PGP: Waiting for U2 to Blow Out the Tumbleweeds

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
No, sadly, I've never been to any U2 concerts, ever :( Was hoping to catch them this time around, but I didn't have enough money
That spanking really threw me in for a loop, I didn't think he had it in him! :shifty:

I'm in Sweden

Ah ok!

Yeah the spanking has thrown us all a pretty good loop :macdevil:

There's an Edge spank somewhere too, but I can't remember if we have a gif:


Including these pics with the updates... for no reason at all. :shifty:







MY EYES!!!!! I need an eyepatch please!!:shifty::shifty::shifty:

ETA: we are now at 11 guests! :lmao:
Yay, I was able to shift my work schedule around so that I'm working in Waterloo tomorrow, and now I get to see Sarah on her actual birthday. :)

Although I guess I did see her last year on her birthday day, but we spent most of the day at the hospital getting her broken leg casted, so that was under less than pleasant circumstance. :lol:

So comet, tell me - is there a theme in that last set of pics you posted? :wink:
I'm doing fine at the moment, VP, been diagnosed with borderline and social phobia, though, so it's a roller coaster :lol: How about you, and Sarah?
Theme?? :hmm: I haz no idea whutcher talkin bout. :wink:



I'm doing fine at the moment, VP, been diagnosed with borderline and social phobia, though, so it's a roller coaster :lol: How about you, and Sarah?

We're well, thanks! Haven't been on much in the past few months till recently, been busy.

Glad that you got a diagnosis. Have you started treatment? It'll get easier. :hug:
I had the second of four information meetings today, and then I'll start the "real" therapy. I've heard lots of great things about the therapy, some sort of mix between cognitive behavioral therapy and Zen buddhism. I think it's Dialectal Behavioral Therapy in English :p
Oh my... all that leather goodness makes it hard to focus. But I loved Adam's shirt! It looks so comfortable! :drool: want...
So I was nearly heartbroken today when I couldn't get on Blue Crack. Our network had blocked it :scream: But then I realized that the whole network was messed up, so I'm hoping to be back to work lurkin' tomorrow. :shifty:
No! Link plz?

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There's also a part 2 there too.

It takes A WHILE for the video to load. Just leave the window open and do something else while you wait, it will eventually start playing!

They are REALLY cute in this interview. OMG. I loved when Edge said Bono's not perfect, and he'd be a lot less interesting if he was. Bono's reaction... "ooh!" :drool:

:tongue: Enjoy!

Turns out my throat infection left my immune system wide open for other germs. Now I got bronchitis. :grumpy: Going on pennicillin for a week and it should be better. Good thing I went to the docter, cause in a few days I would've gotten pneumonia off it. Lungs are rather full with fluid.

:coughcoughsneezespluttergoobcough: Hah! :tongue:

Glad you've got some antibiotics! Bronchitis is plenty bad enough... I can't share your medicine though, I'm allergic to penicillin or however you spell that.

Get well soon!

Oh ick! Gg that's awful! Hope you feel better soon. :hug: You too Ali!

Ta! I'm definitely on the mend, back at work today. :sigh:

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