

This chapter was pretty relieving, I think. I feel bad for Larry but now that I think about it, I don't really like his style. He's not a good lover. I'm just happy Bono can have Faith now! The chapter's end sure was a surprise... and I found a couple more unintentional song references. Maybe I just listen to songs with commonly used lyrics.

I know it sounds strange, but if Alex and Edge go ahead- which I want them to- I'd feel pretty bad for Morleigh. I don't know why, because obviously she and Edge are not working out. But I feel like she deserves someone...
I don't know why, but Morleigh in this story bothers me. Probably how awkward she is with B's kids...
Please was a more thought out story. MW I just started writing without only a plot idea. Please had more meat to it. But i'll finish MW. I might dabble in some fluff too since MW is also heavy. Plus I've been giving Elevation Bono a lot of consideration.

I'm glad you like the outcome. I made Faith and Larry's relationship awkward for that reason. That happens, the guy you think is the answer to your prayers turns out to just not work out. That's what happened in this case.
I like this glad Faith finally told Bono that she really does love was eating her up inside for so long not telling him. And nice cliff hanger at the end of this chapter...lookinf forward to the next chapter.
Awesome story. Your writing has me hook, line, and sinker.

I might suggest two songs for this segment. Had you ended it before the mother entered the waiting room, I would have cued up a song called "Baby I Lied" by Deborah Allen.

Deborah Allen - Baby I Lied (1983) - YouTube

But instead, I would end this segment with the opening bars of the overture of "Hang 'em High"

Great Western Movie Themes - YouTube
GopherMacPhisto said:
Awesome story. Your writing has me hook, line, and sinker.

I might suggest two songs for this segment. Had you ended it before the mother entered the waiting room, I would have cued up a song called "Baby I Lied" by Deborah Allen.

Deborah Allen - Baby I Lied (1983) - YouTube

But instead, I would end this segment with the opening bars of the overture of "Hang 'em High"

Great Western Movie Themes - YouTube

I had no idea the chapter would end there until I wrote the last line. Of course, I can't remember the song I used now. But thank you for your words. I am glad that people are entertained by my delusions. I considered making future fiction more private but I am having second thoughts on that.
I'm actually working on some right now. This chapter is slow going. The last 2 flew by so quickly because I had them written in my head for months. This one is picking up all the pieces and carrying on with the tour. Plus, we are finally coming to the end of I'm trying to sort out those details - final scene.....that's sad and exciting because this will be my first completed work ever. Kind of sad its fan fiction.
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