PGP: No, YOU come up with the thread title!

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Yugh. I still think she didn't deserve that money. She stressed the fuck out of everyone and had you and Jemma find a new hostel to stay at and cost you even more money. Fuckin' bitch.
I shall add these to the Oh to be that bottle club. :drool:



Damn. Well, I'll bide my time, til you least suspect it. :shifty:


Vegas :heart:

I wish we'd have crossed to the other side of the road,Comet :sigh:
Poor guy. :( I'm surprised he didn't just sit down.

At least he hopped off the back of the drum riser before he fell off!
Yeah, for real. I can't believe with that heat, he wouldn't have just opted to wear something else entirely.

It's not like the show would have been impacted for him not to wear leather.

Yes, it would be sad for those ladies in the front row who waited all day long in the heat to see The Leather, but .... the short sleeves and (maybe?) jeans would have subbed in nicely. :wink:
Dang, he doesn't make any of the big notes.. he's really struggling there. :( Poor B. Look at Sam and Phil keeping a close eye on him!
Oh wow. :sad: If anyone had any doubts about Bono struggling that night in New York, watch this, from 4:15 on, it's actually hard for me to watch now again. At the time I was more worried for him than being able to enjoy the song.

U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name live Meadowlands New Jersey 07/20/11 MULTI-CAM - YouTube

Too bad the end cuts off, since right then Edge went up to him and put his arm around him and it was just really sweet.

I never had doubts about it, but it really looked like he was gonna pass out a few times :ohmy:
So after my email the other night from "she who will no longer be mentioned" i paid her off. I used NI's paypal account and DIDN'T email her . Just best to get rid once and for all

*off to disinfect my hands*


Oh wow. :sad: If anyone had any doubts about Bono struggling that night in New York, watch this, from 4:15 on, it's actually hard for me to watch now again. At the time I was more worried for him than being able to enjoy the song.

U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name live Meadowlands New Jersey 07/20/11 MULTI-CAM - YouTube

Too bad the end cuts off, since right then Edge went up to him and put his arm around him and it was just really sweet.

Awwww that is tough to watch. Poor B :therethere:
Yeah, for real. I can't believe with that heat, he wouldn't have just opted to wear something else entirely.

It's not like the show would have been impacted for him not to wear leather.

Yes, it would be sad for those ladies in the front row who waited all day long in the heat to see The Leather, but .... the short sleeves and (maybe?) jeans would have subbed in nicely. :wink:

He was actually in jeans that night, no leather pants. :wink: But yeah, take off the damn jacket!! :doh:

You can see he was causing his stage assistant (Phil?) much grief too, poor guy was following him around ready to catch him if he fell all night. See him rush up behind the drums as B is getting down? He did keep coming up on stage to check on him during the show. :up:
I was actually happy when I saw he was wearing the jeans that night, :shifty: because they tend to fit him nicely, and I'd already seen plenty of the leather.


He didn't have to hike them all night. I remember Montreal 1, he was constantly hitching his britches. The second night he wore the jeans, which weren't leather, but weren't denim.

It's here. The DVD starts with a very grainy version of the Kmart press conference and then the MTV version. Then a few interviews on top of the hotel with MTV and some other news outfits. I think VOB 4 is where Kurt Loder's interview on the opening of POP begin. When I saw the extreme close up of a shadeless Bono, I nearly passed out. My dace looked like this:
wow,it would take me 1week 4days to download this.:doh::madspit:
Were they invisible space pants?

.... because seriously, we could not see if your ass was out of this world or not.
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