PGP: Saluting Right Back at Bono

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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They all look amazing! And they seem to be having the time of their lives :heart:

they really do. And I love the extra enthusiasm they're beaming out!!!!!
They know it possibly could have turned out differently, and it didn't! Happy cheers!

Mercy and I are doing good, she's two now and getting better everyday :heart:

:heart::heart: Sg & Mercy :heart::heart:

~*very wonderful*~ to hear this SG!

hope i'll catch you sooner or later!:wave:
So playing YBR for the 25th time (I did actually listen to the rest of the cd this time!) has inspired me to make a Bono sexy mix. What needs to be on it? I haven't given it a great deal of thought, but so far I have:

Velvet Dress
Night and Day
All I Want Is You
Lemon (the sexy remix, can't remember what it's called, but it's really hot, lol)
The Ground Beneath Her Feet
Never Let Me Go

i know I must be missing some really obvious ones,


Big Girls Are Best
Beautiful Ghost/Introduction To Songs Of Experience (yes this is part instrumental and part spoken word as he's quoting William Blake, but DAMN... and that's coming from a NON-Bono girl!)
Love Comes Tumbling
An Cat Dubh (can't believe you forgot that one!)
Hawkmoon 269 :)tsk: forgetting the sexiest song on R&H)
Do You Feel Loved
Trip Through Your Wires
I'm finally finished. :crack: :relief: I only had to stay an hour later than normal, which was better than I had expected. I put in my earbuds and blared the tunes, so that helped with my productivity. I'm going to a friend's house for dinner, so I fully expect to be drinking copious amounts of wine. My eyes and brain feel fried. Time to head home and relax for a bit before heading out for dinner. :)
Thora, glad everything worked out for you, what a relief. :hug:

Drea, I got Passengers at The Beat Goes On - Used CD Outlet - Buy and sell used CDs, DVDs and Games They don't have one in Toronto, but they have a really good search engine on that site where you can look up the stock at all stores and either order it and have it shipped to your house, or to your local store. If they don't have what you're looking for, you can also sign up for an e-mail alert when they get it in. I've found a few U2 goodies that way, and that's also the store where Sarah got the print for me that they signed. :) That's where I found the Million Dollar Hotel soundtrack too, and some cd singles.
Just ordered my mom's Chicago ticket. Section 130, row 11, seat 11 :D

She doesn't know yet. She knows I've been looking for a ticket for her, but I didn't tell her I ordered it. I'm gonna surprise her. She actually asks me everyday if I found her a ticket yet :wink:

That is great Kristen!:applaud:

I am glad things worked out Thora! Enjoy your dinner out.

I am having a pretty shitty day myself! It is just one of those days!!:huh:

I am looking forward to tomorrow's concert, and whatever new pics it might bring!:shifty:
hi VP! cool store!

did you get any sleep?! Ho0w was the rest of your day?

I slept from 9A ish to 12:30P. The I couldn't find my keys to get some where (in time) so I slpet agaim from 3:30P - 6P

ANd before I went back to sleep--- I found my keys! :der:

I usually have them on the tablette thats part of the stnding lamp near the outer door. I Usuially put them there when i come in. Sometimes I keep them in my pocket IF I thinnk I'm going to drag the big garbage out side. ANd on occasaion I keep them in my pocketbook.

Nope, nada, Zippop thye were NO where to be found for a while.

THEN when i went to turn on the computer I said/saws "what's this?" WHY was my laptop Tilted!
ooOOOHHhhhhooo -- I had put them UNDER tyhe laptop!( My keys have a big crocheted layard thingie to help me find them in a stuffed pocketbook!:lol:
I wanted my computer to cool down faster- since we HAD been on all night, so that was easiest thing i could grab and stick them under there!!!

THAT's NOT happening again with these keys!:lol: they're im my pocketbook now:der: :lmao:
GG and Ali : hug:
LONG time no see!

I'm doing good! How are you?

Better late than never...

SG!! :hug: Good to see you. :D Glad to hear you and Mercy are doing well.

I've been flat out lately, and I dunno how good my internet's going to be for a while after I move on the weekend... but can't complain overall. :)

Girly cards? Then I'm even more glad with this one! : lol: My friends already gave me a pink barbie for my birthday, wrapped in a twilight poster, so I have plenty of girly shit around. : wink: They also gave me the House dvd box of 1-5 so I guess I can't complain..

Ye gods... are you still friends with them? *L* I'm surprised you didn't hold a ritual burning or something... :wink:

Ah yeah, all that House would have made up for it. :up:

Damn , Bono will like your name!

I might try the "Hey, you!" option once in a while: lol:

Thank goodness. I hope everything goes well and you like you new home !

Heheh, I haven't had a chance to find out yet... I'm sure he's met hundreds of Alisons by now. :wink:

Huh, what, yes? :D

Ta! I'm moving in with some other friends so at least we all know each other. :)

Ali's phone crapped out on her due to the leather. : wink: She can't reply to the thread anymore.

I was about to reply with stuff like the above, and the stupid phone wouldn't let me click the Reply button... :madwife: Something must have melted in it...!

Am posting now from work... :shh: Can't spend too long on the blue screen, so it's taking me forever to reply. *L*

I do! friend me. :)

Hope you don't mind if I stalk friend you on FB too...! :shifty:
Amy :hug:

Hey Dazzled. :hug: Yeah, I finally got a several hours, after trying in the morning but being kept awake by a series of calls about my mom from my sister and a nurse at the home, which resulted in me wanting to go there and throttle her new doctor. :|

I'm so out of it now. I'm tired, cranky, achy, and I don't know if I should go back to bed, get going and do things...bleh.

Glad you found your keys!
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