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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
the killerwhaletank
I've sent this to the plagiariser, and the person who was in charge of the old archives, with nothing done. I don't know who to e-mail now besides Elvis.

In the U2 Guitar Archive (now part of Interference) someone's blatantly plagiarised my tab for The Hands that Built America (the first one written for the song). The plagiariser is someone named ChildOfGod27 (

It's clearly the same tab, right down to the number of dashes between notes in the piano tab.

The only difference is that instead of "End with Am" like it has on my tab, this tab has "End - Am".

U2Log also had my guitar tab as the first one, it's probably still in the archives.

If someone besides Elvis is in charge of the U2GA, please remove the fake tab. If Elvis is in charge of this and you see this Joel, please do me a favor and remove the plagiarised one. It really chaps my ass that I spent hours making a tab and then someone else just copied and pasted it and now it sits right underneath mine on the page.

ARGH, someone did that to one of my Walk On tabs two years or so ago. Bugged the crap out of me.

I hope something gets done about this! :up:
mkdominatr said:
You can plagiarise tabs? its not your song though anyway.

Of course you can. Working out each and every note played in a four minute-plus song can be brutal sometimes. To have someone take your work and pass it off as their own is no worse than copying someone's poetry...

Okay, okay, I was exaggerating... but it's still really aggravating, and it shouldn't be allowed.
It's annoying as hell.

I spent a couple of hours figuring things out, typing, spacing notes, making sure chord changes were perfectly aligned...

Then this dickhead comes and just goes "Copy" "Paste", changes the name, and there you go. :mad:
damn. i'm sorry that happened to you DaveC.

i've done guitar tabs before, and i know well that it takes a long time make.
DaveC said:
It's annoying as hell.

I spent a couple of hours figuring things out, typing, spacing notes, making sure chord changes were perfectly aligned...

Then this dickhead comes and just goes "Copy" "Paste", changes the name, and there you go. :mad:

Sorry to hear this Dave! I hope the copy will be removed quickly. Thanks a lot for your work on tabs! Just to let you know - your work is very much appreciated! Thank you.
no idea...he's got a forum account though whoever he is... :shrug:

I'm thinking about e-mailing Elvis about this
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